Corrupted Nation

Chapter 432 Summer

On D65, Blood Dream finally discovered the problem. The targets of their search were LTL freight trains and zombie trains. They were all old players and knew Shuguang's urinary nature, so at her strong request, the three of them left the distribution center and started searching in a safer surrounding area.

On D68, when Lin Wu said that he had received a reminder from the mission map, Xue Meng couldn't help but kneel down and howl, praising God. Then everyone realized how deceptive Shuguang was. The target of the mission was a dead wife. The terrible thing was that the wife turned into a zombie and wandered around the entire distribution center. It was seriously suspected that this guy was hiding from Lin Wu on purpose.

After the mission was completed, the five missions released on D68 appeared on the Linwu system interface, including hunting, fishing, planting, breeding and picking. The target of hunting is black bears, and the forest fog passes directly across. It is everyone's responsibility to protect wild animals.

The goal of fishing is 21 kinds of fish, just one of each kind, regardless of size, dead or alive, as long as you touch it with your hands, you are done.

The target of planting is cabbage. Originally, the maturity period of cabbage was about 45 days. Since there are only 180 days in a year, it was adjusted to 22 days. The maturity period of mission cabbage is 11 days.

Shuangmeng: Can’t wait.

Breeding takes at least 10 days, and Shuangmeng can't wait. Don't be lucky enough to think that Lin Wu will give up the contract easily. This guy may be an unreasonable person.

The last task is to pick: 100 kilograms of ripe bayberries.

Everyone thought the mission was okay and contacted Xiaocai on the phone. Xiaocai told Lin Wu not to think about it. There were indeed many bayberry trees in the mountains and forests, but most of the ripe ones were eaten by birds. The bayberry season is coming to an end, and you will definitely not be able to collect 100 kilograms if you don’t go deep into the mountains.

Eventually the mission was temporarily abandoned.

At 8 o'clock in the morning on D69, the mission was refreshed. There are three missions, one of which is to destroy the zombie king.

This is the first time everyone has heard of the existence of the Zombie King. The little white rabbit's answer is that after a certain period of time in any social animal, a king will inevitably emerge. Lin Wu didn't like this answer. Zombies are dead creatures without any consciousness, only basic instincts. Little White Rabbit played movie clips. In many movies, humans who have become zombies still have a trace of tenderness and even reason for their children, parents, and lovers.

At the end of the debate, the little white rabbit asked a question: Are zombies dead or alive? In a medical sense, brain death is true death. The zombie's brain is not dead. The zombie will die only when the brain is attacked. There's no point in attacking the zombie's brain if it's already dead.

Even with the support of relatives and friends, Lin Wu was still defeated again. If he denied that zombies have brains, he could not explain why attacking zombies' brains would cause zombies to die. Don't do it until the end, the zombies have to be eliminated later.

The little white rabbit explained that the so-called zombie king eats more. After all, he is a king. Only when he is full can others eat. When he is hungry, he can eat zombies. Relatively speaking, he is taller and stronger.

Under the deception, Lin Wu accepted the task and opened Pandora's box. The so-called taller and stronger zombie king is Big Mac.

Looking at the familiar burly figure a hundred meters away, Lin Wu burst into tears. He actually felt that the Big Mac was so friendly and felt like a family member. The really hard-core Big Mac is not as good as the hard-core Big Mac. One shot to the head will kill you, but the Big Mac's head is even smaller, only as big as a grapefruit.

Big Mac will not stumble to the ground when attacked by strong fire. Instead, it will be directly punched with countless holes. If its legs are broken, it will fall down and crawl. If the abdomen is damaged...well, then a lot of things that you don't want to see will drop.

In addition, the destructive power of the Big Mac has also been weakened. At least it can no longer push down an empty train car, nor can it lift an ordinary car. But it can still smash cars to pieces and punch through inferior walls with one punch.

On D70, multiple broadcasts announced the discovery of a mutated zombie: the Zombie King. Someone observed that when the zombie density in an area reaches a certain density, a zombie king will be produced. After the zombie king dies, if the zombie density in the area does not decrease, a new zombie king will be born after 24 hours. Compared with ordinary zombies that are dry, the zombie king appears to be extremely fresh and juicy.

The veteran base specifically warns that after discovering the zombie king, please do not alert the other party unless you have a weapon that can destroy him. After all, the destructive power of the Zombie King is real.

No matter what impact the appearance of the Zombie King will have on the world, Shuangmeng finally completed the contract. Xue Meng hugged Lin Wu goodbye and bit Lin Wu hard, saying that he would never forget Lin Wu in this life.

