Count of Wizards

1044. Chapter 1044 Plan in the plan (3)

The danger of the blue shadow ants is well known in the wizarding world, but this kind of monster does not mean that it is completely invincible. On the contrary, it still has a great weakness. If you can grasp the weakness, then you can deal with it The Blue Shadow Ant undoubtedly felt a lot easier.

Although the method of dealing with blue shadow ants is harsh, it just so happens that Filo has some methods of dealing with blue shadow ants in his hands, and this is where Connor's confidence lies in carrying out the current plan.

Connor and Filo joined hands to explore the ruins, which is the purpose of the action, and the knights for this purpose have a major premise, that is, they must not let the wizards of the Church of Storms, such as Milik and De Zerby, be aware of suspicion!

The Church of the Storm is too powerful, so let them participate. If Connor and Filo really found the Reyes-related ruins in the Navas Forest by virtue of the clues in their hands, then even Connor and Philo teamed up, not to mention eating meat, but they couldn't even drink soup.

And at that time, judging from the Church of the Storm's consistent style of forgiving and benevolent on the surface, but secretly playing tricks behind the scenes, they may also make a move to kill Connor and Filo for reasons of confidentiality and other reasons. personal.

So Connor and Filo had already reached an agreement before they took any action, to get rid of the surveillance of the personnel sent by the Church of the Storm in the Navas Forest, and then the two went together to explore this possible place in the depths of the Navas Forest. This is another reason why Connor provided De Zelby with things in that bookstore.

pass. Taking advantage of the conflict between Milik and De Zerby, Connor successfully got rid of Milik, leaving De Zerby alone as the only person monitoring him, and wanted to get rid of De Zerby's surveillance , Is there any other way, which is more unsuspectable than letting De Zelby take the initiative to abandon Connor after encountering danger?

So Connor wants to use De Zelby's self-righteous shrewdness, and then use the blue shadow ants to get rid of him very naturally. As for using the blue shadow ants to do this, although it seems a little dangerous, it is actually On the road, with Fei Luo's help, there is not much danger.

In short, apart from being disgusted by De Zelby's use of Warcraft powder, Connor and Filo's plan this time has achieved its goal without any danger. Both of them got rid of the surveillance of the Church of Storms and temporarily gained free.

Philo, who was in a good mood, after teasing Connor, knew that time was running out, and he didn't talk nonsense anymore. He took out his pocket watch and looked at it, and then said to Connor helplessly: "According to the previous rules , There are still two hours at most before now, Milik, the damn bastard, will catch up!"

Hearing what Filo said, Connor frowned secretly, and then asked Filo suspiciously, "Has he tampered with you?"

Regarding Connor's inquiry, the look on Philo's face was undoubtedly even more bitter. He nodded and replied to Connor, "It's possible, but I haven't found anything wrong with me until now... ..."

Philo's answer was undoubtedly that Connor was a little worried. He looked at Philo and hesitated to speak, but in the end he still didn't speak. Although he and Philo are on the same front now, they are working together to find the depths of the forest. However, this is not just an expedient measure because of the threat of the Church of Storms. Connor has not forgotten at all that Margaret asked him to do it!

Naturally, they will not fully trust Philo Connor, and obviously on Philo's side, they also lack trust in Connor's companion and the alliance he and Connor formed due to the situation. So even though Connor is an alchemist, it is more likely than Philo himself to discover the hands and feet on him that may have been set by Milik, but in such a situation where both parties lack trust in each other, even if Connor asks, he does not trust Kangnor. Most of the Filo who accepts will choose to refuse.

In this way, it is undoubtedly the fact that the lack of trust between the two people is brought to light, which deepens the conflict between them and seriously affects the future cooperation between the two people, so knowing that the answer will be rejection, Connor naturally wouldn't speak anymore, and Philo here is obviously not a fool, so he can understand that Connor is hesitant to say what he wants to say behind his back, but he also pretends not to see it, The significance of this is also self-evident.

After a brief rest by the creek, Connor and Filo, who knew that time was running out, also set off for the next location. During the rush, they had already fought against Milik many times. Philo, who also walked with Connor, talked about the power of Milik. The last time we met, because facing the threat of the family of black-blooded foxes, Philo only had time to tell Connor his purpose. And the miraculous experience that Milik completed the rebirth of a broken limb within three days, and did not have time to introduce Milik's strength to Connor.

And Connor, who has already had a brief fight with Milik, is also very interested in Philo's introduction about Milik's strength. If it is not expected, in the next few days, he and Ferro will , is about to start a life-and-death bloody battle with Milik...

In Filo's introduction, Milik's fighting style can be said to be both fierce and cunning. He is not afraid of being injured like a normal wizard, and he is even eager to use the extreme method of exchanging injuries to hurt his opponent.

As a dark wizard, Philo, after discovering that Milik was chasing after him, it is not that he did not think about killing Milik through a bloody battle, or trying to make Milik understand how high the risk of continuing to chase is, so that he He retreated despite the difficulties, but unfortunately, Milik was like taking a stimulant. He treated Philo like an enemy who had dug his ancestral grave.

In the world of wizards, it's not that Philo hasn't seen ruthless people before, but when he meets a ruthless person like Milik, who doesn't consider his own interests at all, and only thinks about how to kill you, Philo himself is very helpless. He could fight and retreat, and was forced by Milik to seek Connor's help.

In Filo's narration, compared to the traditional magic attacks that the wizards of the Church of the Storm are good at, Milik is better at being like a knight, using spells as a cover, and then rushing into close range to fight with you, When the chase in the Navas Forest first took place, Philo also suffered a small loss because he was not used to Milik's combat style.

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