Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 896 Conan: Vodka! Stay away from Jiangxia! Asking for monthly ticket

Chapter 896 Conan: Vodka! Stay away from Jiangxia! Asking for monthly ticket o(∩_∩)o

Sato Miwako: "...?"

...So alert?

Even more suspicious.

Since the secret observation has failed, Sato Miwako simply stopped "secretly".

She decided to go directly and ask about the situation head-on. .

But before walking towards the vodka, Officer Sato suddenly remembered. After a brief exchange on the way here, they confirmed that the calls Jiang Xia and the police received were referring to the same thing.

In other words, Jiang Xia also attended tonight's party.

Sato Miwako: "..." In this case, Jiang Xia may know this man in black.

Think so, before asking about vodka.

Miwako Sato first turned to Jiang Xia and collected clues in a low voice: "Have you seen this 'Mr. Yamada' before you left the party? Where is he from?"

"Of course I have seen him before." Jiang Xia introduced, "This is the assistant I brought."

Sato Miwako: "...?"

The female police officer opposite looked a little surprised and seemed to be very concerned about this matter.

Jiang Xia thoughtfully added:

"Mr. Yamada is very famous in the fan circle and is very versatile. He is especially good at the field of information technology. He has also helped many groups who want to customize 3D models... Well, of course, this is not the point. The point is that he is a He is a computer expert. In addition to being a fan of various idols, he is also a senior detective fan.

“A while ago, Mr. Yamada found me and said he wanted to experience the real life of a detective.

"We have collaborated several times on previous commissions. Mr. Yamada did an outstanding job.

"Tonight, Miss Yoko happened to have an appointment with me. And the clients that Miss Yoko helped me introduce were usually celebrities who had been harassed or intimidated - times have changed, and there are more threats online now, and there are some The act of threatening to steal an account. So I took Mr. Yamada with me."

Sato Miwako: "...So that's it."

As she listened, she looked at the vodka thoughtfully.

No matter how I looked at him just now, I felt that this "Mr. Yamada" did not look like a good person.

But now, after Jiang Xia said this, take a closer look...

It seems quite simple.

Sato Miwako touched her chin and thought to herself: Maybe it's just because Mr. Yamada is too tall and strong, and he has to wear a pair of sunglasses at night, and he always seems to be nervous... This is why he is in her heart, and " Suspicious persons" are linked together.

From another perspective, some of Mr. Yamada's "abnormal behaviors" can actually be explained as social fears - as a technical nerd, it is normal to have weird habits. Maybe I wore sunglasses to avoid looking at others, but I was nervous because there were too many strangers around me... Just now, I was judging others by their appearance. It seems that we still need to calm down and look for evidence seriously.

Thinking of this, Sato Miwako weakened her observation of vodka a little and began to pay more attention to the corridor.

Jiang Xia also followed the police and looked around, paddling in the water to collect various clues.


After the police entered Kaoru Kusano's apartment, they first calmed down the witnesses crowded in the corridor and briefly registered their names.

Then they invited people to the living room one after another and asked for details.

Other police officers went to the bathroom and collected evidence along the blood stains in the corridor.

After a few minutes, the door finally vacated.


The door was pushed open from the outside and quietly opened a crack.

Two heads, one up and one down, appeared at the door, peering inside.

——Suzuki Sonoko and Conan were obviously not willing to just stay outside the door.

They quietly opened the door and tried to slip into the scene and participate.

Behind the two of them, Mao Lilan was a little worried and persuaded in a low voice.

But as a star-chasing fan who likes all stars, when I think of the star content in this apartment...

Mao Lilan's blocking force inevitably seemed particularly weak.

In the end, her remaining conscience finally gave way to the thought of "wanting to go in!"

After Suzuki Sonoko and Conan slipped through the door one after another, Mao Lilan followed them quietly along the crack in the door.


Although in the end, all three people slipped into the crime scene.

But Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko are already high school students after all, so they are relatively reserved.

After coming in, they didn't run around. They just stood carefully in the corner, looking around, planning to find Jiang Xia or a familiar police officer to talk to and blend in here.

Conan was less reserved. Taking advantage of his small size and low presence, he slipped silently around the police officers and sneaked into the crime scene, a set of moves that was more skillful than Amuro Toru's in stealing intelligence.

After Conan entered the house, he first observed a bunch of things placed in the entrance hall.

After that, he followed the blood stain to the bathroom and looked at the crime scene.

Finally, he walked to the living room, preparing to listen to the police interview the witnesses present as before - this way a lot of information could be obtained.

Conan came to the door of the living room.

He eavesdropped with his ears pricked up and looked at the witnesses present. He couldn't help but be a little surprised: there were so many celebrities.

Counting them one by one, they were all familiar faces: Yoko Kinoshita, Yuki Takeno, Terumi Hoshino, Osamu Kenzaki, Volta...

Conan: "...?"

...Vodka? ? !

"..." Although Vodka's clothes changed, he didn't wear the unique hat, and there was no long straight silver gin with a unique hairstyle next to him.

But in the past, Conan often encountered the duo of Gin and Vodka in various places.

He had already memorized the appearance of vodka.

Conan: "..."...So why is there vodka here? !

He was stunned by this explosive situation for a second.

Then he suddenly recalled the conversation between Jiang Xia and Officer Sato that he had overheard just now while clinging to the door.

——The two men mentioned a "Mr. Yamada" at that time.

Conan knew all the other witnesses in the living room and roughly knew their names.

...Then the only vodka left is obviously the famous fan, "Mr. Yamada".

When he eavesdropped on the conversation between Jiang Xia and Officer Sato just now, Conan really didn't think too much about it.

Although he did briefly think about "Did Jiang Xia attract scum again?"... Conan never expected that this time, Jiang Xia would attract such a huge scum - these were cadres of that cruel organization. !

...Jiang Xia, what on earth did you find as your assistant?

Suddenly seeing vodka in the living room, Conan suddenly lost his mood of "getting closer to eavesdrop and then pretending to be a smart kid to warn the adults."

Before Vodka glanced here, he instinctively stepped back and returned to the corridor, his heart beating extremely fast.

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