Count of Wizards

Chapter 982: Ins and Outs (2)

Connor was not surprised by Filo's question. From the moment he recognized Filo, Connor knew that Filo would definitely ask himself this question. Under Filo's gaze, Connor did not immediately answer Answered, but pondered for a while, and asked him back: "Philo, can you tell me that when you set up this plan, did you already join the Church of Storms?"

"Connor, you're overthinking it. I've been an informant for Black's organization for less than two months, and it's really good that I have this new identity. Thank you, Connor, your mentor Reyes! "A flash of hatred flashed in his eyes, and Fei Luo said in a deep voice:

"If he hadn't sent Bisping to kill me, how could I have been seriously injured and was discovered by the Church of Storms while healed..."

"The reason why the Church of the Storm will participate in the plan is because of some interests. They want Reyes to die! As for the extent to which the Church of the Storm will participate in the plan, I need you to confirm your participation in the plan, Connor, before I can tell you. You, as long as you cooperate, I promise to tell you everything I know!" Philo said firmly:

After listening to Philo's narration, Connor lowered his head and pondered for nearly a minute, then raised his head and asked Philo with a half-smile: "So I was forced to come to this ghost place to kill Ruiz because Do you want me to be part of your plans?"

Connor's sudden question caught Philo a little by surprise, but he quickly realized it, spread his hands and said helplessly: "I really didn't expect that, Connor, you actually found out."

"Tell me, what is going on here, what is the cotton in those wooden boxes?" Connor asked lightly:

"We have to start from the beginning. Ruiz is a member of the secret society just like you, Connor, but he is not a core member of the secret society like you. He is just because some channels for selling stolen goods have been absorbed by the secret society. A peripheral member of the church, the Church of Storms had already discovered him three years ago, but they just wanted to put a long line to catch big fish, so they didn't touch him, they just kept him and the Redstone Pawn Shop under surveillance!"

"The wizard of the Church of Storms who monitored Ruiz a year ago reported to the Black Agency that Ruiz had changed recently. He had not passed through his channel for several months and had sold goods outside. After receiving this information , the Black agency began to discuss whether Ruiz had noticed that he had been monitored, and whether he should be caught by the net. The reason, received those weird things that looked like cotton, and transported those things to various places in the Kaman Empire through his channel!"

"This immediately attracted the attention of Black's agency. They quickly obtained a small number of things that looked like cotton without disturbing Ruiz, and they also discovered the weirdness of that kind of thing. The storm The alchemists of the church examined and analyzed them."

"However, the analysis report is not very optimistic. The alchemists of the Church of Storms did not analyze what those things are and what their functions are. They are very close in style, and they pose no obvious harm to wizards!"

"After learning that these things were related to the secret society professor Connor your mentor, the Church of the Storm became more determined to take a long line to catch big fish. On the one hand, they closely monitored Ruiz and his channels, on the other hand If they hurry up and hope to get more information about those things, we will soon find out that all the external channels of your mentor's faction are all without that kind of thing like cotton, which only exists in Rui Adams and his channel here.

"The reason why Ruiz stopped all his original work of selling stolen goods was because he was worried that his original work would affect his channel to transport these weird things.

"As for Ruiz, a peripheral member of the secret society, why he is willing to make such a great sacrifice for the secret society is entirely because Reyes once got in touch with him through some kind of communication tool and promised him However, if he succeeds in this vote and completes the task assigned to him by the secret society, the secret society will give him training resources to help him break through from a senior wizard apprentice to a first-level wizard!"

"So it can be inferred from this that those weird things must be very important to Reyes, so he didn't choose his own channel to transport these things, but chose to use the channel of Ruiz, a peripheral member of the Secret Society, just to To cover up people's eyes and ears so that the things can be transported out safely, but he never expected that Ruiz has long been targeted by the Church of the Storm!" Having said that, Philo's face showed a schadenfreude. smug smile.

When Philo said this, although he didn't go on, Connor understood everything. Now that Ruiz is responsible for transporting some important things for Reyes, if he kills him himself, it is inevitable. It will startle Reyes and arouse his anger! At that time, even if I want to wait and see and don't want to participate in Filo's plan, but in order to survive and prevent myself from fighting Reyes alone, I still have to cooperate with Filo and participate in his plan. It's planned.

Thinking of this, Connor couldn't help but twitched his eyes, and felt a murderous intent towards Philo in his heart. Most of the information Philo said was probably from his nobleman, that is, what Christante told him, but this The poisonous plot is very in line with Philo's style, and what Connor hates the most is that someone plots against him behind his back!

And at this time, Philo also noticed the change in Connor's expression, he didn't say anything, just put on the gray cloak again, and looked at Connor calmly, the originally calm atmosphere between the two suddenly became tense Got up, but the tense atmosphere didn't last long, because at this moment, Van der Beek, a young man, came back with three cups of Red Mountain coffee and put them on the table.

Looking at the steaming red mountain coffee on the table, Filo took the brunt of it, picked up a cup and began to drink, and after him, Van der Beek also picked up the coffee cup. Seeing this, Connor didn't speak, He raised his sword eyebrows, and a mocking smile appeared on his sharp-edged face, and then Connor stood up, intending to leave the private room...

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