Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 899 Feel my pain

in the living room.

After the Mumu Police Department understood the general situation, they began to inquire about the details in a targeted manner.

Vodka sat quietly on the sofa in the corner, feeling the concentration of police in the air around him. Then he looked at Uzo, who was leaning against the door of the living room, looking aloof from the incident, and his heart gradually began to tighten.

Especially after hearing the question from the Mumu Police Department, Vodka felt a thump in his heart. He always felt that this question was very detrimental to him.

——Although the body was found... ah no, when the injured Ms. Kusano was found, a group of people crowded at the bathroom door at the same time.

But it was his vodka who was the first to point out that "there were drops of blood on the corridor" and suggested opening the door.

Vodka: "..." I took all precautions at that time, but still failed to prevent Uzo from attacking the innocent idol. I was a little unstable for a moment, and unfortunately blurted out the clue...

But it doesn't matter, just hold on steady and you'll be fine. So what if the first person who discovered it was suspicious? Does he have an alibi!

Vodka thought: From the time Miss Azun left the living room until she was found in the bathroom, he never left the living room... Speaking of this, I hope other people in the living room have better memories and can remember that he has been staying here tonight. What happened in the living room... Damn it, I shouldn't have been so low-key just now. What if I was forgotten by this group of people because my presence was too low?

While wiping cold sweat with vodka, praying not to meet pig teammates.

Next to me, the thing I least expected to see happened.

——Xu Kenzaki also broke out in cold sweat when faced with the murder case.

When he heard the police's inquiry, he tried his best to cooperate. After thinking about it, he carefully recounted the situation at that time: "Xiaoxun went to take a bath at that time, but never came back. So I planned to go and see the situation. I walked to the door of that section of the corridor. At that moment, Mr. Yamada suddenly rushed over from behind - he found blood drops on the ground and said something might have happened in the bathroom... So soon, everyone ran to the corridor, opened the bathroom door together, and then found... I found out that Xiaoxun has become like that.”

Vodka: "..."

Although everything Kenzaki Shu said was true.

But I don't know why, the "Mr. Yamada" in the words sounded so suspicious... Mainly because no one in the group saw the blood, only he, the man wearing sunglasses, saw it from a long distance away. At first glance, it did sound a bit suspicious. eccentric……

Thinking of this, Vodka looked up secretly.

Sure enough, as Kenzaki Shu recounted, a group of people looked at him in unison, including Uzuo who looked concerned.

Vodka: "..."

He couldn't help but feel a burst of national curse. But at the same time, he also had a flash of inspiration.

Soon, Vodka recalled what Wuzuo looked like when he was "Jiang Xia".

He imitated Jiang Xia's demeanor and tone and explained gently: "One of my dreams is to become a well-known detective like Mr. Jiang Xia, so I usually pay attention to training my observation and reaction abilities."

Conan: "..." He showed a complex and painful look in the corner where no one saw him: He knew that some people were talking nonsense, and some people believed that nonsense, but he couldn't expose it...

"So that's it." The police officers accepted Vodka's explanation and nodded with understanding: Detectives and detective reserve officers are indeed more observant than many people. What's more, Taro Yamada's idol is a famous detective like Jiang Xia, and Mr. Yamada is really lucky to have learned experience from Jiang Xia as an assistant...

To be fair, the police certainly hope that Jiang Xia can train more assistants, and the best level is no less than Jiang Xia himself - in this way, the police's overtime time may be further shortened...

Vodka was keenly aware of the softening of the police's attitude.

He secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Shut your mouth again, sit among a group of witnesses, and continue to reduce your presence.

The joys and sorrows of people are not the same.

Cops and vodka while relaxing.

In the corner, Conan glanced at the vodka, his eyes twitching: The guys in the black organization really have no moral integrity. They can even say "admiring detectives" and even came here to be Jiang Xia's assistant. They really took great pains to get close to Jiang Xia. …

However, Conan thought with luck: Even so, the vodka is not necessarily for Jiang Xia.

Because there are still many doubts:

For example, why was Vodka the first to say "there are blood stains on the floor"?

For such an organization member who sneaks into celebrity gatherings, it is normal to keep a low profile at all times. Any outstanding move may cause unnecessary changes and troubles. Vodka should know this very well, unless... this can make him To achieve some invisible purpose.

Conan touched his chin and began to analyze and arrange various possibilities based on this point.

Although Conan was facing a formidable enemy, the police did not pay too much attention to the fact that "Mr. Yamada" discovered the blood stains.

They have become accustomed to others suddenly suggesting clues that they have not discovered yet, and they accept this well.

In addition, the police actually had other suspects than the people in the house: a bunch of messy crime tools were thrown at the door of this apartment.

——A raincoat stained with blood, gloves full of holes and stained with blood, an almost empty eye drop bottle, and a handkerchief stained with unknown liquid...

Although the specific composition of the liquid in the latter two is still being tested. However, judging from the smell, the liquid on the eye drop bottle and handkerchief was probably anesthetic.

"The murderer probably broke in wearing a raincoat while the people in the house were not paying attention. The man first sprinkled the anesthetic in the eyedrop bottle on the handkerchief, then used it to stun the victim and cut his throat."

The Mumu Police Department looked through the elements recorded in the notebook and made a simple guess:

"After committing the crime, the murderer, wearing a raincoat that was stained with the victim's blood, hurriedly left the bathroom and fled out the door. Then he dropped the crime tools and escaped as if nothing had happened.

“The raincoat and gloves blocked the blood that would have splattered on the body, and by leaving them behind, the person could immediately blend in with the passers-by.

"According to our inspection, there is no sign that the door has been broken into. Did you lock the door when you had the party?"

The door here does not automatically lock, but needs to be opened manually.

The bathroom was closer to the door than the living room. If the door was unlocked, based on those traces, the Megure Police Department felt that someone might have invaded from the outside and attacked Kaoru Kusano.

"..." Several celebrities looked at each other, thinking about the scene at that time.

Then he shook his head hesitantly: "It shouldn't be locked. There were a lot of people today, and we always felt that we didn't have to worry about safety issues. Moreover, guests arrived one after another, so it was too inconvenient to keep the door locked. Later, when everyone arrived, we just talked and laughed. I went straight to the living room with a seemed like no one came back to the entrance to lock the door."

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