Count of Wizards

Chapter 1009 Harvest

The power of these crimson flames is very terrifying. With so many flames burning, the space in the central tomb looks distorted and deformed. If Connor hadn't stopped to observe just now, but had opened the lid recklessly when he saw the appearance of the crystal coffin, then Connor's ending can already be imagined...

According to the law of energy conservation in the wizarding world, an ancient tomb must consume energy to maintain its operation. Therefore, except for a few cases, the older the ancient tombs excavated in the wizarding world, the more energy The retention will become rarer, and the prohibition power of the ancient tomb will become weaker if the energy is reduced.

At this time, the crimson flames in front of Connor are a very standard example. These terrifying flames only burned for a dozen seconds, and they dissipated into the air because of the lack of energy. The remaining crimson crystal coffin in the center of the tomb was still glowing with a faint crimson light.

Seeing Connor with a calm expression, he walked towards the crimson crystal coffin, but when he walked three meters away from the crystal coffin, Connor shook his head slightly, and said in a low voice, somewhat helplessly, "Death!" They are all dead, and they are still tossing like this..."

After the words fell, the Castilla staff in Connor's hand pointed at the crimson crystal coffin, and the crystal coffin exploded immediately, and a cross sword burning with red flames flew out of the crystal coffin. Go straight to Connor.

Feeling the power of this cross sword, surprise appeared on Connor's face. In order not to cause any damage to this cross sword, Connor shook the Castilla staff in his hand, and black mist flowed from it. The staff gushed out and surrounded the cross sword. Although the red cross sword was extremely powerful, the owner was dead, and after hundreds of years passed, the scarlet cross sword gradually faded away. Gradually lost in the black mist released by Castilla's staff, the light dimmed, and then fell into Connor's hand.

Gently brushing the sharp blade of the cross sword with his palm, Connor's expression became serious, and then he flicked the blade heavily with his fingers, and a humming sound burst out from the sword immediately.


And with this buzzing sound, a ball of white light slowly emerged from the cross sword, appearing in Connor's vision. Feeling that the ball of light in front of him, with the passage of time, has lost the slightest spirituality and no value, Connor shook his head slightly, and then tapped his finger on the ball of white light lightly. The ball of white light spontaneously ignited quickly, and after a few seconds, it turned into a cloud of white smoke and dissipated in the air.

Seeing this, Connor was not happy at all. On the contrary, there was a hint of complexity in his eyes. The ball of white light that just emerged was nothing but the soul of the owner of this tomb. Although the owner of the tomb seems to be a wizard who cultivates fire-attributed energy, it may be because he was a second-level wizard in his lifetime, and his spiritual power cultivation is not bad. Detached from the flesh, parasitic in this cross sword.

Judging from what he did and the traps in the central tomb, it is obvious that the owner of the tomb is not willing to die like this, so he wants to blog to see if anyone can dig up his body after his death. Tomb, and then make good use of the traps in the central tomb, the birds occupy the magpie's nest and parasitize on others.

Although the idea of ​​the tomb owner is very good, it is a pity that he only miscalculated one step, that is, only hundreds of years later, someone dug his tomb, and his soul is in these hundreds of years. During the waiting, he completely lost his spirituality and memory, and could only do things by instinct. Even if the wizard who discovered this ancient tomb today was not Connor, but other wizards, not even official wizards, just a wizard apprentice in such a place. Under the circumstances, he was recruited, and his soul has no way to complete the parasitism...

Suddenly, Connor seemed to have thought of something, he sighed slightly, his expression was a little sad, the end of the owner of the tomb, maybe in the future, he might end up as Connor Ferguson!

For spiritual wizards, their strong spiritual power gives them one more choice compared to ordinary wizards when their time is approaching, that is, parasitism!

As long as they pay a very painful price, their souls can leave their bodies and parasitize on some specific magical items, or simply on other people's bodies. Although there are many restrictions on this operation, it is very harsh and requires great risks.

But once it succeeds, it will have a lifespan of dozens or even hundreds of years. Therefore, for the vast majority of qualified spiritual wizards and wizards with strong spiritual power, they like to fight in the last situation. And the owner of this tomb undoubtedly did so, but in the end, it still turned into nothing. Connor destroyed his soul, which was a kind of relief for the owner of the tomb, allowing him to forget everything and start over again. start.

A few seconds later, Connor returned to his normal state. He looked at the crimson cross sword in his hand, and a faint smile appeared on his face. Although he hadn't checked yet, Connor's heart It is almost certain that this red cross sword is what he has dreamed of, but for the final affirmation, Connor followed the method recorded in "Reyes Alchemy" and began to treat the red cross sword, The inspection started.

Connor inspected very carefully and meticulously. He looked at every inch of the cross sword very carefully. As Connor's inspection progressed, the condition of the cross sword became more clear. In front of his eyes, the original joy in Connor's heart gradually subsided.

Three minutes later, Connor finished the inspection, and took out a long wooden box from the space ring, then carefully put the crimson cross sword into the wooden box, and then put the wooden box properly in the space ring.

After doing this, Connor glanced at the center of the tomb, which is where the crimson crystal coffin that just exploded was placed. If Connor guessed correctly, the bones of the owner of the tomb are, should be hidden in the Ten meters underground from that location...

The bones of a second-level wizard, even after hundreds of years, are still very valuable, especially if you meet a black wizard who practiced corpse-guarding spells, you will definitely be able to sell them for a good price!

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