Count of Wizards

Chapter 983 Fighting (1)

"Connor Ferguson, are you going to leave like this?"

Seeing that Connor wanted to pretend to leave, Philo didn't say anything, but Van der Beek, who was beside him, couldn't sit still, and said coldly to Connor:

Hearing Van der Beek's words, the smile on Connor's face became more intense. He didn't look back, and turned his back to Van der Beek and said lightly: "Do you want to keep me?"

Regarding Connor's rhetorical question, Van der Beek snorted coldly, and touched the space ring with his fingers, the threat in his actions was self-evident.

Connor shook his head helplessly, ignored Van der Beek's threat, and walked out of the private room. However, Van der Beek, a talented young wizard from the Church of Storms, saw that Connor was ignoring his own existence. He was furious and planned to attack Connor, but the anger did not make him completely lose his mind. He knew that the current location was in the downtown area of ​​the city center. Two official wizards were fighting here. He said that the influence was too bad, so he forcibly held back the anger in his heart and followed Connor directly.

Seeing Connor and Van der Beck, the two left one after the other. Mr. K, who put on the gray cloak again, had a flash of light in his eyes, then drank the Red Mountain coffee in his cup, and took it out of his wallet. He took out a one-pound bill, left it on the table, and walked away.

Twenty minutes later, in Ipurua City, in a lonely valley on the outskirts of the city, Connor looked at Van der Beek's and Filo with a calm expression.

"Connor Ferguson, let me advise you, you'd better choose to cooperate with our Church of Storms!" Looking deeply at Connor, the excited Van der Beek issued an ultimatum to Connor, and the people around him During the days when Mr. K stayed in Ipurua, all he thought about was Connor Ferguson, who wanted to complete the task assigned to him by the Church of the Storm.

That's not counting, plus the past few days, Mr. K, who pretended to be Mr. K, Philo praised Connor openly and secretly, so this directly led to the young and energetic Van der Beek, although he hadn't fought Connor yet. A face to face, but in his heart, he already had a deep hostility towards Connor,

And Connor, who showed up today, calmly put on a posture of deciding you, which undoubtedly deepened Van der Beek's dissatisfaction and hostility towards Connor in his heart, so now Van der Beek is not a temporary It is not an intention, but an outburst of hostility and dissatisfaction that has been accumulated for a long time.

Ignoring Van der Beek's words, Connor took out his pocket watch, glanced at the time, and said, "Make a move! Start early, finish early, and I can still buy a train ticket back to Frosinone!"

Seeing that Connor looked down on him so much, Van der Beek immediately flew into a rage, and stopped engaging in any unnecessary verbal disputes with Connor. His right hand pointed at Connor, and a hasty and powerful incantation sounded from his mouth:


Following the appearance of Van der Beek's incantation, Connor immediately felt that four directions appeared in his front, back, left, right, and violent energy fluctuations. In the next second, four tornado storms were condensed. And they attacked Connor together.

Feeling the four tornadoes coming towards him, Connor didn't panic at all. On the contrary, he nodded slightly as if affirming the power of the four tornadoes. Although the speed of the four tornadoes was not Soon, but indistinctly, some kind of formation was formed, united to suppress Connor, if it is an ordinary official wizard, encountering such a magic attack, maybe in a hurry, it is really possible to collapse at the first touch, Defeated at the hands of Van der Beek.

However, this kind of trick is not enough to meet Connor, who is very good at formations and is an alchemist. Connor just observed a little bit, and the arrangement of the four tornadoes shows the difference between them. There are loopholes between...

Smiling at Van der Beek, Connor immediately moved. With a wave of his hands, several black light blades hit the four tornadoes. Compared with the storm, these black light blades that Connor cast looked a bit like a mantis holding a chariot, like a moth flying to a flame, which was not worth mentioning.

But looking at these black light blades flying to the position, Van der Beek, who was controlling the four dragon and phoenix storms, couldn't help but change his face, thinking to himself: "Connor Ferguson, this bastard, how would he know about my storm?" Where the magic circle node is, damn it! What is going on here!"

Although it is a bit unbelievable and I can't believe the facts in front of me, seeing the black light blade released by Connor is about to hit the node of the storm circle, paralyzing the four tornado storms, Van der Beck A young genius, with a look of determination on his face, quickly made a decision, uttering a short incantation


Although the sound of Van der Beek's incantation was short, its effect was very powerful. The energy fluctuations of the four tornado storms became violent in an instant. Connor, who noticed this, instantly realized Van der Beek's plan, and his eyes lit up In a flash, and just one second before the four tornadoes were hit by the black light blade, they all exploded themselves, and the hurricane and shock rushed towards Connor who was located in the center of the magic circle.

Seeing the self-detonation of the storm circle and submerging Connor, Van der Beek, who was still having some headaches, suddenly showed a smile on his handsome face. If this trick can get rid of the damn guy Connor Ferguson, then Van der Beek is willing to bear the loss!

At this time, Van der Beck, who was full of ambition and smiling, didn't notice that Mr. K, who had been talking behind him and just watched the battle silently, seemed to have discovered something, and now he was looking at him with pity... ·····

The time passed by one second, one second, and soon after the explosion of the tornado storm, a minute had passed, but Connor's figure still did not appear, thinking that Connor had already fallen on the face of Van der Beck in the tornado storm explosion The smile became brighter and ready, and when he showed off to the silent Mr. K beside him, his bright smile immediately froze on his face, and he realized his mental power. A black figure in magic armor was slowly Walking out of the explosion, this figure was none other than the one he thought was dead——Connor Ferguson!

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