All members of the Railway Bridge Base have completed the first mission. Currently, only Lin Meng is about to complete the second mission, and the others are still struggling in the second mission. Lin Meng's second task is to plant flowers. The system provides 12 flower seeds, and she must plant at least one flower. If it fails, you must get the seeds again and plant them again.

The flower cycle is three days. Compared with growing cabbage, the flowers are very delicate. They will die if they are hot, if they are cold, if there is no water, if there is too much water, they will die. They are also sensitive to humidity, light, and even oxygen content. Require.

At the fishing boat base where Shuang Meng was sent away by the river, Lin Wu asked Maya beside him: "What is your mission?"

“Get ten business cards from real estate agents.”

"How many are still missing?"


"Come on." Just do it slowly yourself.

"What about you, what is your third mission?"

"I haven't chosen yet." After completing the second task, Shuangmeng ran away immediately. Lin Wu said: "All the tasks given out today are to find people or things."

Maya said: "Do you think nightmares are too optimistic?"

Lin Wu was puzzled: "Which part is optimistic?" Nightmare's face was not optimistic at all, at best it was only festive.

Maya said as she walked: "She thought that killing Nightmare would allow her to secure the top spot among the fortress agents."

Lin Wu said: "In the true hardcore mode, agents cannot be resurrected, and the nightmare is dead."

Maya: "That's not what I meant, I meant Lin Meng."

"Lin Meng?" Lin Wu had never thought about this salted fish.

Maya said: "In the dungeon mission, Lin Meng took away a large number of our weapons to redeem points, and also completed the collection of all weapons except the repeating crossbow. In addition, we helped her with many offensive and defensive missions in the winter. The difficulty of the mission has reached the point where we all have a very hard time completing it, and Nightmare’s mission completion rate is definitely not that high. I don’t know how agents are scored, but I think Lin Meng’s points are higher than Nightmare’s.”

After hearing this, Lin Wu thought about it and realized that this was really the case, and asked: "Then why do you want to eliminate Nightmare? Wouldn't it be more difficult for Nightmare to surpass Lin Meng's points?"

"No." Maya said: "Everyone at the Railway Bridge Base does their own tasks, because everyone has a task. At the bandit group base, Nightmare can gather his strength to do big things and let many people help him with the task. On the day Nightmare was sniped, he hid In Building 3, he was not injured or sick when he showed up. He was most likely doing a mission. He has food, drink, and food delivered to him, so he just needs to concentrate on his mission. If the nightmare doesn't die, his points will definitely be very high."

Maya: "But Xingguang is different. Xingguang spends a lot of energy on daily management and does not pursue excessive points tasks. And I think her basic points are not high. Even if she does tasks crazily, she will not get the first place."

Lin Wu remembered: "Speaking of the fact that 5% of you are fighting for the Fortress Ring. If you, the guard, get the Fortress Ring, where will you go?" The owner of the Fortress Ring can own 51% of the equity of the Earth Fortress Company. Become the person who truly controls Fortress Earth Corporation.

Maya said: "I will sell the equity to Shana."

Lin Wu said: "Shana is the boss of the Earth Fortress Company, you are the boss of the Guards, and Lin Meng is the boss of the fortress agents. This means that I can walk sideways on the earth."

Maya suppressed a laugh: "No one will care about you if you walk sideways now. I have to go on a mission, so you should go back first."

Lin Wu said: "Are you so positive?"

Maya replied: "Doing tasks is also a way of entertainment." A life that can make Maya feel boring is obviously a very boring life.

With the help of the Veterans Base, the first rail tractor at the Railway Bridge Base was officially put into use on D72, and another tractor to be repaired was given to the Veterans Base.

Shana first used a drone to survey the distribution center and drew an accurate map of the train layout, and then carried out step-by-step towing to clear a path from the railway bridge to the main track.

Maya led people to implement the plan, and the thugs rode in protective tractors and followed Shana's layout to complete the plan step by step. On D74, three carriages were attached to the tractor, two of which were enclosed ordinary carriages and one was a flatbed carriage. Because Shitou won the guessing game, the train was named Shitou.

The people at the base agreed with this, because Shitou defeated Lin Wu in the final round. After all, the name Xiaoqian was too childish.

On D75, the Stone transported 20 boxes of instant noodles to the veteran base. After returning, the Shitou spent half a day pulling the remaining one car of instant noodles from the distribution center back to the base.

This is only the first trip of the Stone, and the Stone will need to be modified next. The first carriage will be converted into a kitchen, dining room and dormitories with coal stoves. The second carriage is a warehouse. During the transformation period, the tractors went to the distribution center to pull coal. They pulled enough coal for a winter at one time, and a railway bridge base car was specially set aside as a coal storage warehouse.

