Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 91 Code of Conduct of the Foggy Dog

Jiang Xia did not explain to the young monk, that would be too out of character.

He first retracted his outstretched wings - it was quite tiring to stand all the time, then walked towards the old monk and picked up the old corpse from the ground.

The man was no longer breathing and seemed to be walking peacefully.

Jiang Xia wanted to go out with the body, but Xiu Nian happened to fall at the door, blocking the way.

Jiang Xia wanted him to move away.

As soon as their eyes met, the little monk covered his heart in panic and said "It's over, it's over, it looks at me, and I'm going to die too" written all over his face.

Jiang Xia: "..."

He pushed Xiunian aside with his wings, reached out to open the door, and took the body into the corridor.

Xiunian stayed for two seconds and breathed a sigh of relief when he found that he was still alive.

... Wutian Dog didn't seem to have any intention of killing him, otherwise he would have died from a heart-breaking look like the old abbot just now.

Thinking of this, Xiunian got up and hesitantly followed Wutian Dog, who seemed to have no ill intentions towards him.

The appearance of Kiritengu was indeed somewhat similar to that of his brother, but after calming down a little, Xiunian intuitively felt that this Tengu was not Zhongnian.

Maybe it was just a common face-bump.

It may also be that his brother picked up a young foggy tengu when he was a child. During the service, the tengu looked more and more like his brother. When he grew up, the tengu went out to travel and came back to find that his brother was dead, so the tengu killed the old abbot to repay his kindness + revenge... ...Well, thinking about it this way, it feels very reasonable.

Xiu Nian followed up lightly and took a look at the pair of foggy dog's wings extending out from the cracks in his clothes and folding behind his back. No matter how he looked at them, he felt that they were genuine.

He was convinced again of what he had figured out, and then asked cautiously: "You...what else do you want?"

I heard that monsters need sacrifices and humans need to perform specific rituals for them. Without these, they would eat humans.

Looking at the situation now, the old abbot must be turned into food rations. But after Wutian Dog took away the abbot, he did not return to the woods, but continued to wander in their temple...

Xiunian was worried that Wutian Dog would eat his fellow apprentices or two innocent guests, so he wanted to risk his life to discuss with Wutian Dog whether he could eat incense instead of humans.

However, when Wutiangu heard Xiunian's question, he did not order, but replied: "I just said it."

"Ah?" Xiunian was startled.

He thought carefully and found that Wutian Dog only said two sentences in total.

——If you want your performance to return to its peak, it's actually very simple. You just need to make one more victim of the "Fog Dog" here.

——...I think you are very suitable.

Then, as soon as Wutiangu finished speaking, the old monk died suddenly.

...From this point of view, it seems that the target of the foggy dog ​​is really the old host who borrowed his name to commit crimes.

This, this is a good monster who doesn't show anger and is sensible!

Not to mention that Mr. Kiritengu also helped his brother get revenge.

Thinking of this, Xiunian was very moved, and the look he looked at Wutian Dog no longer contained fear, but was filled with awe and gratitude.

Moreover, this foggy dog ​​is indeed not barbaric at all. He did not smash through the wall all the way to his destination like the legend. Instead, he walked along the corridor and politely walked to the confinement room...

Having said that, Master Wutiangu is indeed very familiar with the layout of their temple. The Shanni Temple is built close to the mountain. In order to fit in with the cliff, the corridor is very winding. Most people will get lost after walking around for two times, but Mr. Wutian Dog can find the destination quickly and accurately... Xiunian is also surprised by his guess just now. I found the evidence and felt like a reasoning genius.

Jiang Xia can't read minds, so he doesn't know that the little monk in the back who is as quiet as a chicken is having so many mental activities that it can fill up the screen.

He took the old monk into the solitary room and took a look at the well-like room.

The new ghost died a tragic death - he was about to bring his beauty home, but was suddenly "suicided" and watched his childhood sweetheart marry someone else.

