Count of Wizards

Chapter 1007 Ancient Tomb (1)

According to the incomplete statistics of wizards in the Byzantine period, non-space wizards did not hold this token made of space metal, and performed any actions related to space teleportation and shuttle, and the mortality rate was as high as 89.7%. .

Although space tokens only have value on the space level, but because the space metal for refining it only exists in space turbulence, not only is the output scarce, but it is also very difficult to obtain, so during the Byzantine Empire period, the wizard world was highly In the era of development and obsession with space exploration, the value of space tokens is still very large, and it was even comparable to third-level magic items at one time.

However, with the beginning of the Great Destruction and the disintegration of the Byzantine Empire, the highly developed wizarding world also completely declined, and the space exploration that needed a highly developed wizarding world to support it naturally became impossible. Therefore, the space token, which only has value in terms of space, is completely reduced to tasteless, and the value drops until no one cares about it, no one mentions it...

During Connor's trip to Odin not long ago, Connor encountered the official wizard of the Golovin tribe, Zivkovic, and in a fight with him, although Connor encountered some twists and turns, he still He was targeted by the golden-headed giant eagle of the fourth-level monster, but in the end he succeeded in killing Zivkovic.

After killing Zivkovich, his space ring should become Connor's trophy as it should be. Although the space ring bears the spiritual imprint of Zivkovich, but for Connor, an alchemist, In front of him, there is no doubt that this interspatial ring is as weak as a beautiful woman in underwear...

After cracking Zivkovic's space ring, Connor not only got most of the value of this veteran first-level wizard, but in this generous reward, Connor found the purple gold token he is holding now !

Although as an official wizard-level alchemist with rich experience in refining magical items and arranging magic circles, Connor saw from the corner of Zivkovic's space ring at the very beginning. When they arrived at the purple gold token, they didn't find out what it was.

It wasn't until later, when Connor sorted out his gains in detail, that he discovered that this seemingly useless purple-gold token was somewhat similar to the rumored space token made of space metal. After discovering this, Connor carefully researched the argument, spent a lot of effort, combined with the database of the auxiliary chip, and finally confirmed that this purple gold token is the token of fame in the outer space.

Because this space token is very tasteless, except for its value and function in space, it is worthless in other aspects, and Connor is an alchemist, so he is naturally interested in space, so in order not to let this A space token, reduced to useless waste, Connor still took this space token as an opportunity to study the instructions of space, and this Caldara space teleportation is Connor's learning space at this stage. The fruits of knowledge!

Although he has done countless simulations on the auxiliary chip before, it is really the first time for Connor to actually use this Caldara space teleportation, so Connor is still very excited about his success this time!

Turning his attention back to his side, although Connor couldn't see the dark surroundings clearly with his naked eyes, as a spiritual wizard, his spiritual power was his "third eye", and compared to the first two eyes, However, the "third eye" of mental power is undoubtedly sharper and can help him see more things clearly.

According to the records that Connor read in the classics, in the underground ancient building that is suspected of being a wizard's tomb like the one he is currently in, there is usually a magic circle to suppress or prevent the detection of spiritual power, but Connor Connor's mental strength is here, without any interference or suppression, which makes Connor a little strange.

And through the test of Connor's mental power, Connor can basically conclude that this is a tomb. Judging from the two findings so far, the whole tomb does not have any multi-layer structure, and there is only one layer. And the place he is currently in The location is the leftmost tomb in the tomb, two tombs away from him, and the central tomb that cannot be explored by spiritual power one hundred and fifty meters away is probably the place where the owner of the tomb rests forever!

Connor, whose conjecture was confirmed, was undoubtedly very excited. According to the habit of wizards, he would put some magical items and other things in the tomb in the tomb. According to the inference of the evil spirit spider, the owner of this tomb is at least a second-level wizard, and there may even be very valuable items such as third-level magic items, precious potions, and high-level meditation methods in this tomb. thing·········

Because of the practice of abyssal secrets and the existence of Varga, Connor is not interested in potions, meditation methods, etc., but when he thinks of the "third-level magic item", Connor is both excited and a little sleepy.

Although he has decided to strengthen and upgrade the second-tier top-level magic item in his hand, the Castilla Staff, to a third-level magic item, and has already put it into action, but like this second-level magic The matter of strengthening and upgrading items to third-order magical items involves a wide range of aspects, and the amount of work is too huge.

To this day, although Connor has worked very hard to advance the progress, with the help of the auxiliary chip, he has completed about 70% of the total project volume, and there is still a long way to go before the final strengthening success.

Shaking his head, Connor temporarily put the third-order demonized items behind him, and concentrated his energy on the situation in front of him. Although from the current point of view, he is in this tomb, he has not encountered any danger, and his spirit I didn't find any hidden dangers, but it's better to be cautious. After all, being careful makes the Wannian Ship...

Holding the space token in one hand and the Castilla Staff in the other, Connor walked towards the central tomb in front of him without haste. Every step he took, Connor carefully observed the surrounding environment with mental strength. Caldara The magic circle of space teleportation is on the ground, and Connor still keeps in touch with it at all times. As long as he finds any danger that he can't do anything in this tomb, Connor will immediately start Caldara space teleportation.

And the space token in Connor's hand will bring him back to the ground in five seconds, which means that as long as Connor is instantly killed in this tomb, Security is still very secure.

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