Corrupted Nation

Chapter 433 Autumn

On D91, the city enters autumn the day after tomorrow, and half of the 180 days have passed.

D90 and D91 are completely different worlds. The former is like a furnace, even breathing is hot. The latter is cool in the morning and evening and slightly hot during the day, making it very comfortable. Coupled with the autumn leaves falling, compared to summer, it is simply heaven.

On such a beautiful morning, there were some disputes inside the railway bridge base. People represented by Shana believe that the railway bridge base currently has sufficient supplies and can survive the last 90 days. The Shitou can just wander around the distribution center and there is no need to leave the distribution center.

People represented by Maya believe that having fun is all about having fun. Such people include Maya, Lin Wu and Lin Meng. In fact, Maya was a neutral, but after being roped in by Lin Wu, she did not deny it.

Shitou said: "If there are any supplies that are not available near our distribution center, please tell me."

Lin Wu: "Motorcycles, cars." There are no motorcycles near the distribution center, maybe because of the ban on motorcycles. There are cars, but they were not treated for a long time after being soaked in water, and the internal damage was serious. Recently, Lin Wu always thought of the jeep at Starlight Base, it was so handsome. There are also motorcycles that can travel between cities. Although they are not handsome, they are convenient for going anywhere.

In the absence of transportation, it is 3.5 kilometers to go to the vegetable and meat base and one kilometer to go to the river. Not to mention going out daily to locate supplies and search, half of the time is wasted on the road.

Shitou said angrily: "What car do you want? I will give it to you when the time comes."

"It's rare."

Xue Dan said: "Lin Wu, the tractor has been modified to reach a speed of 25 kilometers per hour, and some can reach a speed of 35 kilometers per hour. But the railway tracks are not as good as roads. It takes a lot of time to turn around, and the operation is also very troublesome." First, we must detach from the carriage. , drive onto the road, turn to the rear of the car, then onto the rails, and finally join again.

Xue Dan said: "The West City is relatively quiet at the moment, but there are many bases with bad intentions in the South City and North City."

Xiaodao had lost his former toughness and echoed: "The original intention of the Shitou was to collect and distribute supplies. It's better to concentrate on the task. We only have 90 days left. Lin Meng, why do you support Lin Wu? You don't like it." car."

Lin Mengdao: "But I like traveling."

Shitou was speechless: "Traveling in the apocalypse? Let me ask you, if you meet survivors and they beg you for supplies, will you give them to you? If not, what will you do if they just rob them? Do you guys shoot?"

Lin Wu said helplessly: "Okay." Shuanglin alone would definitely not be able to travel on this kind of trip. But everyone disagreed, and Lin Wu couldn't do anything about killing people by force.

But no one expected that ten minutes later at eight o'clock, the daily mission would be a base mission. Today's base mission was to escort the VIP to the Western Peninsula and hand the VIP over to the federal navy stationed in the Western Peninsula.

As soon as this mission came out, everyone called Shuguang's mother, and Lin Wu, Lin Meng and Shitou immediately started to complain. This was simply cheating without clothes. Little White Rabbit responded to everyone’s complaints: “You don’t have to answer it.”

Faced with Lin Wu's complaint, Little White Rabbit cared about mentally retarded children and patiently explained to him in detail: "This is a task assigned by a systematic and comprehensive assessment of your base's strength, surrounding conditions and facilities." Little White Rabbit also explained that with individuals The tasks are different. Base tasks award points based on difficulty. For example, the difficulty of escorting a VIP is level B. If there are 9 people in the base, each person can get 0.5% of the total points.

Maya analyzes task feasibility.

Judging from the map, there are two paths for the team. The first road passes through the highway bridge at the upper distribution center, and it takes 20 hours of walking to reach the Western Peninsula. The second way is to take the railway line. The railway line is built along the mountain and is separated from the highway by the Houtian River.

However, because of the towering mountains in the west, there is only one railway track in most sections. Once it encounters a blocked train, it will cause a dilemma for the Shitou. And in most sections of the road, there are no conditions for the tractor to turn around.

Shana took out the photos stored on her phone and said: "Look, there is a mountain wall on one side and a river on the other. Even if the tractor can turn around on the rails, there is no condition for passing on the left and right sides. Once there is a traffic jam, the Stone will be thrown away." over there."

Shana vetoed the railway line, and Maya vetoed the road line: "The current paradise for refugees is the Western Peninsula. Although 90 days have passed since the zombie virus outbreak, the survival rate of people in the suburbs is still relatively high. I believe there will be another big wave." Some headed toward the Western Peninsula.”

Maya continued: "Even if there are few refugees on the road, the Western Peninsula is currently a refugee camp with a very high population density. With our equipment appearing in the Western Peninsula, we will be easily attacked."

Lin Mengdao: "We have guns."

