Count of Wizards

Chapter 985 Exchange information (1)

Hearing the answer given by Connor, it turned out to be like this. Although Mr. K, who was disguised as Philo, couldn't see his face clearly because of the gray cloak, he was obviously a little disappointed, but he was still a bit smart. Disappointed but not too obvious.

However, Van der Beek, who was always restrained by his side, didn't have such good self-cultivation. He immediately ignored Mr. K's obstruction and sarcastically said to Connor: "Connor Ferguson, are you kidding us?"

Regarding Van der Beek's sarcasm, Connor did not utter a word to refute, but just glanced at him coldly, and under Connor's gaze, Van der Beek, who was flamboyant and unscrupulous a second ago, suddenly fell into a ruthless state. Bingku, recalling the pain caused to him by the mental storm that Connor just unleashed, the anger in his heart was instantly cooled by half, but for the sake of face, he still persisted without showing any weakness, pretending to be vicious It looks like a demonstration to Connor.

At this time, Philo, who turned into Mr. K, also smiled wryly and said: "Connor, you know that I am also a worker. I can't deal with you like this. I know that your mentor is a very cautious person. I won’t reveal that secret like others, but we believe that Connor Ferguson, with your ability and means, will never discover anything…”

After the words fell, Philo turned his attention to Connor again, and Van der Beek also kept the same line with him, and also looked at Connor.

Under the watchful eyes of Philo and Van der Beek, Connor smiled slightly, and then said: "You really think highly of me, but you really guessed it right. Although he didn't tell me, I did have some clues. I What I want to tell you is that the ruins you are looking for should be near Frosinone, but for a more specific location, I still need to go back to Frosinone, with the help of the library in our family library. Only data can be deduced!"

Hearing Connor say that the ruins are around Frosinone, Van der Beek and Mr. K have different reactions. Van der Beek is very surprised, but Mr. K seems not surprised at all, and also He seemed a little dissatisfied with such an answer given by Connor.

"In three days' time, I will meet with Christante at the Kilian Tavern in Frosinone, and help me bring the message!" After secretly taking the expressions of Van der Beek and Mr. K into his eyes, Connor said to Van der Beek:

Van der Beek, who was immersed in the joy of the ruins around Frosinone, did not expect Connor to talk to him, he was slightly taken aback, and then said coldly: "I will bring the words, but Kerry Sir Stant, I may not be willing to see you!"

"Don't worry! As long as he's not stupid, he will definitely meet me!" Connor said confidently. After Connor said this, he ignored the two people in front of him, turned around and walked towards the city of Ipurua If he remembers correctly, there will be a train from Ipurua to Frosinone half an hour later. If he leaves now, he and he will be able to catch this train and return as quickly as possible. Frosinone, this is very important for Connor who is pressed for time.

Seeing the back of Connor leaving, for some reason Van der Beek suddenly turned to Mr. K beside him, and said very seriously: "Master Christant is right, this Connor Ferguson is a dangerous person !"

Mr. K, who was thinking about something, gave a wry smile after hearing Van der Beek's evaluation of Connor, and also glanced at Connor's back that had turned into black spots, nodded in agreement and said:

"Yes, he is dangerous!"



Conor Ferguson, who returned to Frosinone from the city of Ipurua four hours later, confirmed the severity of his surroundings.

After he was safe and no one was watching him, the first thing he did was to ask Margaret out through his contact information.

And it seemed that at this time, Margaret was also waiting for Connor. The two hit it off and soon met in Spezia Park in the downtown area of ​​Frosinone.

Sitting back to back on a bench in the park, before Connor could ask, Margaret asked anxiously, "Connor, what's going on with you?"

Hearing Margaret's inquiry, Connor's heart moved, and he had some ominous premonition, and immediately asked, "Margaret, is something wrong?"

"A day ago, Frosinone's Church of the Storm secretly dispatched De Zelby and Milik, two first-level wizards. The two led a team of arbitrators to monitor the Ferguson mansion and the surrounding areas of the Ferguson manor. At the same time, the Frosinone City Hall has also imposed road repairs and other reasons to restrict the entry and exit of members of your Ferguson family in the Ferguson Mansion and Ferguson Manor."

"In the Ferguson mansion, your lady pharmacist has met with De Zelby, who is in charge of monitoring the Ferguson mansion, yesterday. Your lady pharmacist really has a bad temper!"

"Connor, you should be thankful that the first-level wizard in charge of monitoring the Ferguson mansion is De Zelby, not the hot-tempered Milik. If it weren't for De Zelby's calm personality and restraint, yours Countess, it is very likely that the Church of the Storm has captured it yesterday!" Margaret quickly narrated to Connor:

"How is Varga doing now?" Connor didn't have time to pay attention to the jealousy in Margaret's words. He was worried about Varga's safety, so he immediately asked:

"At the beginning, when she realized that the Ferguson mansion was being monitored by the Church of the Storm, she seemed to think that you were in danger, and she was a little excited, and wanted to leave the Ferguson mansion, so she almost had a conflict with De Zelby. Later I saw When she lost her mind, she was about to forcibly rush out of Ferguson Manor."

I used some tricks and sent her a sentence, telling her that you are fine for the time being. After the Church of the Storms threatened you with the Ferguson family, she became much quieter and stayed in the Ferguson mansion obediently! "Margaret said lightly:

Although Margaret said it very lightly, Connor knew very well that in that case, Margaret contacted Varga in Ferguson Manor who was under surveillance by a first-level wizard and a team of arbitrators. , What a risk to take, if there is a slight mistake, Margaret will be doomed, and will face the internal trial of the Church of Storms!

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