Count of Wizards

Chapter 1005 After the War

The blue-black crystal ball exploded, and the shock wave gradually dissipated. More than 20 evil spirit spiders that survived the explosion spontaneously gathered around their king, the blood-striped evil spirit spider, and this one was destroyed by the explosion. The blood-striped evil spirit spider with two spider legs, and its small black eyes, are staring at the instigator of all this, that is, Connor Ferguson.

Feeling the resentment and hatred in the eyes of this monster with the strength of a formal wizard, even though Connor had already prepared himself mentally before making the move, when he actually faced it now, he still felt a little uneasy... ···

In this way, Connor and the blood-striped evil spirit spider looked at each other for more than ten seconds. When Connor was inspired, he faintly felt that the blood-striped evil spirit spider was about to launch a surprise attack on him. Sighing slightly, when he was about to leave De Zelby and his group and run away, suddenly the sun in the sky completely got rid of the cover of the clouds and showed its light to the earth to its heart's content.

Hit by the sun, this group of evil spirit spiders, including the blood-striped evil spirit spiders, who live underground all year round and never see the sun, are obviously very uncomfortable. It can be seen with the naked eye that they have begun to change. became restless.

Seeing such a situation, Connor Ferguson, who was about to run away just a second ago, suddenly became ecstatic. He knew that as soon as the sun came out, he would pass today's test!

Compared with Connor's ecstatic portrait, the blood-striped evil spirit spider, after the sun was fully out, its small black eyes showed a very humane look of frustration, and it looked fiercely. Connor glanced, then screamed again.

"Wipe wipe..."

After the screaming sound, the blood-striped evil spirit spider turned around and crawled back towards the cave they drilled out of. Behind it, the group of ordinary evil spirit spiders dragged the corpses of their dead companions and followed the blood-striped evil spirit spider. The tattooed ghost spiders crawled back into their burrows.

A minute later, as the last Evil Spirit Spider disappeared into the ordinary-looking pit, Connor no longer had an Evil Spirit Spider in his sight, only blood all over the ground, and fighting The last traces can prove what happened here just now.

Despite this, Connor still did not relax, and used his mental power to silently monitor the movement of the evil spirit spiders underground. After two or three minutes, he realized that the evil spirit spiders had penetrated extremely deep into the ground. Connor breathed a sigh of relief and turned his attention to De Zelby and his group of Tempest Church arbitrators when his mental power was beyond his reach.

With the explosion of the crystal ball just now, the mental attack of the group of evil spirit spiders naturally couldn't continue, so De Zelby, who was already at the end of his battle and was about to fall to the ground and fainted, could be regarded as They were very lucky to survive. As for the group of arbitrators, they were not as lucky as De Zelby. They were still lying on the ground, not waking up from the coma at all.

"It's still two hours before dark, so we have to leave here in an hour, otherwise the group of evil spirit spiders are likely to come back again!" Connor pointed at De Zelby who was taking the potion and recovering. Shen Sheng said:

After speaking, Connor glanced at the group of arbitrators who fainted on the ground, frowned slightly and continued to add: "The list I made for you includes Thomas potion and blue jelly fruit. I will mash the blue essence fruit into a puree, and then dissolve it in the Thomas potion at a ratio of one to three, and then give each of them a little bit, which can effectively relieve their mental trauma!"

"I'll be back in about fifty minutes. I hope that by that time, you and your men will be ready to leave!"

After instructing De Zerby, Connor stopped talking nonsense with De Zerby, turned around and was about to leave, and walked towards the woods beside him.

Seeing that Connor was about to leave, De Zerby immediately asked, "Connor Ferguson, where are you going?"

Hearing De Zelby's inquiry, Connor didn't pay any attention to it, and moved towards his goal on his own, and watching Connor's back gradually receding, a touch appeared in De Zerby's eyes The color of complexity.

As far as the situation just now is concerned, there is no doubt that if there is no Connor Ferguson's final outbreak, he and these arbitrators under him will definitely die here. From this point of view, Connor Ferguson is his and his saviors.

But unfortunately, the ass decides the head. Although De Zelby is grateful to Connor from the bottom of his heart, but from the standpoint of his priest of the Church of the Storm, he has such a powerful strength for a dark wizard like Connor, and a man like him just now That crystal ball is a terrifying alchemy item that can severely damage or even kill official wizards, and he only has deep fear in his heart...

At this time, Connor Ferguson, who knew nothing about De Zerby's inner activities, was looking for something in the woods.

Although the news from Martina made it clear to Connor that the relic that may involve the secret of Reyes' rise that the Church of the Storms and Philo are looking for is the possible existence of Anduin in the Navas Forest In the ruins of Genoa, but Connor still brought De Zerby to the Campania Mountains, 800 kilometers away from the Navas Forest, in order to delay as much time as possible, so that Filo would have more Time to prepare.

In order to conceal his true purpose, Connor also made a list of possible locations of the ruins and handed them over to De Zelby. It was fabricated by some rumors that Sinone heard. As for the Anduin Genoa ruins in the Navas Forest, Connor was not included in this list at all.

Before encountering any evil spirit spiders just now, although Connor knew that this was not the place he was looking for, he used the magic circle to detect the underground, but to Connor's surprise, the result of the detection was this area. Under the location, there seems to be some kind of ancient building that is 300 to 500 years old...

Although he didn't know what the underground ancient building was, in order to prevent De Zelby from making any misjudgments, and to prevent any accidents that he could not control from happening to his plan, Connor even discovered this It was an ancient building, but he still told De Zelby that he found nothing.

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