Count of Wizards

Chapter 658: Connor's Plan

Hearing Margaret's hesitant inquiry, Connor said without hesitation: "It's normal if you don't see it, this is an original method created by my mentor thirty years ago, first steaming the green shadow grass at high temperature After six hours, use the Maximon extraction method to extract and purify the essence, and then freeze the essence of the green shadow grass after extraction and purification at a low temperature, repeating it three times..."

Having said that, Connor, who realized his slip of the tongue, stopped speaking abruptly, and Margaret, who heard Connor say the word "mentor", suddenly had a gleam in his eyes, Looking straight at Connor, it was obvious that Margaret was very interested in the "mentor" that Connor called

The two sides fell into a brief silence like this. A few minutes later, they still saw Margaret's big eyes, still looking at him with piercing eyes. Connor had a wry smile on his face, looked at Margaret and said in a deep voice : "Sorry, I can't tell you about Margaret, at least not now!"

Connor's refusal immediately caused disappointment to appear on Margaret's beautiful face, but since Connor didn't want to say it, she couldn't force it, she could only lower her head and forced a smile, then rushed Connor shook his head and said, "It's okay!"

Although Margaret expressed her understanding, neither of them spoke and fell into silence. The atmosphere between them became very awkward for a while. Seeing this, Margaret thought for a while, broke the silence on her own initiative, and asked Connor asked, "Connor, for Martina, what are you going to do next?"

Hearing Margaret talking about this, Connor, who had already known it well, said without hesitation, "Now that I know Martina is behind the scenes, I plan to find out where Martina's foothold is first!"

"Then are you going to get rid of her first?" After listening to Connor's words, Margaret nodded and said:

"No!" Connor vetoed Margaret's idea, then smiled mysteriously, and said to Margaret: "After finding out where Martina is staying, I plan to stand still and wait and see what happens!"

"Connor, do you want to let Martina go?" Margaret seemed extremely puzzled by what Connor said, and asked in surprise:

"Of course not, Martina dug such a big hole for me, how could I let her go easily? But Margaret, do you still remember what Martina said just now?" Connor's eyes flickered Bright, reminded Margaret:

Connor's point seems to have awakened Margaret to something. She thought for a while and then recalled: "Connor, you mean, after Martina found out that I was using blood witchcraft, she called me old Victor. Sent?"

"That's right! Margaret, it's good that you used blood witchcraft, but why did Martina associate it with the old Victor who sent her to kill her when she discovered blood witchcraft?" Connor continued, There was a hint of excitement in his eyes.

"The relationship between Martina and Old Victor is very tense! Connor, as you said before, Old Victor was not unaware of Martina's identity as an undercover agent of the Duke's faction, and he even sent Tusum to investigate Pass Martina!" When Connor said this, Margaret understood Connor's meaning in an instant, and also said with some surprise:

"It should be like this if there is no accident, otherwise Martina wouldn't be a frightened bird!" Connor nodded affirmatively, and then couldn't help but continue: "Margaret, guess, I mistakenly thought you were an old lady." After Victor sent to kill her, what's Martina going to do next?"

Seeing that Connor was going to test himself, Margaret gave him a big roll of the eyes, but still couldn't help but think and said: "Obviously, if I were Martina, I found out that old Victor was going to kill herself, absolutely I will not go back under the nose of old Victor, I will find a safe place to hide!"

Regarding the analysis given by Margaret, Connor nodded with a smile, and then added: "Old Victor, who discovered that Martina was missing, naturally would not simply let Martina go missing, he Will definitely be looking for Martina, and this is our chance!"

"Margaret has my spiritual coordinates, we just need to find Martina one step ahead, and then wait for old Victor to find Martina, and then we can sit and wait for old Victor and Martina We fight, and we win in the end!" Connor introduced the plan he had just thought up to Margaret with confidence.



Just when Connor was planning to make a profit, in a very hidden secret room in a two-story villa named Semedo Mansion in the Zelinsky community on Lewandowski Avenue in the West District of Ruen In the picture, Martina, who has a cold temperament and a pale face, is sitting on the floor meditating, and there are three or four empty medicine bottles in front of Martina. It seems that Martina's current physical condition is not very good. Well, some injuries.

At this time, Martina, who was practicing, was surrounded by some icy white cold mist. These cold mist kept changing and churning with Martina's breathing. After a while, Martina's pale face also gradually There was a touch of blush, and her breathing became more even. Half an hour later, Martina seemed to have sensed that something had ended her practice, and the ice mist around her body also slowly dissipated.

Martina pointed at the concrete wall of the secret room, and a bronze mirror popped out of the wall, and a circle of water ripples automatically appeared on the popped bronze mirror. After the water ripples rippled for a few seconds, a clear picture appeared. A middle-aged Caucasian man dressed in gray, wearing a top hat, and with a gentle face, was standing outside the gate of Semedo's mansion, knocking on the door rhythmically.

Martina seemed to be very familiar with him, trusting this person, she breathed a sigh of relief, and put away the alert look in her eyes, pointed her jade finger at the bronze mirror, and the bronze mirror was silently retracted into the concrete wall again At the same time, the gate of Semedo's mansion was also opened, and the gentle uncle outside the gate entered the mansion.

Half a minute later, the unimpeded middle-aged uncle walked into the secret room where Martina was. Although Martina's face improved a lot, the middle-aged uncle still found something from the empty potion bottle on the ground. Sven His face suddenly changed slightly, and he asked Martina in surprise: "Martina, what happened? How did you get hurt?"

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