Although Isabella's words were very serious and serious, Prince Boateng had already made up his mind to gamble with his own life, so he didn't pay much attention to Isabella's words. He said flatly: "I believe you and Mr. Adolf, Isabella, won't let Bisping and Connor Ferguson have a chance to deal with me?"

Prince Boateng's irresponsible words immediately made Isabella feel angry, but in order to keep the overall situation in mind, Isabella did not explode, but pressed her fire to Prince Boateng. Boateng said: "In order to maintain the stability of the secret society, my father and Reyes have agreed that the official wizards of each other's factions cannot fight each other. Uncle Prince, I hope you can understand that what we are doing for you now, It's the limit of what we can do!"

"Where's Bisping?"

Faced with Isabella's dissatisfaction, Prince Boateng did not make any changes, and still pretended not to care, and then suddenly asked Isabella:

Hearing Prince Boateng's question, Isabella was slightly taken aback, thought for a while, and did not tell Prince Boateng the answer directly, but asked instead: "Why are you asking this?"

Prince Boateng smiled at Isabella, and then said slowly: "Isabella, aren't you worried that Conor Ferguson and Bisping will team up to deal with me? I will make Bisping do it." Now, let's see how they join forces?"

Hearing what the one-armed man in front of her said, Isabella was stunned for a moment, and before she could react, Prince Boateng continued: "Isabella, think carefully before speaking. , Bisping is the most important arm of Reyes, and his death of Reyes is equivalent to breaking an arm, which is absolutely happy for your father!"

"Isabella, you said something just now. You are right. I really can't find Connor Ferguson right now, and I really missed the best time to kill Connor, but killing Bisping is also possible. Get revenge on Reyes!"

Prince Boateng's seductive words were in my ears. Although I told Isabella rationally that Prince Boateng was lying to her, Isabella thought about it again, even if Prince Boateng Teng is lying to himself, and she is just giving him Bisping's address, even if she is cheated, it seems that she will not lose anything, but if Prince Boateng really goes to Bisping as he said Ping's trouble, then Bisping, an eyesore, might really be killed...

After thinking carefully for a while, Isabella took a deep look, and then Prince Boateng said: "Baggio Club, No. 31 Crespo Avenue, Uncle Prince, take care of yourself !” After the words fell, Isabella got up immediately, walked out of the private room and left the coffee house.

Seeing the graceful back of Isabella leaving, a sneer appeared on Prince Boateng's stern face.

All he wants is the address where Bisping is located. As for killing Bisping and taking revenge on Reyes, of course he belongs to Mon Isabella. If he wants to kill Bisping, he will take revenge on Reyes. Yes, he has met Bisping several times in the past ten years, why wait until now?

And the most important thing is that he and Bisping are equal in strength, the biggest possibility of the two fighting is that neither can kill the other and both will suffer!

In addition, Bisping was originally the subordinate of Conte, the third figure in the Secret Society. After Conte died at the hands of Jovic, the God of the Church of the Storm, Bisping took refuge in Reyes, so in Reyes Here, Bisping was just a very capable subordinate, and his death wouldn't make Reyes feel much heartbroken.

Really want Reyes heartbroken, the only way to get rid of Connor Ferguson, the student that Reyes carefully cultivated, and then send Connor's head to Reyes, the only way is Prince Bo Aten will feel that Reyes Broken Arm Vengeance has held back his anger for decades, and he will go out smoothly...



At No. 31 Crespo Avenue, in a certain tearoom of the Baggio Club, the gray-robed old man Adolf and Bisping sat facing each other. Neither of them spoke, they just drank tea cup after cup, and Bisping drank tea. He was drinking the black tea from Hoy New World, while Adolf was drinking the iceberg black tea from Odin.

After this awkward silence lasted for about ten minutes, Bisping suddenly raised his head, and said to Adolf with certainty: "You will not succeed!"

Regarding Bisping's words, Adolf was not upset. He drank another cup of fragrant and elegant black tea, and asked very flatly, "Really?"

"You underestimate the Boateng family. Although I have used some tricks, I can't hide it for a few days. Before you tell Prince Boateng, he should already know that I am coming to Frosinone. , so he stayed in Frosinone and did not take the train to leave, which means that he has made up his mind to risk his life, and you can't change his decision, nor can you change his ending!" Bisping shook his head said:

"Prince Boateng doesn't know yet. Connor Ferguson found out that the professor intends to harm him. He already knows that Connor and his teacher are on the opposite side, but we know that it is actually Bisping, you and Connor. Ferguson, it is impossible to join forces to deal with Prince Boateng!" Regarding Bisping's words, Adolf countered with a slight smile:

Bisping raised his eyebrows, and said in a deep voice: "Driven by hatred, Prince Boateng has turned into a mad dog, and Connor is a smart person, he will understand that in order to solve the mad dog, he must Need my help!"

Adolf wanted to say something more, but before he could open his mouth, he seemed to sense something. Under Bisping's gaze, Adolf hesitated, but still found a notebook from the space ring, Check it out.

Three seconds later, Adolf closed the notebook and put it back into the interspatial ring. Seeing this, Bisping raised his teacup to Adolf, and then said lightly: "It seems that Prince Boateng The situation on the side seems to be hit by me!"

Adolf sighed helplessly, then raised his teacup and touched Bisping, and the two immediately drank the remaining tea in their respective cups...

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