Due to the scorching heat in summer, basic work was done at night and the work progress was not fast. During this period, the mechanics at the veteran base upgraded the tractor. After all, it was thanks to the railway bridge base that they could eat instant noodles. Based on the experience of modifying the second tractor, the mechanic used the battery of the battery car to install the power system on the Shitou.

On D89, when the summer was coming to an end, the Stone was finally refitted and became a mobile base. In addition to being able to move freely on the rails, the tractor can also be driven off the rails and on the road. On the first day, they used the Stone to pull back 500 liters of gasoline and diesel. The gasoline and diesel came from vehicles parked around the main railway track.

Not only the railway bridge base has developed, but other bases also have highlights. Not only can you see aircraft equipped with paragliders in the sky, but occasionally ships pass by the railway bridge base from Houtian River.

The biggest thing that happened during this period was: Two hundred soldiers from the East Base left the East Base. With a tank opening the way, they entered the city in a transport truck and occupied the special police training base on Ring Road. Most of the materials in the training base have been looted by the East Base, but because it is a special training institution, it is surrounded by high walls, making it an excellent large base. They named the base here Guard Base, which means to defend Houtian City.

The Guard Base received multiple batches of airdrop supplies from the United States within three days of its establishment. They promised to start receiving survivors in the fall, to tell all survivors that they have not been abandoned. Diandian Radio was also moved to the guard base. It's just that the guard base is in the city after all, and it is difficult and dangerous for people in the suburbs to reach the base.

East Base has been silent on the establishment of the Guard Base, and they don't seem to object to people with other ideas leaving East Base. This behavior triggered a chain reaction, and many armed squads left the east base one after another. They did not go to the guard base, but built their own homes with their relatives and friends.

In addition, a large number of refugees in Houtian City have been evacuated by sea to temporary shelters on deserted islands offshore, temporarily escaping their survival crisis. However, due to the lack of legal restraint, there was a widespread situation of the weak and the strong, and even slaves appeared.

There is big news in Nancheng. Nancheng has the largest number of survivors, and its total number exceeds the total number of survivors in the other four cities. On D80, the Survivor Alliance in Nancheng was established, with more than a hundred people on that day. Their slogan is to take back the community. They conduct organized training, engage in street battles with zombies, and take back blocks after blocks from zombie control. The recaptured community blocks also become their control areas.

In less than a week, the number of survivors in the Survivor Alliance exceeded 300, and more and more survivors from South City joined the Survivor Alliance.

But the radio station came with two different messages.

One message is that the boss of the Survivor League has an extremely friendly charm, and he is a tough guy who is admired by everyone. The Survivor Alliance ruled by him is prosperous and has become the only savior of Houtian City. In the Survivor League, everyone has enough to eat, clean water, and high-quality entertainment equipment.

Another information claims that Xiao Ba is a devil, and the survivors in the neighborhood he likes have only three choices: join them, leave the neighborhood, and die. Xiaoba uses newcomers to fight for the blocks with zombies, while he uses old people and survivors to fight for the blocks. In the survivor block, people are divided into three, six or nine classes based on their contributions and resumes. The lower class people can only get low-quality food to barely survive every day, and do the most work. They are always on the front line against zombies and have almost no access to food. medical resources.

But no matter what, Xiao Ba has controlled one-fifth of the southern district, and the zombies are almost extinct in the area under his control. Of course, this is also due to the fact that there are very few zombies in the South District. Xiaoba has established farms, ranches and prisons in the territory he controls, and is currently planning to introduce community laws.

It is said that Xiaoba's Survivor Alliance and the East Base have established a shipping trade line. Xiao Ba provided cement, steel, coal and other materials to the East Base in exchange for weapons from the East Base. All this is due to the fact that Xiaoba occupies an industrial area in Nancheng near West City. Xiao Ba originally planned to expand westward, but the density of zombies here was extremely high, so he temporarily gave up the idea of ​​​​expanding westward.

In addition, the number of personnel in the veteran base has also increased to about 20, all of whom are retired officers and soldiers. They are relatively close to Nancheng, about 10 kilometers away from Xiaoba's control area, and are wary of Xiaoba's survivor alliance.

Library Base has officially started broadcasting. Their base is called Starlight Base, and their slogan is to create a livable shelter. Insiders said that Starlight Base was formerly a bandit group. In the early days of the zombie virus outbreak, they looted more than a dozen police stations and police stations in two northeastern urban areas. They had a large number of small weapons and more than 60 people.

The railway bridge base is like a paradise. Except for Shana and Maya, everyone is not interested in information from the outside world. Due to close contact with the veteran base, and only because of the vigilance of the veteran base, I know something about the Survivor Alliance.

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