Count of Wizards

Chapter 1002 Evil Spirit Spider (2)

Like most monsters that are equivalent to the strength of official human wizards, this blood-striped evil spirit spider is also very intelligent. As a wizard who is good at spells, Zelby is not good at melee combat. It took advantage of its amazingly defensive shell armor to rush forward frantically at any cost, biting and hitting De Zerby, and making that screaming sound from time to time to disturb De Zerby's spirit.

Faced with such a crazy and cunning attack by the blood-streaked evil spirit spider, even De Zelby, who is experienced and rich in means, is somewhat powerless. After just a few encounters, the situation begins to become dangerous.

At the same time, with the help of Castilla's staff, Connor killed an adult evil spirit spider beside him, and after repelling the remaining three adult evil spirit spiders, he noticed De Zelby's side In this case, he also observed the appearance of the blood-striped evil spirit spider who only possessed the strength of a formal wizard.

Although Connor is very happy to see De Zelby in trouble, it is a pity that at this time, their search team is in a very dangerous situation. The danger of being overwhelmed.

After all, Connor is good at fighting alone, and it is impossible for him to survive under the siege of a blood-striped evil spirit spider and dozens of adult evil spirit spiders. Therefore, Connor needs De Zelby to live at this time. Whether it is to let him block the blood-striped evil spirit spider for him now, or to help him share part of the pressure during the possible breakout and run, De Zelby is very valuable.

So seeing that De Zerby was at a disadvantage and might be eaten away by the blood-striped evil spirit spider little by little, Connor did not refuse to save him. A black light flashed in his hand, and a spear of Pluto with restrained light It condensed out of his hand, aimed at the blood-striped evil spirit spider, and just hit it.


The blood-striped evil spirit spider that had just torn apart De Zerby's defense, and was about to bite hard on De Zerby's body, was hit by Connor's intrusion, and suddenly fluffed under the powerful power of Hades' spear. He swayed and nearly fell to the ground. Taking advantage of this opportunity, De Zelby retreated three meters away, and then waved the staff in his hand again, building a series of ice walls for himself.

Although under Connor's sneak attack, the blood-striped evil spirit spider was forced to give up the chance to hurt De Zelby, but it didn't seem to have suffered much damage. There was just a mark and scratch left on the black carapace.

The small black eyes of the blood-streaked evil spirit spider under attack scanned the surroundings with some doubts, but at this moment Connor had restrained his breath and hid among the group of arbitrators who were under attack. He couldn't find the target. The blood-streaked evil spirit spider focused on De Zelby again without thinking too much, screaming and launched a new wave of attacks.

Seeing this scene, Connor had a faint smile on his face. Rad Zelby's attack was also very particular. Although a full attack can hurt the blood-striped evil spirit spider, there is no doubt that If you do it, you can't kill the blood-striped evil spirit spider all at once, then the attention of the injured blood-striped evil spirit spider will be attracted to you, and then De Zelby will be happy, And Connor himself wanted to cry but had no tears.

After all, in the final analysis, Connor is a dark wizard, and the Church of the Storm is a church organization that proves its legitimacy with an extremely strong policy against black wizards. There is an irreconcilable contradiction between the two, and now Connor is just forcing Because of the pressure that the Church of Storms put on him, and Reyes, the common enemy, he and the Church of Storms used each other.

After this incident, if Connor survived, he would probably be confronted by the Church of the Storm. Therefore, no matter how you look at it from any angle, it is impossible for Connor to do anything for De Zelby. Take over the big trouble of the blood-streaked evil spirit spider.

Even so. But if the power of Connor's shot is small, it won't be able to hurt the blood-striped evil spirit spider, and it won't have the effect of helping De Zelby, and the power of Connor's Spear of Hades just now is just right, it can block blood The damage done by the blood-striped evil spirit spider to De Zelby would not lead this difficult blood-striped evil spirit spider to his side.

Seeing that there is no danger on De Zelby's side for the time being, Connor turned his attention to the overall situation. Although he and the Church of Storms are not dealing with each other, at least at this time, the arbitration between him and De Zelby and these Church of Storms Under the threat of this group of evil spirit spiders, it can be said that they are on a boat. If this boat sinks, although these wizards of the Church of the Storm must be dead, but he, Connor Ferguson, will have nothing to do. Good fruit to eat...


As soon as Connor observed the overall situation, the fierce battle between the arbitrators and the evil spirit spiders took place that he didn't want to see. After blinding an evil spirit spider's eyes with the wind blade technique, it was suddenly attacked by another evil spirit spider, which bit it on the head and let out a painful wail.

His miserable wail has not yet fallen. The evil spirit spider who likes to suck the brains of wizards the most quickly gnawed off half of his head, and the whole person lost his breath and fell to the ground. His body was covered by other evil spirit spiders. Divide food.

Seeing such a situation, Connor, who was observing the overall situation, not only secretly became impatient, but he knew very well that fortunately, these apprentice wizards on his side are the arbiters of the Church of Storms with rich fighting experience, strong willpower, and armed to the teeth. Otherwise, if they changed a group of people to deal with this group of evil spirit spiders that were three or four times the number of their own, I'm afraid they would have been unable to hold on for a long time.

However, even the arbitrators of the church, in such a situation where everyone has to deal with two or three evil spirit spiders, persist until now, the group of arbitrators of the church is already at the end of their battle, and now the death of this bearded arbitrator, It is likely to be the last straw that breaks the camel's back!

Sure enough, it was similar to what Connor had expected. Following the death of the bearded arbitrator, the evil spirit spiders he was supposed to deal with immediately attacked the other arbitrators, which directly caused the other two arbitrators to He fell into a very dangerous situation all of a sudden. Seeing this, Connor had no time to hesitate, and immediately joined the battle group, restraining the four evil spirit spiders and reducing the pressure on the other church arbitrators.

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