Jiang Xia had just signed a contract with Zhongnian through deception. After signing, he felt that he was taking advantage of the situation, so he decided to help the new ghost cut off his obsession and let the old monk experience the feeling of being killed by a tengu.

However, after arriving in the solitary room, Jiang Xia suddenly realized that there seemed to be some problems with the implementation of this plan.

——When I visited the temple before, a lock was hung on the door of the solitary room to deny entry to tourists. In order to avoid arousing suspicion, Jiang Xia did not come in.

Now, actually standing here, he realized that although the ceiling of this small rectangular room was high, it was very narrow laterally, with the length and width seeming to be less than three meters.

Jiang Xia carried the old monk's body, hesitated for a moment, tentatively spread his wings, and waved it unskillfully.

With a muffled groan, Xiunian, who was standing at the door, was blown away by one of his wings, and the other half of his wing hit the wall.

Jiang Xia: "..."

...The person who made up this legend has a specific problem in mind.

You can't fly up here. Climbing up with wings is enough.

Jiang Xia silently poked the wall with the tips of her wings and gestured. She found that it was impossible to fly up, so she had to change a way and planned to go from the outside.

As soon as he turned to the door, he saw Xiunian running back, and with a "pop", a man knelt on the ground and apologized in panic: "I'm sorry! It's all our fault for making the solitary room too narrow!"

"..." Why is this person still here?

There is a waterfall next to it, and the roar of the water is so loud that your speech will not be heard.

Jiang Xia's plan didn't go smoothly and he was in a bad mood. He waved his wings and chased people away: "Go away, don't disturb me."

Xiunian was not reassured.

But Mr. Kiritengu had said so, and he didn’t dare to stay any longer. What if Mr. Kiritengu felt that he was losing face because he couldn’t fly up, and hung him as a witness on the beam later, which would not be good. …

Xiunian's desire to survive finally revived. He got up, bowed, and ran back to the dormitory.

It's a little quieter around.

Jiang Xia took the old monk outside the house.

Although he could also take the stairs to the top of the confinement room, his plan was to use the method of foggy dogs to hang people, so he had to do what he said, and he had to fly up with the people himself once before it would count.

Moreover, this is the first time Jiang Xia has encountered a puppet with wings. It is impossible to say that he is not curious and does not want to drive a few laps to try...

Compared with wings, the skills of the new ghost fetus are very difficult to describe.

This skill is similar to death reappearance.

However, it is a "reappearance of death" in the physical sense, and can only act on itself.

In other words, this skill allows the user to commit suicide in a specific way of death with one click.

Just now, the contract ended. Jiang Xia looked at this skill for a long time and decided to pretend it didn't exist and concentrate on studying the wings.

The weight of the puppet can be adjusted, but the weight of the old monk is fixed.

Jiang Xia worked hard for a long time, stealing lessons from the birds in the forest, and finally used her wings to fly up from outside the house in the tengu style while carrying people.

Plan pass√

Jiang Xia happily took out a piece of rope and hung the old monk on the beam on the roof of the solitary room.

The beam had not been taken care of for two years and had accumulated a thick layer of dust.

Jiang Xia carefully used the new organs on the puppet, and finally left no footprints on the beam, leaving only a few wing prints.

But the foggy dog ​​kills people and prints wing marks. This is not a flaw, it is a deliberate proof that "the foggy dog ​​came here for a visit".

Jiang Xia looked at the corpse on the beam, clapped his hands quickly, flew around again, and then released the puppet.

When the puppet is on, the physical sensation is not obvious. As soon as he returns to the main body, drowsiness suddenly comes over him.

Fortunately, after signing the contract, Jiang Xia moved her body back into the quilt first, and now she can just close her eyes and sleep.

Jiang Xia yawned, thinking that if he was unfortunate enough to suffer from insomnia in the future, he could summon this puppet and fly it around a few times while carrying heavy objects, so that he would be able to sleep soundly when he came back.

He discovered the new function of the puppet and fell asleep happily.

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