Count of Wizards

Chapter 1038

In the Navas Forest at night, amidst the excited roars of monsters, time passed quickly. Five hours passed quickly, and a figure slowly approached a tall olive tree not far away. On the trunk of the tree, Connor Ferguson was sitting leisurely on it.

Sensing De Zelby's approach behind him, Connor wasn't surprised at all, and didn't turn around to face the visitor.

Ever since De Zerby arranged for him to watch the night, Connor had already realized that although De Zerby had arranged for him to watch the night with him, in fact he wanted to avoid Milik from talking to him. It happened that Connor I also want to talk to De Zerby, the two hit it off, otherwise, how could Connor be like this, obediently obeying De Zerby's arrangement to watch the night, and he was still here at a place so far away from the camp, With such a long distance, it is completely guaranteed that Milik, another official wizard in the team, will not overhear their conversation.

Seeing Connor with his back turned to him, a little helplessness appeared in De Zelby's old eyes. He never expected that he had only finished speaking harshly to Connor during the day, and that he would be demanding again soon. It's Conor Ferguson.

But as the saying goes, "there are no eternal enemies, nor eternal friends, only eternal interests, so for his own benefit, De Zerby still pulled his face down, and said to Connor in a low voice:" Before Losinone set off, Christante gave me a secret mission. If the ruins are not found, I will kill you, Connor. The arbiter team beside me is my helper! "

Connor, who was sitting on the olive tree with his back to De Zerby, was a little surprised when he heard what De Zerby said, and turned around to look at De Zerby with interest.

Connor was not surprised by De Zerby's claim that he was tasked with killing him, nor did he doubt the authenticity of what De Zerby said. Ever since Connor was forced to agree to assist Storm The church searched for the ruins, and Connor knew very well that this was a hard job, and the Church of the Storm would attack if he was not careful, so Connor had already prepared himself for the Church of the Storm to kill him, and he was also prepared to deal with it.

Connor was really surprised that this guy De Zelby actually made such a big splash when he came up!

After Milik finished his thoughts, De Zerby wanted to talk to Connor. Although he hadn't opened his mouth to say it, Connor knew it well.

For De Zerby, Milik's order was undoubtedly a thankless job. Hunting and killing Filo in the Navas Forest, their team not only had the risk of annihilation, but even Fortunately, it didn't fall to that level, and the loss of personnel is inevitable. Now half of the arbiter team is dead. After De Zelby returns, it is already hard to escape the blame. If a few die, De Zhe Even if Erbi returned to the Church of Storms alive, he would definitely have no good fruit to eat.

And even if Philo is really killed in the end, then the credit belongs to Milik, and he has nothing to do with De Zelby, so this kind of risk of losing his head, sending people and efforts to make wedding dresses for others Not to mention that De Zelby is not willing to do it, even if it is anyone else, he is definitely not willing to do it.

Although he was very conflicted in his heart and was unwilling to do it, the storm token in Milik's hand that belonged to Cardinal Hummels could not be faked at all. If Milik's request was rejected, when the time came Milik can use De Zerby's failure to assist him in his work as an excuse, add oil and vinegar to Cardinal Hummels, and throw all the pots that did not kill Philo to De Zerby. At that time, De Zerby Erby would definitely offend Hummels, the next Pope of the Church of the Storm.

So De Zerby really had a headache and didn't know what to do, but after all, he was experienced and cunning, and De Zerby came up with a way to break the situation, and in his way, Connor Ferguson, the dark wizard, is the key to breaking the game, which is why De Zelby is now using the night watch as an excuse to deliberately avoid Milik, and now he is talking to Connor alone.

Seeing that De Zerby released such explosive news as soon as he came up, Connor naturally stopped hiding it, and said directly with a smile: "D Zerby, you want me to come forward and reject Milik's proposal ?"

"That's right!"

Seeing that Connor had guessed what he was thinking in an instant, De Zelby gave him a deep look, but he did not deny it secretly, but nodded and admitted it very simply.

"De Zerby, you are really calculating. You actually want me to carry the blame for you that Milik threw at you." The smile on Connor's face gradually turned cold, and he turned to the veteran in front of him. The veteran wizard of the Church of the Storm preached:

Connor's reaction was completely within De Zerby's expectation. He shook his head and said in a deep voice, "It's true that Milik gave me the blame, but that doesn't mean, Connor Ferguson, can you Be alone!"

"The storm token in Milik's hand represents Cardinal Hummels, and the prestige of Cardinal Hummels in the church, Connor Ferguson, I believe you should be clear, so even if If you don’t think about me, if you think about my relatives, friends, and family descendants, it is impossible for me to offend Cardinal Hummels, so the only way I can do Milik’s proposal here is to implement it!"

"But Connor Ferguson, you have to think about it carefully. If I accept Milik's proposal, who will I hurt the most? You are the only one in this team who is not from the Church of Storms, and most importantly, Kang You are still a dark wizard, if at that time, in the process of chasing Filo, if you encounter a little danger, Connor Ferguson, how high do you think your chances of surviving are?" De Zelby said in an incomparable way With a calm tone, he slowly spoke to Connor

Although De Zerby's words sounded like De Zerby was asking Connor, the warning and threat behind the words were beyond words.

Although he knew that what De Zelby said was the truth, and he didn't scare or scare himself, Connor, who had been prepared, didn't panic, and when he thought of De Zerby, he just told him at the beginning That sentence, the joint arbitrator team sent by Christante to kill Connor's secret mission, Connor figured it out in his heart, De Zelby's current bargaining chip... ····

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