Count of Wizards

Chapter 659 Strowman

Martina waved her hand when she heard the words, and then said softly, "I'm fine, Strowman. How long will it take for the man arranged by the Duke to arrive at Loen?"

Seeing that Martina signaled that she was fine, the middle-aged gentleman named Strowman pondered for a moment and answered Martina's question, "The message we sent to Lord Wangjue for help a week ago, at least we need more help." It will take a week for the reinforcements to arrive at Loen, after all, it is said that these two senior wizard apprentices set out from the Bernabéu, the imperial capital!"

Speaking of this, Strowman glanced at Martina, and said with some concern: "Martina, what happened on your side? Are you so anxious to let me come over?"

Seeing that Strowman continued to question, Martina's cold face was slightly ugly, after a moment of hesitation, Martina said: "I was just attacked on the way back from meeting Connor, and the other party was a The senior wizard apprentice who performs the forbidden blood witchcraft is very powerful!"

"What? Blood witchcraft?" Hearing the three words "blood witchcraft" from Martina's mouth, the expression on Troman's face suddenly became very exciting. Obviously, blood witchcraft is a terrifying name for a forbidden technique. Troman, a middle-aged uncle, is still very clear

"That's right, I'm sure it's blood witchcraft. The lightning attack on my jade bracelet didn't restrain the other party's blood witchcraft. Apart from the famous forbidden technique, I can't think of any other blood witchcraft." Attribute spells can do this." Martina said with certainty without any hesitation:

Seeing that Martina was so sure, the expression on Strowman's face changed again, and then he said with some difficulty: "Martina, do you know who sent the other party?"

Strowman's question caused Martina's eyes to flash a cold light, she pondered for a while and Martina said: "The other party has not used blood witchcraft, and has not revealed any characteristics. It is difficult to judge whether the other party is What identity, but I feel that this person is most likely sent by Old Victor!"

"Wizards who have the courage to practice the forbidden art of blood witchcraft cannot be the secret department of the empire, or the white wizards of the two churches. They can only be anonymous black wizards. From this point of view, there is no suspicion of old Victor. Undoubtedly the biggest!" Martina calmly analyzed:

Strowman may have different opinions on Marina's analysis, so he said with some confusion: "Martina, didn't you say that you were attacked when you came back from meeting Conor Ferguson? Why don't you Suspect Conor Ferguson?"

Regarding Stroman's question, Marina slowly shook her head and explained: "Although I was attacked on the way back after meeting Connor Ferguson. But this person who performed blood witchcraft is very powerful. He was almost left there, it is impossible for Conor Ferguson to find such a powerful person as an assistant, in fact Conor Ferguson does have an assistant, but this person is definitely not practicing blood witchcraft!"

"Finding such a strong senior wizard apprentice who practiced blood witchcraft as a killer, only old Victor has the ability to do it. Although I can't understand why he chose to get rid of me first, but he has long treated me. Doubts have arisen, but this is an indisputable fact!" Martina sighed and said helplessly:

Seeing that Martina was already so certain that she was attacked by someone sent by old Victor, Strowman, the middle-aged uncle, did not doubt Martina's judgment, but turned to Martina and asked Said: "Martina, what do you need me to do for you now?"

Regarding Strowman's question, Martina didn't say much, but took out a blue space ring from her pocket and handed it to Strowman.

Accidentally received the interspatial ring from Martina, Strowman mentally scanned the contents of the interspatial ring, as if he had discovered something appalling, the expression on his fair and gentle face suddenly changed again, and he thought for a while. Yes, he seemed to be worried and asked Martina cautiously: "Martina, are you really determined to do this? If you use this thing, the risk is too great. If you use it, there is no turning back It's..."

"Do you think I still have a way out?" Hearing Strowman's question, Martina glanced at him coldly, and then said in a deep voice without emotion:

Martina's rhetorical question made Strowman unable to say a word. The gentle middle-aged uncle lowered his head and fell into silence and entanglement. After a long time, he seemed to accept his fate. He sighed and turned to Martina asked: "Martina, the alchemy materials in your interspatial ring can be used to make Aval alchemical bombs or Pjanic alchemical bombs. Which one do you want?"

"Aval alchemy bomb and Pjanic alchemy bomb, which two alchemy bombs did you make in the fastest time?" Martina thought for a while, but decided to return the question to Strowman.

Regarding this kind of professional question, Stroman introduced without hesitation: "Martina, the alchemy materials you gave me in the space ring are enough to make five Aval alchemy bombs, or three Pjanic For the alchemy bomb, if I complete the former, it will take two days at the fastest, and for the latter, it will take four days!"

Having said that, Stroman paused for a moment, looking up at Martina as if thinking of something, and added with some worry:

"Martina, I need to remind you that although it took me two days less time to refine the Avar bomb than the Pjanich bomb, and the explosion power of the Avar bomb is greater than that of Pjania Alchemy bomb, but Martina, I need to remind you that the Avar alchemy bomb is the worst kind of alchemy bomb in terms of stability. A little carelessness will cause the alchemy bomb to explode and fail, or it may be prematurely damaged. explode!"

"And the concealment of the Avar alchemy bomb is not very good. If Martina, you want to use it to deal with ordinary wizards, then it's okay, but if you want to use it to deal with spiritual wizards like Connor Ferguson Apprentices, or wizards with very strong spiritual power like Old Victor will definitely be discovered!"

Strowman's reminder immediately made Martina frowned slightly, and she continued to ask in disappointment: "Stroman, can't you improve and optimize the stability and concealment of the performance of the Aval alchemy bomb? ?”

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