Maya said: "Let's not mention the possibility that they also have guns. In the face of hunger, death is not terrible."

Lin Wu said: "Have you forgotten that we also have another artifact?"


Lin Wu replied: "Hand-wheeled car."

Everyone was stunned, and Shitou asked: "You want to use a handcart to walk along the railway line? Rock it all the way?"

Lin Wu said: "Otherwise? It's more comfortable than walking, and the speed is not slow."

This is a feasible approach. However, I don’t use the Shitou car and instead use a hand-operated car. It feels a bit like having a luxury car but taking the subway.

Maya said: "The handcart is not impossible, but the number of people cannot exceed four. In addition, the space of the handcart is limited, and it can barely hold 8 backpacks. Because we have to escort VIPs, we have to leave a place, so only three people can go."

Shana calculated: "The speed of the handcar is 20 kilometers per hour. We are 120 kilometers away from the Western Peninsula and can reach it in 6 hours. If everything goes well, we can come back within a day."

Shitou: "Doesn't the danger count? I don't believe that Lin Wu will drive the car wholeheartedly. Lin Meng is not physically strong, so he will definitely not be able to get there in less than ten hours."

Maya said: "Then estimate the time for two days. If the train is blocked, we will hide the handcart and then walk through. In addition, I have discussed with Shitou in the past few days about recruiting a professional doctor. The Western Peninsula should be Not a bad choice.”

Xiaodao said: "Let me tell you, it's really boring. It's not bad to go out for a walk. If the handcart can open the Western Peninsula, we can drive the Stone to go out for a ride in the future."

Everyone agreed, and Lin Wu said, "Has anyone volunteered to replace Lin Meng?"

Lin Meng clasped his fists on his chest and looked at everyone pitifully.

Shana said: "I will prepare insulin injections for Lin Meng and store them in a foam box with ice cubes. There will be no big problem within two days." Where did the ice cubes come from? From the refrigerator, of course, which Railroad Bridge Base got soon after the Stone was put into service.

Maya said: "Okay, let's do it. Xuedan, please drive the Shitou to the branch line so that our handcart can pass. Lin Wu and Lin Meng get ready. Don't carry rifles, which are too conspicuous. If you carry pistols, you can bring more pistols." Bullets. Food, water, lighters, drones, flashlights, ropes and other necessary supplies when going out."

Xiao Dao said: "Lin Wu, find a way to bring some rice or flour back."

"Yeah." Lin Wu walked to the coal stove, put his hand on the guardrail of the railway bridge, looked back at everyone and said, "If I die, this will be my tombstone. On it are engraved, everything that should be blown and shouldn't be blown is added. .”

Shitou said speechlessly: "Okay, I will give you three more sticks of incense every day."

Lin Mengdao: "Uncle, I want the piece opposite Lin Wu."

Shitou looked at Maya: "What about you? Do you want to choose one too?"

Maya glanced at the stone: "Childish."

Shitou went crazy: "Why didn't you say a word when they were talking?"

Maya sighed: "Alas!"

After preparations are completed, first go to the nearby warehouse to find the VIP. Due to the mission, the zombies in the surrounding factories have been basically cleared away. Compared with the danger, it was more difficult to find the VIP. Finally, I found the trembling VIP in the trunk of a flooded car. I really don’t know what he was afraid of.

The VIP is a middle-aged man with a fat head, big ears, and a round belly. After asking, he found out that he was a banker. He had a bunch of background stories, but they were ignored by the Maya trio and were directly assigned to the handcart. At ten o'clock in the morning, the handcart started moving.

After driving 15 kilometers on the familiar railway track, Lin Wu got off the car, changed the direction of the transponder, and the handcar left the city and headed towards the Western Peninsula. This was also the first time that Lin Wu and the others left the city.

Everyone was in a good mood at first. After leaving the city, the railway tracks followed the mountain side, with majestic mountains on one side and turbulent water on the other. It was not anyone else who made everyone feel bad, but the VIP. Less than ten minutes after leaving the city, he asked to use the toilet and refused to urinate anywhere.

After communicating, Lin Wu took his weapon and engineer shovel to dig a hole beside the railway, and then surrounded it with a tarpaulin. He and Lin Meng held on to the tarpaulin and endured 15 minutes of abuse. VIP finally solved the problem. .

After walking for less than ten minutes, the VIP began to complain that he was hungry. He refused to eat dry instant noodles or canned noodles, and insisted on eating sirloin steak, medium rare. So Lin Wu hired engineers to shovel and repair things before he could calm down. However, it could be seen that he really didn't like to eat the food that Lin Wu and the others brought. Even if he was hungry, he would only take a few bites.

Lin Wu doesn't care about this, as long as you don't yell and waste your time. Not to mention starving for two days, even if he is not allowed to drink water for two days, he will not die. Besides, the mission didn't say anything about sending live VIPs on board.

