Count of Wizards

Chapter 989 Mysterious Man (1)

After talking about this, Margaret explained some other things to Connor, and then quietly left without staying in Spezia Park. After all, the current intelligence director of the Black Agency, the largest of the Church of the Storm The intelligence chief, Christante, is most likely still in Frosinone, and every minute Margaret comes out to meet Connor, she has to bear an extra risk of exposure.

Although Margaret left, Connor did not leave Spezia Park immediately. He was still sitting on the bench in the park, thinking deeply about the meeting with Margaret today. Li Te really brought him too much information, and he had to digest it carefully.

Although Connor had already realized that Reyes' affairs at the Bernabéu in the imperial capital were definitely not simple, otherwise he would not have been so mysterious, but he still did not expect that the water behind this matter would be so deep, Lei Yess was actually involved in the Kaman Empire's succession to the throne, and judging from the Church of the Storm's determination to kill him, his mentor should occupy an important position in this matter.

If you look at it this way, it really fits Reyes' usual generous style. When he was still in Loen, Reyes, in order to support Edel, the Arbiter of Loen who had defected to him, became the bishop of the Loen Church of Storms. It was blown up, and it even killed Abidal, a god-punisher in the church. This method really taught Connor a lesson!

Judging from the information that Margaret revealed to herself today, that guy Philo may not have lied to himself. The Church of the Storm really wanted to kill Reyes!

If this is the case, I might be able to use a borrowed knife to kill people like Philo said, teach this knife with a storm, and kill my dear mentor. Thinking of the look in Connor's eyes, I can't help but There was a look of excitement.



While secretly planning in his heart, on a train traveling along the railway from Loen to the northeast of the Kaman Empire, a slender, ordinary-looking man dressed in white, wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, A middle-aged Caucasian male who looks gentle and looks like a teacher is sitting alone in the box, looking at the scenery outside the window through the glass window.

Although his eyes were looking out of the window, his expression was very calm, but for some reason, the man in white always looked preoccupied, as if he was hiding something...

"Cough! Cough! Cough!"

Without any warning, the middle-aged man who was looking out of the window suddenly coughed very painfully, and an abnormal flush appeared on his weather-beaten face.

The coughing of the middle-aged man lasted for a full minute before barely stopping. He leaned back on the chair weakly. The middle-aged man took out a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. There was also a helpless wry smile on Tong Tongtong's face, he shook his head and said in a low voice with some emotion: "A third-level wizard, after all, a third-level wizard, is not something I can defeat... ··”

After talking to himself, the middle-aged man wiped his hand on his waist, and suddenly a bottle of blue potion appeared in his hand out of thin air.

Without hesitation, the middle-aged man directly opened the cork and put the blue potion into his mouth. After taking the blue potion, the middle-aged man, who was originally weak, recovered a lot and felt the changes in himself. , The middle-aged man nodded slightly. At this moment, the middle-aged man seemed to sense something. His eyes flashed, and then he flipped his hand, and a very ordinary-looking notebook appeared in his hand.

Opening the notebook and turning to the third page, the middle-aged man looked at the content displayed on it, and a faint smile appeared on his ordinary face. A minute later, he closed the notebook, pondered for a while, and gradually made a decision in his mind.

The middle-aged man lightly waved his right hand in the air, and an invisible and powerful barrier suddenly appeared to wrap the box, so that outsiders could not know what happened in the box. Seeing this middle-aged man, Only then did he take out a mirror engraved with mysterious runes from his pocket,

After looking at the mirror twice, the middle-aged man tapped lightly on the mirror, and immediately the mirror glowed with a faint blue light, and a few seconds later, a tall and mighty figure with blue eyes appeared on the mirror. , but the figure of a middle-aged man with an injured left eye is none other than Bisping, a member of the secret society.

"My lord, have you got rid of them?" Bisping, who was summoned by the middle-aged man, didn't talk nonsense, and asked directly in a low voice:

"For the time being!" Faced with Bisping's inquiry, this gentlemanly middle-aged man said with a smile:

Hearing the words of this ordinary-looking middle-aged man, Bisping's expression was obviously much more relaxed. Although the middle-aged man didn't ask, he still took the initiative to ask: "I don't know the whereabouts of the others yet. , but Southgate and I have sneaked into the safe house in Frosinone without disturbing the Church of the Storm and the Church of the Earth God."

"Southgate lost some alchemy puppets, but he was not injured, and I had a fight with that dog Philo, but I was only slightly injured, and there was nothing serious."

"Very good!" Hearing Bisping's report, the middle-aged man nodded with satisfaction, and then ordered, "You and Southgate will stay in Frosinone for a while, I still have some things to deal with, after a while, when I finish dealing with things over there, I will go to Frosinone and have a round with the two of you!"

Speaking of this, the ordinary-looking middle-aged man seemed to have thought of something, and continued to say after a change of voice: "Peace Southgate well, if he starts to become irritable, you will give it to you when I was at the Bernabéu in the imperial capital." Then give the treasure to Southgate, that thing is enough for Southgate to study for a while!"

After getting the order, Bisping nodded and said: "Okay, I know what to do! My lord, Southgate and I have no problems in Frosinone at the moment, but... ···”

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