Count of Wizards

Chapter 986 Exchange information (2)

Connor knew exactly why Margaret took such a big risk to avoid conflicts between Varga and the Church of the Storms!

As for Varga, although she looks weak and submissive on the surface, Connor can be said to understand her stubbornness in her heart better than anyone else. I believe that if it is not for the connection with Margaret, she should have been with her. There is a conflict in the Church of Storms. If that is the case, things will be troublesome for Connor. Thinking of this, Connor took a deep breath, and Connor whispered to Margaret behind him gratefully: "Margo Lite! This time, thank you very much!"

"It's nothing, your countess saved my life when I was in Loen, and I'll pay her back this time. From then on, the two of us will owe nothing to each other!" Margaret stroked. After brushing the loose hair on his forehead, he still spoke calmly:

Seeing that Margaret's prejudice against Varga was still so deep-rooted, Connor could only shake his head helplessly, then sorted out his language, and said to Margaret: "Reyes was killed by the God of the Earth. Margaret, you should know the news that McKenney was seriously injured, right?"

"Is this true? I just got some rumors a few days ago, and I'm currently confirming the accuracy of the news, so I didn't tell you, Connor." Margaret said with some surprise:

"Yes, it should be true! The night you and I met last time, that old bastard Adolf wrote a letter to Varga, telling Varga about it, and he also said that Reyes was beaten by McKenney After becoming seriously injured, it is very possible to come to me, so he hopes that if Varga wants to avoid the risk and leave my side and avoid meeting Reyes, he can go to him, and the Wangjue faction will provide her with protection!" Kang Na whispered to Margaret:

While talking, Connor's eyes flashed with murderous intent. Although he told Varga that day that he didn't mind, and asked Varga to seriously consider Adolf's proposal, in fact, Connor didn't like Adolf poaching his own corner. He had already made a note of Adolf in his heart, as long as there was a chance, Connor would definitely make Adolf pay the price, and let him know that he was not easy to mess with.

After telling about Adolf, Connor paused for a moment, hesitated a little, but still said to Margaret: 'Margaret, I met Philo in Ipurua! '

"Where did Philo appear?" Margaret frowned and asked in surprise:

"Yes! I even had a good talk with him!" Connor sighed, and then he didn't make any excuses, and continued: "Now Philo changed his name to Mr. K and became an informant for Black's organization! "

"Mr. K? An informant?" Margaret, who was already frowning, frowns even more after hearing what Connor said.

"That's right, he is now an informant of Black's agency!" Connor repeated, and then continued:

"In order to prove his identity, Philo showed me an identity token engraved with the runes of the Church of Storms. Although I don't know what the identity token is, from the perspective of alchemy, the token The value of the card is still very large, it is not an ordinary thing, not only that, beside him, he is followed by a young official wizard named Van der Beek who uses the storm circle, "

"According to what Philo said, he was in the small town of Spal. He met Bisping who was sent by Reyes to kill him. The two of them had a fight. After he repelled Bisping, he was in the He was recuperating in the small town of Spare, and then he met the joint team and was forced to leave, so with the help of a noble person, he joined the Church of the Storm and became an informant of Black's agency!" Connor recalled. :

After hearing more detailed information from Connor, Margaret thought for a while, her frown gradually relaxed, and she said in a somewhat complicated way: "I see, I said that the members of the joint team, how come? It would be so weird that they were all transferred away. It seems that Blake’s organization is trying to protect his identity... How did you meet Connor? Could it be that Krystal asked you to go to Yip Rua killed Ruiz, is it related to Filo?"

"Marguerite, you are right. It is precisely because Reyes was seriously injured and disappeared. Christante wanted to lure Reyes out, so on that guy Ruiz, give me a Mr. K, who was disguised as Philo, and Van der Beek, who was by his side, are the two executors of this plan."

"The Church of Storms represented by Philo and Christant seems to have a plan to kill Reyes. Although they didn't tell me what the plan is, I feel that I seem to be an important part of their plan. As for why the Church of the Storm sent two arbitrator teams and two official wizards to monitor the Ferguson Manor and the Ferguson Mansion yesterday, it was just as you thought, Margaret, that they were the ones who forced me to join their plan Now!" Connor said helplessly:

After listening to Connor, Margaret, who was sitting on the bench behind Connor, was silent for a full minute. Just when Connor was a little surprised and was about to ask, she suddenly said in a very serious whisper, " Connor, can I ask you a question?"

Feeling the seriousness in Margaret's tone, although Connor was a little surprised, he also said very seriously: "Margaret, I don't know what you plan to ask me, but what I can guarantee is , as long as I know, I will tell you!"

After getting such a positive answer from Connor, Margaret had no taboos, and asked Connor directly: "Then Connor, do you know the relationship between Reyes and the hereditary aristocratic group?"

Margaret's question really surprised Connor. He didn't know where Margaret's question came from. After thinking about it for a while, Connor shook his head and said, "Although Reyes is my mentor , I am also his only student, he taught me a lot in cultivation and alchemy, and imparted me a lot of valuable knowledge, but in terms of his identity and other things, I have maintained a certain tacit understanding with him , he didn’t tell me, and I never took the initiative to ask!”

"The only thing I know is that Reyes may be my relative, and his identity may be related to our Ferguson family."

"By the way! Margaret, do you still remember the one you told me about in Loen, my aunt Stefano Ferguson?" Connor lowered his voice and asked Margaret behind him road:

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