Count of Wizards

1043. Chapter 1043 Plan in the plan (2)

Maybe it was because of guilty conscience, when he heard Connor insulting him, De Zelby didn't reply, and led his men to flee into the distance, ignoring Kang who was being chased and killed by hundreds of thousands of blue shadow ants behind him. life and death,

I don't know if it was because he couldn't hold on anymore, or because he wanted to maintain his strength, or because of other reasons, Dezerby stopped using the light blue gust of wind. Without this gust of wind, Dezelby and The speed of the five arbitrators had obviously slowed down, but the blue shadow ants who had been attracted by Connor didn't have the slightest desire to chase them down, and continued to hunt down Connor with all their might.

Although Connor was aware of De Zelby's tricks, he cast spells immediately, trying to disperse the dark brown particles attached to his body, but because these dark brown particles were very difficult to deal with, And Connor was quickly chased and killed by thousands of blue shadow ants, so there were still a small amount of black particles that were difficult to disperse, attracting the blue shadow ants to chase and kill Connor.

Although being chased and killed by these blue shadow ants, a little carelessness would be life-threatening, and being gnawed into bones by the swarming blue shadow ants, there was no panic in Connor's expression. Observing quietly, the distance between De Zelby and his group was as if everything was under his control.

Seeing that De Zelby and his group were getting farther and farther away from him, and ran to a place where his mental power could no longer be sensed, Connor, who was being chased by these blue shadow ants, immediately bowed to a nearby boulder Said: "Do it!"

As soon as Connor's action appeared, before the lingering sound fell completely, he saw that the boulder exploded, followed by a cloud of dark red blood with a stench, and it was the drops that were chasing and killing Connor. Among the group of blue shadow ants.


This ball of dark red blood seems to be extremely corrosive. Just as soon as it came into contact with the blue shadow ants, it corroded hundreds of blue shadow ants into dregs. Like the natural enemies of the Shadow Ants, these little guys who just chased Connor to the sky and the ground without a way to go to the ground did not dare to get close to the ball of bright red blood, and immediately gave up chasing and killing Connor, and fled in all directions.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Connor was finally able to escape from the pursuit of the blue shadow ants, removed all the remaining dark brown particles on his body, and then flew towards a nearby stream.

When Connor came to the creek, he was completely at ease. He took out the potion and took it, which restored some of the mana he had consumed just now. It didn't make Connor wait too long. Ten minutes after Connor arrived at the creek, a streak of gray The robed figure also arrived at Xiaoxi, and when he saw Connor, he couldn't help but tease: "Dear Earl Ferguson, how does it feel to be sprinkled with Warcraft fans?"

"If you don't talk, no one will treat you as dumb!" Hearing the ridicule of the person in front of him, that is, Philo, Connor said a little depressed:

The dark brown particles contained in the crystal bottle that De Zelby threw to Connor just now are something called Warcraft powder, which is a necessary material for wizards to walk in the Warcraft area. In a monster area like Navas Forest, monsters rely on things like feces, which have a strong smell, to divide the territory and show their own existence.

Therefore, some smart wizards have also learned this method, picking up the feces of monsters, and then placing them around themselves when they are resting, so as to reduce the attacks of monsters. Wizards naturally don't use monster feces, this is a very primitive way

Now wizards use the feces and ashes of monsters as the main materials, supplemented by some other potions, and use alchemy to create something like monster powder. Compared with traditional monster feces, carefully refined monster powder is decreasing. In terms of the effect of the monster attack, it is not only better, but also tasteless, unlike the traditional monster feces, which have a strong smell, and it will be very disgusting if placed around you... ·

The Blue Shadow Ant is a typical insect monster, mainly detecting the enemy's scent to determine the enemy's position, so De Zelby sprinkled the monster powder on Connor's body, no doubt to make the blue shadow ant Shadow Ants focused all their attention on Connor, so that Connor could act as a scapegoat for him and his arbitrators.

De Zelby's plan to escape by stepping on other people's corpses is really extremely insidious, but his idea is completely within Connor's expectations. If he hadn't calculated this point, Connor would not have deliberately Lead the way ahead, lead him where...

Last night, De Zerby took the opportunity of the vigil to tell Connor all his plans. Connor, who noticed the differences between De Zerby and Milik, immediately realized that this was a big deal for him. A great opportunity to escape the predicament he is currently in.

Connor naturally wanted to explore the Navas Forest where Anduin's Genoa ruins were buried, but the existence of De Zerby and Milik was an inevitable obstacle for Connor. Only by getting rid of these two people can Connor be able to do what he wants to do.

So after discussing with De Zerby, Connor deliberately left De Zerby alone, without giving him a clear answer, in order to discuss with Philo who was lurking in the dark, and see what he could do. Can't take advantage of the conflict between De Zerby and Milik so that he can maximize the interests of Connor Ferguson!

And after secretly discussing with Philo using communication magic items, Connor and Philo temporarily reached an agreement on the purpose, so there was also a scene that just happened today, Connor angered Milik for De Zelby, Then he ran away angrily, headed towards the small mountain here, and then encountered the series of things that happened to this group of blue shadow ants.

Right now, although De Zelby seems to be very shrewd to trick Connor and use Connor to get rid of the blue shadow ants, but he does not know that his actions are all part of Connor's plan, but let Connor Surprisingly, De Zelby would actually use the method of Warcraft powder. Although this kind of thing can't do any harm to Kang, it is quite disgusting to be splashed all over the body.

This group of blue shadow ants was originally discovered by Philo when he was hiding from Milik three days ago, and then De Zelbi told Connor of their existence last night, so they became Connor and Deze A very important part of Erby's plan.

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