Count of Wizards

Chapter 833: Poison Scheme

"Although we have reached a deal with the Boateng family, since Prince Boateng is unwilling to do it, there is nothing we can do. The contract between the professor and the Duke is still valid, regardless of whether you and Connor Ferguson join forces , when dealing with Prince Boateng, Miss Isabella and I will still abide by our neutrality, and finally I wish Bisping good luck!"

After receiving the news from Isabella, the old man in gray robe, Adolf, expressed their attitude very clearly, and then very simply gave up the plan to hold Bisping back. Under Bisping's watch, he turned and left Baggio club.

After watching Adolf leave, Bisping clapped his hands, and suddenly a thin man with piercing eyes walked into the tea room, saluted Bisping very respectfully and said: "Bisping Sir, are you looking for me?"

"Konka, have you found the whereabouts of the person I asked you to find?" Bisping asked in a deep voice:

"Connor Ferguson's new address after leaving the Ferguson family's safe house, we haven't found it yet, so far we have just found out that after Connor and Varga left the Ferguson family's safe house, they stayed at the Moxis Hotel for two days , As for finding out their new address, it will take some time!"

"However, Lord Bisping, I have already found the address of Prince Boateng, the other person you asked me to find. Prince Boateng should currently live in the Parolo community. A few days ago, someone saw that someone suspected of being Prince Boateng brought some J girls to the Parolo community, and up to now, those J girls have not left the Parolo community!" Listen When asked by Bisping, this skinny man, who Bisping called Kongka, told the situation he knew in detail:

Hearing the narration of "Konka", Bisping fell silent for a while, and when Kongka was a little panicked, Bisping suddenly said: "Release the news that Connor Ferguson is hiding in Ferguson Manor, we must Let Prince Boateng know the news!"

Bisping's order immediately caught Connor's eyes, and he said excitedly: "Master Bisping, your move is really clever, no matter whether Connor Ferguson is hiding in Ferguson Manor or not, as long as Prin Prince Boateng went to Ferguson Manor, for the sake of his people, Connor Ferguson must also stand up and face Prince Boateng!"

"Be careful when you do it, and don't let anyone know that we released the news!" Facing Kongka's praise, Bisping was not very happy, and said lightly:

"Master Bisping, please rest assured, I am the best at doing this kind of thing! I guarantee that there will be no mistakes!" Kongka patted his chest and said confidently:

After explaining several precautions to Kongka, Bisping let Kongka leave. After Kongka left, Bisping took out a letter from the space ring, stared at the letter and fell into deep thought.

"Connor Ferguson, no matter where you hide, I will find you..."

With thick fingers stroking the looming lines on the letter, Bisping in the tea room muttered to himself with certainty:

This letter was the letter that Reyes asked him to forward to Connor Ferguson when he was at the Bernabéu in the capital. The last time we met, seeing that Connor refused so simply, he had already tried Bisping at Connor's level. Knowing that even if Connor meets Prince Boateng, it will be difficult to kill him.

So at that time, Bisping made a decision. He didn't hand the letter directly to Connor, but planned to let Connor and Prince Boateng fight to understand Prince Boateng's After being strong, give this letter to Connor, so as to do the best possible to promote the cooperation between the two.

After all, in Bisping's eyes, he has never suffered from Prince Boateng, and Connor may not realize how dangerous this Odin is. The enthusiasm will not be so high!

But what Bisping never imagined was that Connor was so good at hiding. After leaving the Ferguson family safe house on the outskirts of Frosinone, he did not find Connor for such a long time. If there is no trace, there is no way to display his next plan.

But what made Bisping even more embarrassing was that because he couldn't find Connor Ferguson for a long time, he originally wanted to join forces with Prince Boateng, a plan that was caught off guard, but it was delayed step by step... ··········

Now that his whereabouts in Frosinone were discovered by Wang Jue's faction, the originally planned raid has undoubtedly been officially declared bankrupt, but fortunately, Prince Boateng is the same as he was when he was young. The gamblers are willing to bet their own lives in order to achieve their goals.

Otherwise, Prince Boateng got on the train back to West Ham and fled away. When he returned to the Odin Empire, Bisping could only stare helplessly and watch Prince Boateng leave.

The current situation is very clear. In view of the agreement reached by the two giants of the Secret Society, Professor and Wang Jue, Isabella and Adolf will strictly abide by their neutrality, so the rest depends on whether he can Bisping in Pu Lins Boateng found Connor Ferguson before he killed Connor Ferguson and reached a joint.

After a tentative fight with Connor last time, Bisping was very satisfied with Connor's strength. He believed that with Connor's help, and in addition, he had Reyes specially refined it for his trip. He must be able to complete the task given to him by Reyes and kill Prince Boateng.



Two days later, on the outskirts of Frosinone, in the small town of Arjan.

In the newly bought yard, Connor carefully controlled his alchemy furnace. Under the strong burning of the black gas flame of Connor's spiritual fire, there were bursts of buzzing sounds from the alchemy furnace from time to time, accompanied by the humming sound. Appeared, the alchemy furnace was still faintly wafting out, and there seemed to be no smell of blood.

Watching the two pieces of Payet magic gold in the alchemy furnace gradually merge with other alchemy materials, Connor's eyes couldn't help showing a little excitement. The current progress is better than what he predicted in the auxiliary chip. He needs to be three points faster. According to this speed, he may not have to wait until the day after tomorrow to complete this alchemy. Connor, who is excited at the thought of this, shot two spells into the alchemy furnace again, letting the alchemy furnace The temperature in the middle has reached a new height.

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