Count of Wizards

Chapter 1004: Choice

Even though De Zerby and his group of arbitrators have been miserable to this point, it seems that it is not enough for the blood-striped evil spirit spider. A thought is given to its subjects, and all evil spirit spiders Screaming sounds erupted, and the mental attack power exerted on Connor and his group immediately increased by half!

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

With the strengthening of the spirit attack power of these evil spirit spiders, all the intermediate wizard apprentices in the arbitrator couldn't hold on, fell to the ground and passed out, as for the remaining two senior wizard apprentices and The three of De Zelby are also bleeding from their mouths and noses, and they may not be able to hold on at any time...

Feeling the "comrades" of the Church of Storms around him, Connor quickly evaluated the scene in front of him in his mind while resisting the mental attack of the evil spirit spiders.

For a psychic wizard like Connor, who always uses psychic attacks on others, although it is a special experience to bear the psychic attacks of others, but with his psychic strength, facing these will De Zelby and These arbitrators' screaming mental attacks, which were painful and painful, must be an exaggeration to say that there is no problem at all, but to be honest, they really don't constitute any threat.

Although Connor can be alone, if Connor runs away alone now, leaving De Zelby and the group of Storm Church arbitrators alone, then it is foreseeable that De Zelby and his arbitrators will end , is to become the food of this group of evil spirit spiders, to be bitten and eaten by them bit by bit...

And there is also no suspense that Connor, who escaped alone, will face the monstrous anger of the Church of the Storm. Connor can run away with Varga alone, but his Ferguson family in Frosinone has a big family. , but he couldn't run away no matter what, so even for the sake of the Ferguson family, Connor couldn't run away alone unless it was absolutely necessary.

Although the current situation is very dangerous, it is not impossible for Connor to solve it, but this solution requires Connor to take a certain risk, and this risk may cause Connor to be unable to leave as smoothly as he is now , That's why Connor was a little hesitant, but if he ran away instead of giving it a try, and let the Ferguson family bear the wrath of the Church of Storms, Connor would still be somewhat unwilling.

While Connor was thinking, the two senior wizard apprentices beside De Zerby finally couldn't hold on anymore and fainted on the ground, and De Zerby, who was left alone, was struck by the screaming When he was suffering from mental attack and torment, he finally thought of Connor, the only straw that could save his life. He looked at Connor with eyes full of begging, and said with great difficulty: "Save... ·····I!"

Hearing De Zelby's cry for help, Connor knew that he could not procrastinate any longer and had to make a decision as soon as possible, a ruthless look flashed in his eyes, and he had a decision in his heart!

I saw Connor taking a deep breath, and then carefully took out a fist-sized crystal ball from the interspatial ring. On the surface, this crystal ball was no different from ordinary crystal balls, but Connor looked at it. Its eyes were as fearful as if it was looking at something extremely dangerous.

There was a flash of pain in his eyes, but Connor resolutely cut his finger, and let the blood gushing from the wound drip onto the crystal ball. With the dripping of Connor's blood, the crystal ball became transparent. The crystal ball quickly changed, emitting an extremely brilliant blue-black light, and extremely violent energy fluctuations emerged.

Such a sudden energy fluctuation immediately attracted the attention of the highly intelligent blood-striped evil spirit spider. However, just as he was about to do something, Connor waved his hand, and the crystal ball immediately flew towards it. And the group of evil spirit spiders around it flew over quickly.


The crystal ball bursting with blue-black light that just flew to the side of the evil spirit spider exploded immediately. The explosion produced a huge shock wave, which instantly tore more than a dozen evil spirit spiders into pieces. As a result, the attack came to an abrupt end. Even the blood-streaked evil spirit spider was hit by the blast wave, which forcibly broke two spider legs. Connor's crystal ball did more damage to the evil spirit spider group than The group of people they fought against the spider swarm for so long just now did more damage to the evil spirit spider swarm.

Although it caused a lot of damage to the evil spirit spider group, Connor didn't have the slightest joy on his face. While staring at the evil spirit spider group in the distance, he secretly activated the black magic on his body Robe, as long as the remaining evil spirit spiders rushed towards him, Connor would immediately drop everything and run away!

Although Connor has this crystal ball, such a terrifying alchemy item, there is a reason why he didn't use it at the beginning.

First, although the crystal ball looks like a crystal ball, it is actually just another form of alchemy bomb. If the group of evil spirit spiders don’t gather together like they do now, even if this crystal ball is used, It will not cause such huge damage to this group of evil spirit spiders as it is now, and on the contrary, if it is used just now when the enemy and us are in close contact, and the fierce battle is in full swing, there is also a risk of accidentally injuring the arbitrators!

Second, this crystal ball is made by condensing Connor's current highest alchemy level and the alchemy materials that hollowed out Connor's space ring. It can be said to be very precious, and it is Connor's means of suppressing the bottom of the box. He even thought that if he really met Reyes and reached a certain point of death, he would use this crystal ball to drag Reyes to die together, so such an important thing, for the sake of the group of Storm Church arbitrators Connor will inevitably feel reluctant to use it for a while...

The third and most important point is that in the world of wizards, there are many disputes about the views of various wizards on Warcraft, but there is only one characteristic that has been recognized by everyone, and this characteristic is that Warcraft holds vengeance!

Connor used this crystal ball to cause so much damage to this group of evil spirit spiders. They will definitely hate Connor very much, and they may even abandon De Zelby and his group of arbitrators. Chasing and killing Connor endlessly, facing a group of evil spirit spiders determined to kill him in this forest, even if Connor has confidence in his own strength, he is not sure in his heart that he can fight with his whole body. retreat·············

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