Count of Wizards

Chapter 990 Mysterious Man (2)

"However, I have received reliable information that Christante of the Black Agency is currently in Frosinone, and he sent two arbitrator teams and two first-level wizards a few days ago to lead the Ferguson Mansion and the Ferguson Manor respectively. Surveillance is on, I think they are using this method to force Connor to deal with you!" Bisping's eyes flickered, and he said worriedly:

Hearing Bisping's narration, this ordinary-looking middle-aged man didn't seem to be surprised. He waved his hand and said calmly: "This is normal, this little guy Connor is still too young. , can't let go of everything in the secular world, and he still wants to revitalize the rotten Ferguson family that has rotted to the root.

"I believe that soon he will meet and understand that in the face of the laws of history, everything he does is futile. No matter what he does, it is impossible to change the ending of the Ferguson family's decline!"

"However, in this process, it is always good for Connor Ferguson to suffer a little setback, which will help his future development!"

"As for the Church of the Storm, the Black Agency is not a decoration, and Christa White is not an idiot. Since they know about my relationship with Connor, they want to unite with Connor to kill me. What are you worried about!"

"On the contrary, if they don't look for Connor, I will be a little worried. Is Christant playing some tricks on me? Connor may know something from that woman Martina, but what he doesn't know is still What's more, everything is developing as I expected, what you have to do, Bisping, is to act according to the plan I gave you before!"

Hearing what the middle-aged man said, Bisping no longer had any doubts. He nodded heavily, signaling to the middle-aged man that he understood.

After the middle-aged man explained to Bisping to keep in touch, he cut off the communication with Bisping, and at the same time put it away and took it to the opera box. The enchantment with the train!

"Da! Da! Da! Da!..."

After finishing the conversation with Bisping, the middle-aged man fell into deep thought again, tapping the seat rhythmically with his fingers. After a long time, a mysterious smile appeared on his face, and he said to himself: " Let me see what happens next!"



"Lord De Zerby, what are we doing here? If there is something wrong with the woman in the mansion, we will take her down!" Outside the Ferguson mansion, in a hotel room, a strong arbitrator in casual clothes , with some doubts, asked the old man in a dark blue robe, who was observing the Ferguson mansion carefully through the glass window:

The old man called "Lord De Zerby" glanced back at his subordinates, shook his head without explaining, and then continued to observe the Ferguson mansion in front of him.

If it was normal times, what the arbitrator said was not wrong. Just because the identity of the woman in the mansion with a formal wizard training was unknown, they, the wizards of the Church of Storms, could rush into the Ferguson mansion and kill her. The woman was caught out.

But unfortunately, instead of being an ordinary moment, now is a very sensitive period, and the Ferguson family, to which the Ferguson mansion belongs, also has a very sensitive identity - the hereditary earl of the Kaman Empire!

As a veteran official wizard who has served the Church of Storms for eighty years, although De Zelby does not know the details of the battle for the throne of the Bernabeu Kaman Empire, he also clearly understands that the Church of Storms and the God of the Earth Represented by the hereditary aristocratic groups, the beneficiaries of the existing political structure of the Kaman Empire are engaged in political wrangling. Big strife!

Therefore, at such a time when restraint should be exercised and the two sides negotiate and negotiate to solve the problem, bringing people into the house of a hereditary earl and taking away his relatives is undoubtedly adding fuel to the fire and provoking the hereditary aristocratic group. A good choice, not to mention that the higher-ups have not ordered me to do this until now, even if the higher-ups did order it, De Zelby also thinks that he should consider whether he can carry out this order!

De Zelby continued to scan the huge mansion in front of him, trying to find the figure of the witch in the manor. From the first day he received the order from above and came here to monitor the Ferguson mansion, he encountered To the unidentified witch.

Although I don't know the name of this witch, what kind of identity she is, and what kind of background she has.

But the experienced Dezerbi felt a dangerous aura from her body, which made Dezelby a little suspicious of this mysterious witch. He could clearly feel that this witch was not long ago, From a wizard apprentice to a full-fledged wizard, logically speaking, it is impossible to threaten him, an old fritter who has been immersed in the realm of a first-level wizard for decades!

Although he didn't believe that the witch could really pose a threat to him, De Zelby still didn't dare to be careless due to the good habits he had developed for decades, trying to bring the other party into his sight and let the other party become controllable.

Just as De Zerby was searching for the trace of the witch in the Ferguson mansion, De Zerby suddenly felt a chill in the back of his head, and felt something strange. moved to the street.

I don't know when a tall and handsome young man in a black windbreaker appeared there. At this moment, this man was standing on the street, staring at him through the window of the hotel. I don't know what to observe. how long has he been...

Seeing the figure of this man in sight, De Zelby immediately thought of the name of a particularly marked dangerous person in the information provided to him by a Black agency——Connor Ferguson!

Connor, who was in a hurry to go home to see Varga, didn't delay here any longer and turned around directly It was under the watchful eyes of the arbitrators of the Church of Storms on the other side that he walked into the Ferguson mansion majestically.

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