After a while, the VIP rubbed his hand against Lin Meng's thigh intentionally or unintentionally. At first, Lin Meng thought it was unintentional. The VIP became bolder, so Lin Meng cut off his ear with a knife, causing everyone to waste 5 minutes bandaging him. Spend another five minutes tying the VIPs into rice dumplings.

VIP protested strongly: "Do you know who I am? I am a banker. How many bankers have you seen who only do low-interest and high-interest loans to earn the difference?"

Lin Wu took off a sock and handed it over. Lin Meng stuffed the sock into his mouth and tied it with two circles of tape. In an instant, the world became extremely beautiful.

On the opposite side of the river is the highway, and you can see tents or awnings made of plastic sheets on the side of the highway. There is a lot of garbage on the ground, and there are also dedicated scavengers who pick up other people’s unwanted tents. On the river bank below, there were many bodies thrown down. Some of the corpses had been soaked to the point of being miserable.

The river was about a hundred meters wide, and most people didn't notice the handcart on the other side. Those who noticed it just looked at it numbly, and an aura of despair filled the road.

Around lunch time, a team of hundreds of people appeared on the road. These were self-organized groups of refugees heading to the Western Peninsula. After all, it is a game, and there is a bottom line. There is no such thing as eating the same kind of people or selling yourself for a bite of food. The elderly and children have also been deleted. Even so, Lin Wu and the others were shocked.

The difficulties they faced were not only the one hundred kilometers of journey, not only from hunger, but also from internal quarrels and fights. The handcart arrived in front of them, and Lin Wu and the others took a break for lunch. The road team caught up again. They didn't have lunch. Lin Wu and others also put away their food and waited for them to pass. At this moment, someone shouted in the center of the team, someone ran outside, stepped outside and looked in, and it was chaotic for a while.

Maya observed with a telescope for a while: "They are zombies. They must have drank contaminated water. There is a small group of collective mutations."

Unable to help, the team moved on. At one o'clock in the afternoon, when we were still 20 kilometers away from the Western Peninsula, zombies appeared on the railway. The handcart stopped, and several people looked at the zombies 30 meters away, with a vague premonition. After continuing to eliminate zombies for about a hundred meters, a zombie train stopped on the railway track.

This is a small station. There is a river on the left side of the railway track and a small station on the right. Behind the small station is an open land. There is a road built in the open land that connects the small station to a small village two hundred meters away.

This is a seven-car modern passenger train with a modest passenger capacity. The zombies completely occupied the small station. They were centered on the small station and did not spread out in all directions. It seemed that there was something attracting them inside the small station.

Maya looked at the station name, took out a map to search, and said: "Xiaoxi Station is 18 kilometers from the entrance of the Western Peninsula and about 25 kilometers from the naval base."

Maya: "One way is to walk." Leave the handcart behind and walk around the corpses. The disadvantages are that the load is high, it takes a long time, and you have to control a disobedient VIP.

"The second way is to go around." The handcart weighs 180 kilograms and can be moved away from the rails. The three people must transport the supplies first and then transport the handcart. The disadvantage is that the danger is relatively high and the space for detours is limited. The distance is relatively long, more than 500 meters need to be walked.

Lin Wu asked: "Send the luggage to the roadside first, and then come back to lift the handcart?"

Maya was a little worried and said: "Theoretically it's possible, but is there anyone in this village?"

The open space was very shallow, and the four households that could be seen seemed to be all the households. Due to geographical reasons, it is not easy for people on the road to discover this small village. However, there is a steel cable wooden bridge just in front of the village. The possibility of survivors living in the village cannot be ruled out.

If the supplies are sent over first and the VIPs are left behind, then the three of them return to carry the truck. They may be robbed by the survivors in the village or even kill the VIPs. One person is left to take care of the supplies, and two people have to lift a handcart weighing nearly 200 kilograms without making much noise, which is also a difficult task.

Lin Wu: "Lin Meng and I will handle it."

Maya: "Indiscriminate killing is always bad. Let Lin Meng guard the supplies." No zombies were found near the building, so there is a high possibility of survivors.


The three of them packed their things, put on a few backpacks, entered the open area along the foot of the mountain, and then walked around the small station. Lin Wu observed and found no survivors on the way, but the land in front of the farmer's house had obviously just been renovated. A few people would feel more at ease if someone showed up to say hello, but the current situation made Lin Ma a little uneasy.

Maya said softly: "Looking at the structure of the buildings in the village, before the virus outbreak, they should have been houses for hunters, and they might have stocked bows and arrows or even shotguns."

Lin Wu said: "We did not expose the pistol, only a few melee weapons. If they are very strong, they should show up directly."

Maya explained: "Lin Meng, if there is an emergency, you can handle it at your own discretion."

Lin Meng nodded: "Yes."

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