Count of Wizards

Chapter 1039 Conflict (1)

Seeing that Connor didn't speak, but his eyes kept flickering, De Zelby thought that Connor was moved by what he said. In addition, the time he had to come out to meet Connor was not short. It will make Milik suspicious, so he also said in a foolish way: "Connor, you are a smart person, you must be able to figure out this account!"

"If I agree to Milik's request, all of us will be unlucky, but Connor Ferguson, you will definitely be the first one to be unlucky! When the time comes, you will undoubtedly be the one to do the work of blocking and breaking the rear of!"

"Even if we really hunt down Filo at that time, we will definitely kill you because of the mission given to me by Christante. At that time, you will face me and Milik, and five A church arbiter, Connor Ferguson, you are powerful, but under such circumstances, do you think you have a high chance of surviving?"

"And if you, Kang, mess up the matter of Milik, we can continue to implement the original plan, so that the risks we have to bear in the Navas Forest will be greatly reduced! Hummels in red Although the archbishop is very powerful in the church, but you are a dark wizard, you don't need to care about him at all."

"Besides, as far as Connor is concerned, as long as you mess up this matter, with Milik's character, he will never stay here. Even if he is alone, he will definitely continue to be in the Navas Forest. Going after Philo to atone for himself."

"At that time, even in the worst case, we did not find the ruins, triggering the mission that Christante gave me, Connor, you only need to face me and the five arbitrators beside me, you The possibility of surviving is undoubtedly greater than facing me and Milik teaming up. Which of the two plans is better, Connor Ferguson, you should know in your heart 1 "put all your plans and chips on Connor's Before and after, De Zelby focused his eyes on Connor, waiting for Connor to give him the final answer.

Feeling the way De Zelby looked at him, Connor had to admit in his heart that De Zerby's words were very attractive, and it was also the best way to deal with the current predicament at present, if not With Philo as his backup, it is really possible for him to agree to the plan given by De Zelby.

But now, after discussing with Filo, it is impossible for Connor to give De Zelby a clear answer...

After pondering for a while, Connor said, "I'm a dark wizard, but it's not a trivial matter to offend a cardinal, especially Hummels, who may be the next pope. I have to think about it carefully, it’s impossible to give you the answer now, so anyway, you will definitely agree to Milik’s proposal tomorrow morning, and then you will naturally know what I will do!”

After finishing speaking, Connor ignored De Zerby, and walked straight towards the camp where Milik was. Seeing Connor's attitude, De Zerby immediately wanted to say something, but when the words came to his lips, But he didn't say anything, he could only watch bitterly, Connor walked away gradually, while comforting himself, Connor didn't have a clear way to reject him, he still had a chance.

On the way back to the camp, Connor walked very leisurely and slowly. Not only that, on the thumb of his right hand, a metal ring engraved with countless runes appeared at some point, and this metal ring was under the cover of the night. There is a faint energy fluctuation that is not easy to be noticed.



The sun rose from the horizon in the early morning of the next day, and the warm sunlight shone on every corner of the Navas forest. Milik, who had been meditating all night, slowly closed his eyes and opened his eyes. Not far away was the Arbiter The only five remaining arbitrators in the team glanced over the five arbitrators, and landed on a black-robed figure not far away.

Seeing Connor who was meditating, a cold light appeared in Milik's originally calm eyes, and then he turned his head away in disgust. Although Milik's whole set of movements were completed silently, However, as a spiritual wizard with extremely keen inspiration, Connor still sees his actions in his eyes. This undoubtedly makes Connor, who has already made a decision in his heart, more firm in his confidence.

Ten minutes after Milik opened his glasses, De Zerby, who had finished his vigil, came back from the nearby grove. Although his appearance did not change much, his expression was very tired as far as the naked eye could see. , As for where this exhaustion comes from, I don’t know if it’s the tiredness of the night watch, or if I had something on my mind to think about it all night last night...

Seeing De Zerby's return, Milik's eyes locked on him immediately, not only De Zerby alone, but even the five arbitrators of the church also looked at De Zerby, waiting The decision that De Zerby was about to make, for these arbitrators of the Church of Storms who only had a wizard apprenticeship, it was no exaggeration to say that their life and death depended on De Zerby's thoughts.

Under the gaze of so many people, De Zelby did not speak immediately to tell everyone what his decision was, but looked around the crowd with his eyes, although it seemed that his eyes stayed on everyone for a short time It was the same, but Connor could feel that De Zelbi's eyes stayed on him for a second longer, and Connor, who had already made a decision in his heart, sneered silently in his heart.

Milik, who was eager to chase down Filo, was obviously a little impatient with De Zerby dawdling here, giving an answer that was not happy at all. In his opinion, De Zerbi did not have the courage to dare to oppose the one in his hand. A storm token belonging to Cardinal Hummels, and he is undoubtedly unwilling to do so now, and it is a waste of time, so Milik directly questioned De Zerby without hesitation; 'De Zerby, You need one night to think about it, and I agree, now you should tell me, are you ready to carry out the order given by Archbishop Hummels? '

Facing Milik's questioning, De Zerby was helplessly silent for two seconds, and then slowly said: "Since Cardinal Hummels handed over the storm token to you, we will naturally help you Bring Philo back."

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