Count of Wizards

Chapter 1003 Crisis!

Although Connor's shot relieved the pressure on the arbitrators of the Church of the Storm, it undoubtedly made Connor unable to worry about fighting against the blood-striped evil spirit spider who only had the strength of a formal wizard alone. De Zerby, without Connor's help, the situation on De Zerby's side became dangerous again...

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Deselby used three tornado storms to knock the blood-striped evil spirit spider away for a while, and Dezelby, who had faint blood dripping from the corner of his mouth, yelled at everyone: "Everyone! Get ready to break out!"

Seeing De Zerby wanting to run away, Connor frowned slightly, and shouted at him: "Waiting for ten minutes!"

Hearing that Connor wanted to stop his plan, De Zerby didn't care about his demeanor as the pastor of the Church of the Storms, and shouted at Connor Ferguson, "What do you want? Waiting for ten We're all going to die here in a minute!"

"Look at the sun!" Regarding De Zelby's roar, Connor didn't talk nonsense to him, and shouted directly:

Connor's voice caught his ears, and De Zelby subconsciously looked up at the sky, only to see that the sun, which was originally hidden in the thick clouds, was slowly emerging from the sky, and the warm sunlight began to shine on the earth. Seeing this experienced De Zelby, he immediately thought of the monster's habit and weakness of the evil spirit spider recorded in the classics, and at the same time realized Connor's plan!

"Ten minutes at the latest, the sun will come out completely, and these things that are used to hiding underground will be very uncomfortable. With the help of the sun, we can completely repel them!"

"Look at these evil spirit spiders! Do you think we can get rid of them and break out? After holding on for a while, we can drive them all back down!" In order to cheer up the exhausted arbitrators, come on Connor shouted his plan to De Zerby.

After hearing Connor's plan, the arbitrators looked at the sun that was about to rise in the sky, and immediately understood how feasible Connor's plan was. Just cheer up, and the situation that was already faintly in the rudiments of defeat was stabilized again.

After quickly evaluating the plan proposed by Connor in his mind, De Zelby naturally did not mention the breakout plan he proposed just now, and also cheered for the arbitrators loudly: "The Storm Goddess is with us Hold on, not only can we all survive, but the magical beast materials on this ground will also belong to us!"

I have to say that De Zelby, an old man, still has some means of trying to figure out human nature. If Connor's encouragement can be regarded as giving hope to these arbitrators and revitalizing their spirits, then De Zelby's words , It just hooked up the greed in the hearts of these arbitrators, and they became very excited one by one.

After such a long period of hard work, their search team not only lost one person, but everyone except Connor Ferguson, including De Zelby, was injured. They paid such a heavy price. The group of evil spirit spiders is definitely not having a good time. There are as many as eight dead evil spirit spiders, and the number of injuries is even less. You must know that there are only more than fifty evil spirit spiders in this group. That's all, the casualties were close to 20%. For any Warcraft group, this can be said to be a major blow.

Of the eight dead evil spirit spiders, there were four adults and four juveniles. As monster materials, their value is conservatively estimated to be close to 800 magic stones, and there are a few pieces distributed to each person's head. Ten monsters, this is definitely a fortune for an arbiter who only has the cultivation base of a wizard apprentice,

You must know that the training resources that the Church of the Storm distributes to them for a year are only thirty magic stones for intermediate wizard apprentices and fifty magic stones for senior wizard apprentices, so today's battle with the evil spirit spider is very rewarding. Substantial!

As the king of this group of evil spirit spiders, the blood-striped evil spirit spider, whose intelligence is not inferior to that of humans, also noticed the changes in the sun in the sky, and this also made its black eyes, which had always maintained a cold expression, also A touch of impatience emerged, and after hesitating for a few seconds, the blood-striped evil spirit spider finally made a decision, and it suddenly let out a shrill scream.

"Wipe wipe..."

At first glance, this scream sounded no different from the scream made by the blood-streaked evil spirit spider attacking De Zerby before, but the strange thing is that with this scream, the original was attacking Kang Na and dozens of other evil spirit spiders of the other arbitrators suddenly gave up their attack and kept a safe distance of about ten meters away from these human wizards.

This sudden change immediately caused everyone, including Connor, to fall into doubts. They didn't know what this group of monsters wanted to do. At this moment, a weak and weak voice suddenly came out among the arbitrators. the sound of.

"This group of disgusting spiders, don't they want to retreat?"

Hearing this kind of conjecture, some more optimistic people in the arbitrator group immediately showed joyful smiles on their faces, thinking that these spiders would soon return to their dirty crypts, but unfortunately Surprisingly, these evil spirit spiders did not leave as they imagined, but gathered around the blood-striped evil spirit spider, just when everyone was more confused about what they were going to do.

As a psychic wizard, Connor, who is very keen on inspiration, sensed something, and his face suddenly changed. He shouted to the people around him, "They are about to launch a mental attack!"

Hearing Connor's warning, even though the arbitrators didn't know what would happen, they subconsciously took precautions, and just a few seconds after Connor finished reminding them, they were surrounded by many evil spirit spiders. The blood-striped evil spirit spider in the middle let out a shrill scream again.

"Wipe wipe..."

Although the sound was the same as before, what was terrifying was that this time the screeching sound was mixed with mental attacks and a lot of negative emotions.

Except for Connor, who is a psychic wizard, De Zelby and his group of arbitrators all showed pain when they heard this voice, and their faces began to become hideous, covering their hands. Cover your ears, trying to use this method to prevent yourself from hearing the screaming, but using this method to block the mental attack undoubtedly has no effect other than comforting your heart.

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