Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 92 What did you do at night?

The next day, Toru Amuro woke up very early.

The bedding was a bit hard and I wasn't used to it.

More importantly, yesterday's strange incident still had an impact on him.

-He dreamed of a giant rat hiding in his car and chewing on his tires. In the dream, Toru Amuro was surprised, so he captured this weird mutated mouse and sent it to the country for research. Unexpectedly, the research institute discovered a new type of zombie virus in the mouse... Then Toru Amuro spent the whole night fighting zombies in his dream. , and finally woke up suddenly when surrounded by a large number of zombies.

At this time, it was just dawn. Although it was already the time for the monks to get up, it was still very early for them.

Toru Amuro tried to fall asleep, but failed - as soon as he closed his eyes, the bloody mouths of mutated rats and mutated zombies swayed back and forth in front of his eyes, making him completely sleepless.

In the end, Toru Amuro had no choice but to sit up again with a pair of dark circles under his eyes.

He glanced enviously at Jiang Xia, who was sleeping comfortably next to him, and planned to get up to see if the car he ordered had arrived.

Unexpectedly, when passing by the dining room, I suddenly heard a vague scream.

Amuro Toru was startled and ran over following the sound.

Since the scream was far away and he was not familiar with this place, Toru Amuro was not sure where the sound was.

On the way, he met two other young monks - one had just come out of the restaurant and the other had just come out of the kitchen. The two monks looked at each other and ran towards the confinement room with clear goals.

Toru Amuro followed, slightly confused. Even if the monks knew the layout of the temple very well, they wouldn't just hear a scream and immediately find the source of the sound accurately.

The detective's intuition made him frown.

Combined with the unfinished words of the young monks "two years ago" last night, Toru Amuro felt that there was something wrong with this temple, and the problem was not small.

Soon, they ran to the door of the solitary room.

The eldest brother's legs and feet were weak and he sat down by the door. Seeing other people running closer, he trembled and pointed upward: "I, I saw the door of the solitary room was open, so I came in and took a look, and the result..."

Toru Amuro walked through the door and looked up with a solemn look - on the nearly ten-meter-high roof, the old abbot was hanging from the beam like a piece of dried bacon, with his dead head hanging weakly, facing the door.

Five minutes later, Toru Amuro finished calling the police and waited for the police to arrive.

He was originally worried that the monks in the temple would stop him or secretly cut the phone line.

However, neither situation happened, which made Toru Amuro feel a little more relieved - since he could successfully contact the outside world, it meant that this was not a serial murder case. It might be the suicide of the old monk, or it might be an ordinary murder.

If it is the latter, then there is a murderer hiding among these four seemingly honest and honest little monks.

Therefore, before asking about the situation, Toru Amuro went to the guest room and planned to wake Jiang Xia up. In case he worked so hard to find out the truth, the murderer turned around and took the pig teammates as hostages...

It's not that Toru Amuro overthinks it. He has experienced this kind of thing too many times, whether he is partnering with the police or with members of the organization.

The difference is that he tried his best to save all the police colleagues, but the organization accomplices...

Well, this is probably one of the reasons why few people in the organization are willing to partner with him.

At present, Jiang Xia can only be regarded as an organized accomplice. However, Toru Amuro has hope for him, and he may become a colleague in the future, so he cannot ignore it.

"Jiang Xia." Toru Amuro opened the door of the guest room, "Wake up, there is a murder."

After shouting, he planned to go back to reason. However, after taking two steps, I heard no movement.

Toru Amuro returned to the door of the guest room and saw Jiang Xia motionless under the quilt, showing no intention of getting up.

Toru Amuro was startled.

Although it's still early, it's already dawn. When people have very little sleep, would they sleep so deeply when they hear someone calling their name, coupled with the keyword "murder"?

What's more, Jiang Xia is not an ordinary person. His alertness should be much higher than that of normal people.

After a moment of silence, Toru Amuro suddenly had a bad suspicion.

Could it be that it's not "sleeping like dead", but really dead...

Someone could kill someone next to him in the middle of the night without alerting him! ?

Toru Amuro thought of the tire that was inexplicably broken yesterday, and his heart sank. He ran to the bedding in a few steps, shouted "Jiang Xia!", and pushed the person aside.

I originally expected to see a piece of stubble on Jiang Xia's neck that was exactly the same as the tire... but I didn't.

Touching it again, I found that the person was warm and had a pulse.

"..." Amuro Toru's eyes twitched twice, and a faint vein appeared on his forehead. He grabbed the person and shook it, "Wake up."

After shaking for several seconds, Jiang Xia finally opened her eyes.

Amuro Toru looked at him, and a thought suddenly flashed through his mind - Jiang Xia looked so tired, could it be because he secretly did something bad last night, such as hanging the old monk...

But soon, Toru Amuro rejected this conjecture.

He was very confident in his alertness. Jiang Xia did go out last night, but he came back not long after. That time was definitely not enough for him to kill someone. He has been in the room since then - Jiang Xia had no time to commit the crime, and no motive.

After coming to this conclusion, Toru Amuro sighed, why was he always so suspicious today... He let go of his hand and stood up: "Go to the lobby first, there was a murder in the temple."


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