Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 898: Tissue concentration is too high. Please vote o(〃▽〃)o

Chapter 898: Tissue concentration is too high. Please vote o(〃'▽'〃)o

Conan was sorting through the excessive information that had just been entered, while silently thinking about countermeasures.

"..." He thought that if Vodka approached Jiang Xia just to temporarily borrow the pedal of "Famous Detective" and there would not be too many interactions in the future, then the matter would be easier to handle - without telling Jiang Xia, he would try to solve this matter himself. Just do it.

But what if the vodka is really for Jiangxia...

If Jiang Xia is not told anything, then Jiang Xia will lack the necessary information when facing Vodka... We still don't know what the organization's conspiracy is. If we continue to let it go like this, one day Jiang Xia will accidentally step into Vodka's insidious trap, and everything will be ruined. It's too late.

But if I tell Jiang Xia...

It doesn't seem possible: Jiang Xia doesn't know about the organization yet. Telling the truth, according to Jiang Xia's character, he will definitely risk his life to pursue it, and maybe he even wants to catch a few men in black to try their hand at swinging sticks... But the other party is not an ordinary thug, they have guns, and they are powerful organization.

Even if Jiang Xia is in a calm state and investigates slowly. But now, when he has been noticed by the organization, this kind of temptation can easily arouse the organization's vigilance and murderous intention-those cruel and cunning people will definitely not be able to tolerate a keen detective like Jiang Xia investigating them.

"..." Conan couldn't help but feel worried.

He had no choice but to use all the acting skills he inherited from his mother, pretending to be nonchalant, and ended the communication with Jiang Xia normally: pretending that he was really just curious about "Mr. Yamada" and Jiang Xia's pursuit of stars, and had no other purpose.

Later, when Jiang Xia went to look around for clues.

Conan rubbed the voice changer in his pocket and walked silently to the corner.

He thought about the number of police officers in the room, and then thought about the single-handed vodka in the living room. He wanted to call the Megure Police Department as "Kudo Shinichi" and ask him to detain this lawless black organization cadre. Come down and send them overnight to places like the police station for centralized review, and then use the extracted information to overthrow the man in black.

"..." However, ideals are perfect, but reality requires caution...

Conan thought about it and sighed regretfully:

According to his investigation after he became young, especially combined with some of the information provided by Haihara Ai: the black organization lurks deeply and is like a dark shadow in society. Even if they do something eye-catching and bad, they will act carefully. To push those things to other organizations.

So Conan suspected that the police could not find any reason to arrest Vodka. Even if found. If there is no evidence of guilt, it may not take long before the person is released again.

In this way, the vodka won't lose much, and at most it can go back and forth once in and out.

After that, everyone present tonight, including the police, may suffer crazy revenge from that organization, or may be secretly silenced.

"..." Conan thought about the people present today, counted the number of lives, and remained silent for a while, but did not take out the voice changer.

Before thinking of ways to arrest someone, it is indeed necessary to collect some information first and find enough evidence to trap a specific man in black in the police station, and it is best to arrest him secretly...

Thinking of this, Conan looked at the living room with complicated emotions: It was so frustrating to have this kind of organizational cadres pass by him, but he could only watch helplessly...

After giving up the eager idea of ​​"taking risks to capture vodka".

Conan took a step back and focused on "how to deal with Vodka's conspiracy against Jiang Xia."

He couldn't help but think: It's rare that he is in the same space as vodka. Even if you don't catch people red-handed, at least try to get information.

Of course, no traces should be left.

Otherwise, once Vodka discovers that the situation is different, he may not immediately suspect a first-year primary school student, but will immediately think of Jiang Xia, and then launch a counterattack or revenge against the innocent Jiang Xia... He must be cautious.

In general, the most likely thing to do at the moment is to first figure out Vodka's true purpose tonight - is he here for Jiang Xia, or does he have other goals.

Thinking of this, Conan sighed feebly and took his hand out of the pocket where the voice changer was placed.

At this time, there was a sudden chill behind him, and he had a vague sense of horror that he was being targeted by some terrifying existence.

That sense of crisis passed away in a flash, and when Conan sensed it carefully again, there was no trace left.

"..." Conan silently touched his cold skin, tightened his collar, and thought a little doubtfully: Maybe it was because Vodka, an organization cadre, was nearby, so he was overly nervous.

He looked around and found nothing unusual.

So he didn't stay here anymore, but sneaked into the living room, preparing to implement his observation plan.

A minute ago, Conan was thinking about countermeasures.

In the corner he didn't see.

A black cat with white claws appeared in the room at an unknown time, with an anesthesia needle between its claws. It was crawling on the bottom of the cabinet half a meter away from Conan, staring at his exposed calf with a ghostly gaze.

After Conan gave up taking out his voice changer and giving up notifying the police.

The cat retracted its stance and prepared to pounce.

After Conan left, the cat puppet secretly stretched out a paw from the bottom of the cabinet and silently pushed the tiny anesthesia needle into the corridor.

Then it collapsed into the air like a handful of soil melted by water.

A few seconds later.

Jiang Xia, who was leaning against the wall and was distracted, came to her senses, walked to the cabinet where the cat was hidden, squatted down and straightened her trousers.

Then he picked up the unused anesthetic needle and put it away regretfully.

Compared to Conan and Vodka, their moods were ups and downs and uneasy.

The other people in the room were relatively calm at this time.

Especially the police - they have long been accustomed to various crime scenes. Although they are a little tired now, they immediately jumped into this one from the last case and started the investigation skillfully and tiredly.

After simply registering the names and occupations of each party participant, as well as the reason for coming here.

Police Department Memu stood in the living room and looked around.

Then he looked at the living room. The five people involved in this case... plus the agent who went to the hospital with the ambulance, six... plus Jiang Xia, seven... No, Jiang Xia was not present at the time of the crime. He should be crossed out first - the six suspects sighed.

At present, the police department feels that the situation is a bit serious.

In fact, this excessive number of people made him a little alert, always worrying that the next second, a second murder case would suddenly appear here, forming a serial murder case...

"Ahem." Police Department Megure cleared his throat and shook off all the messy thoughts, "Excuse me, who was the first person to discover Miss Kusano?"

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