Count of Wizards

Chapter 981 Ins and Outs (1)

After looking at Van der Beek twice, Connor locked his eyes on the mysterious man in the gray cloak in front of him, and his intuition told him that the one who hides his face is the right one, and most importantly, I don't know why, but this person gave Connor a very familiar feeling, as if he had met this person there, and had fought against him...

Looking at Connor through the cloak for a few seconds, the mysterious Mr. K whispered to Van der Beek, who was very nervous and always on guard: "The Red Mountain coffee in this coffee shop is good, please Help us order two cups and bring them back!"

Although Van der Beek has no experience, he is obviously not stupid. Naturally, he heard Mr. K's implication, and wanted to push him away so that he could face the "target" in front of him. This immediately puzzled him. In his eyes, the three of them are all first-level wizards now. No matter how you look at it, when they fight for a while, two against one is an advantage. Why does Mr. K even have to distract himself at this time and face the "target" alone?

Although Van der Beek couldn't figure out what Mr. K's intention was, but seeing Mr. K's firm attitude, and thinking about how Christian told him to follow Mr. K's command in this operation except for issues of principle, so After hesitating for a while, he gave Connor a vicious look, motioned Connor not to act rashly, opened the door, and walked out of the private room.

With Van der Beck's departure, only Connor and Mr. K were left in the private room. Looking at Connor's scrutinizing eyes, this mysterious Mr. K, who was wearing a gray cloak and didn't show the slightest face, smiled wryly. Connor shook his head, without any nonsense, and took off the hood on his head in front of Connor.

"Philo, it's you?"

Looking at the familiar face in front of him, Connor's eyes narrowed, and he preached in surprise. Half an hour ago, Connor was in

Under the increase of the mental power of the silver pendant, Connor found their traces in this cafe. After observing and assessing the strength of the enemy and the enemy, Connor decided to show up and have a talk with the other party.

The Church of the Storm aura on Van der Beek was so strong that Connor recognized him as a wizard of the Church of the Storm almost immediately, so at the beginning, Connor also thought that the man in the gray cloak The mysterious person is also a wizard of the Church of the Storm, so after feeling familiar with him, Connor is still a little curious about the identity of this person. After all, apart from Margaret, the official wizard of the Church of the Storm, he really hasn’t had much contact with him. So when he found out that this mysterious person turned out to be Philo, Connor was a little surprised.

"It's been a while since we met, Connor, should I call you Earl Ferguson now?" Philo, who reported himself, smiled meaningfully and said to Connor:

"It's just a title, Philo, you can call him whatever you like!" Connor waved his hand, and responded lightly to Feilo's inquiry, then he looked Filo up and down, then changed his voice, and asked tentatively: " Some time ago, I heard that you, Philo, were in some trouble, so I thought you were dead, but I didn’t expect you to appear here, why is this so prosperous now, and you have joined the Church of Storms?”

Although it was unbelievable that Philo appeared here, Connor quickly accepted this fact, and quickly started to think based on this fact.

Before coming to Ipurua, when he and Margaret were meeting at the Rossi Theater, they even talked about Philo. Margaret told Connor that they would be sent to the town of Spare to deal with it. Due to some kind of secret, all the joint teams of Philo's Church of the Storm and the Church of the Earth were transferred from Frosinone, and the person who did this is probably the suspected Church of the Storm, the intelligence director of the Black Agency, Ke Christian!

To be honest, Connor had seriously thought about what happened to Philo and the Church of the Storm in the small town of Spal, which would have caused the entire joint team to be transferred away immediately, but because there were limited clues at the time, Connor didn't come up with any result.

But now it seems that the guy Christant appeared here, and he was followed by the wizard named Van der Beck's Church of the Storm. The result seems to be self-evident. The Church of the Storm got together, and the reason why the joint team that dealt with Filo was immediately transferred away was most likely because the Church of the Storm wanted to keep Filo's identity a secret.

Philo is not stupid either, so he naturally understood the tentative meaning of Connor's words, he smiled wryly without hiding it, and said helplessly: "Connor, you are right, I did meet some time ago A little trouble, your mentor Reyes sent Bisping to deal with me. Bisping and I had a big fight near the small town of Spal. Although I managed to push back Bisping, a difficult guy, But he was also seriously injured.

"So I hid in the small town of Spare to heal my wounds. I never wanted to show my whereabouts. I was targeted by the Church of Storms and the Church of the Earth..."

Speaking of this, Philo sighed, then took out a token from the space ring, and while showing the token to Connor, he said: "It was another coincidence, and I met a noble person, so I It has become what it is now, becoming an informant of the Black organization of the Church of the Storm, working for the Church of the Storm!"

Seeing that Philo showed him the simple token with the runes of the Church of Storms carved out of mithril, Connor knew very well that the nobleman that Philo met was probably Christant, this Black The agency's intelligence director, the largest intelligence leader of the Church of the Storm, and only Christante has the ability and courage to develop a black wizard who does all kinds of evil and practice blood witchcraft into an eagle dog of the Church of the Storm.

Seeing that Connor saw his token clearly and recognized his new identity, Philo put the token back into the space ring, then looked solemnly, and asked Connor very solemnly: "Konna Na, do you know what happened recently?"

Although Philo didn't explain what he was referring to, Connor understood his meaning in an instant, pondered for a while and asked, "Philo, you mean Reyes and the third-level wizard of the Earth God Sect McKenney thing?"

"That's right! It seems that you have heard about it, Connor. Since that's the case, I don't want to talk nonsense. What I told you at the beginning has already happened. I don't know what you plan to do next, Connor." The voice fell, Philo stared at Connor closely, waiting for his answer.

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