Count of Wizards

Chapter 1008 Ancient Tomb (2)

It took Connor nearly a minute to walk the 150-meter road leading to the central tomb before he reached the stone gate leading to the central tomb. Looking at the stone gate and the central priest, Connor, who observed carefully along the way, temporarily stopped his steps and fell into deep thought.

Along the way, he passed through three tombs, and in these three tombs, there were no valuable things placed there. They were all things like flowers and grass, and the past few hundred years Well, those flowers and plants have been protected by magic circles, but they have been corroded long ago, and they are worthless at all.

Although nothing was gained from the three tombs that had been passed so far, it didn't mean that Connor got nothing. On the contrary, Connor found some very important information in these three tombs.

First of all, Connor doesn't know about other places in the tomb, but the three tomb chambers that Connor walked through, although they don't seem to have any problems. But in some details, it is very rough. This kind of roughness seems to be that when the tomb was being built, the owner of the tomb was very eager to complete the work and wanted to build this tomb for some reason. .

And this directly led to the layout of the magic circle in this tomb is very unflattering, so after hundreds of years of time, the magic circle in this tomb has long lost its function, which is why, Kang Na used the Caldara space to teleport, entered the tomb, and walked to the stone gate, but there was no direct reason for any obstruction.

Secondly, in addition to the rough workmanship in some details of this tomb, Connor also found some remnants of fire-attribute energy from the walls of the three tombs he walked through, although these fire-attribute energy residues are very Subtle and hidden, it is hard to find, if it is not for Connor's strong mental power, it will not be discovered at all.

Although the fire attribute energy on the wall of the tomb is very subtle, it must be understood that this is a tomb that is hundreds of years away from the present, and if there is a little energy left, it is enough to show the horror of the fire attribute energy applied to the wall at that time!

Connor believes that the reason why the fire attribute energy remains on the wall of the tomb is that the owner of the tomb cast some kind of powerful fire attribute spell during the construction of the tomb, or used it. Some kind of very powerful fire-attribute magic item, which led to Connor still being able to detect the very weak fire-attribute energy on the wall of the tomb after hundreds of years.

And to achieve this, if it is a spell, then the person who casts this fire attribute spell must be at least a second-level wizard. If this is the case, there is no doubt that this is also confirmed by Connor from the side. The initial guess about the tomb owner's cultivation level.

And if it is caused by magical items, then the grade of the magical items that can cause this situation is likely to be a third-order magical item. As for the two cases, the possibility of that is higher. To be honest, the current The situation, Connor is still unable to make an accurate judgment,

However, from a personal emotional point of view, Connor prefers the latter. The fire attribute energy residue on the wall is caused by demonized items, because if that is the case, it means that there may be A third-tier magical item with a fire attribute, and this third-tier magical item is likely to be Connor's next harvest in the central tomb.

Of course, the fire-attributed energy left on the wall of the tomb, no matter which of the two methods caused it, Connor can now be sure that the owner of the tomb is most likely a wizard who cultivates fire-attributed energy!

After synthesizing the information he had analyzed, Connor turned his attention to the stone door leading to the central tomb in front of him. Creates a Metal Brick Style Alchemy Bomb. Then Connor pointed his fingers at the two metal bricks, and they were firmly attached to the stone door.

After doing this, Connor nodded slightly. With these two metal bricks in place, he can safely enter the central tomb.

Holding the Castilla staff and space token tightly in his hands, Connor shook his sleeves, and an invisible air current pushed open the stone door, revealing the dark tomb passage behind the stone door, where he couldn't see his fingers. Na was not surprised to see this, and went straight in.

Different from the three tombs that he just walked through, the central tomb behind the stone gate is obviously much finer in terms of construction details, and Connor can also feel that the formation has suppressed his spiritual power. Under the pressure of force, Connor's mental strength could only observe the situation about five meters in front of him. The emergence of such a situation undoubtedly made Connor's heart more vigilant.

This narrow, dark tomb passage is not long, only about thirty meters long, even though Connor walked very carefully. But Connor also walked out of the tomb passage within ten seconds, and entered the core of the tomb—the central tomb.

When it was a little different from Connor's imagination, the entire central tomb was not that big, it looked like it was only about 100 square meters, and there was nothing else in the 100 square meters, just the center of the tomb. A crimson crystal coffin was placed, and there was nothing else.

Seeing the arrangement in front of him, Connor, who was naturally cautious, did not act rashly. He quietly observed everything in front of him. A minute later, Connor found some clues in the layout of the tomb in front of him. A sneer appeared, and in the next second he shot suddenly, and a spear of Hades condensed as he waved his hand, and went directly towards the crimson crystal coffin in the center of the tomb.

When Pluto's spear was ten centimeters away from the crimson crystal coffin, the crimson crystal coffin suddenly burst into red light. Under the crimson light, the Pluto's spear that Connor cast was unexpectedly It completely melted into a black air, dissipated in the air, and at the same time as the spear of Hades melted, the entire central tomb, with the crimson crystal coffin as the center, began to emerge into groups that were only the size of a fist, but very Dense crimson flames.

Looking at this sudden change, Connor seemed to have expected it long ago and was not surprised at all, and these crimson flames spread from the crimson crystal coffin in the center of the central tomb all the way to Kangnor. Five meters in front of Na's body, the spread stopped, and their intense burning began.

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