Connor felt that he was careful enough, but he didn't count the old guy Robery, who actually practiced the rumored Lich. It seems that the sound of the curse just now, and the slap on the head The strange operation of making a hole turned out to be before he died, transforming himself into "Decora"

When he thought that Robery would turn into a living corpse even if he was dead, and fight himself to the end, Connor felt very annoyed besides being disgusted.

Connor Ferguson really didn't expect Robery to do this, but it seems that when Robery was alive, the Lich should have been practicing for a while, otherwise he wouldn't be able to do so in just a few seconds. Within a short time, the transformation ceremony was completed and became a "Decora"

Just as Connor was thinking, the living corpse of "Decora" transformed by Robery attacked frantically again. Connor's protective barrier hit the protective barrier that had calmed down just now. Trembling.

Seeing this, Connor frowned slightly. For him, the living Robbery was killed by him, and after death, he turned into a living corpse. There was no reason for Robbery, and he had no reason to be afraid.

In fact, the same is true. Although the living corpse "Decora" has many advantages, great strength, toxicity, and high resistance to mental power and magic power, it is transformed by the dead after all. Without wisdom, it can only rely on Fighting on instinct, so it is difficult to pose any threat to Connor.

As far as Connor is concerned, it is not difficult to kill the living corpse of "Decora", but Connor only needs to cast the Castilla Magic Circle with a thought, trap him in the Castilla Magic Circle, let him The suppression of the magic circle and the tireless black warriors slowly grind it, and within twenty minutes, it will be tortured and killed in the magic circle.

But the "Decora" living corpse contains corpse poison, so it is not difficult to let it die in the magic circle, but if it enters the Castilla magic circle, then the corpse poison it contains will be Contaminate the Castilla circle, although it is not known how much the pollution will be.

But what is certain is that there will be a high chance of affecting the Castilla staff, and Connor intends to upgrade the Castilla staff to a third-level magical item. If it is because of "Deco "Pull" the existence of living corpses has had any adverse effects on Connor's grand strategy, and Connor really regretted it.

But if you don't use Castilla's magic circle, then Connor, who is a spiritual wizard, really doesn't have much effective means to deal with the living corpse of "Decora" transformed by Robery. After all, Connor has many The means of defeating the enemy are closely related to mental power, and the living corpse of "Decora" is basically immune to mental attacks because there is no sea of ​​gods.

When Connor was having a hard time making a choice, the living corpse of "Decora" outside the barrier did not intend to stop at all, and kept using its body to hit and slap Connor's Castilla. The protective barrier, under its attack, Castilla's protective barrier will be broken by it in a short time.

Seeing this, he still didn't come up with any good solution. Connor could only put his heart aside and decided to take one step at a time. He was procrastinating. As far as the sub staff is concerned, it is undoubtedly not a serious injury, far more serious than being polluted by corpse poison.

Connor slapped Castilla's staff heavily with his palm, and the trembling protective barrier that was hit by the living corpse of "Decora" transformed into a blue-black magic circle, turning "Decora" into a magic circle. "The living corpse is trapped in it.

Trapped in the Castilla magic circle, the extremely ugly "Decora" living corpse felt the Castilla magic circle, suppressed its magic circle, and suddenly became extremely manic. In the dense black mist, it rushed around, but at this time, as a living corpse, its weakness was fully revealed, and it still couldn't find the enemy it wanted to attack. It was like a headless chicken, lost. In the black mist, wasting energy.

Sensing such a situation in the Castilla circle, Connor immediately twitched a sneer of contempt. Robery actually wanted to transform into this kind of thing after death so that he could fight himself to the end. What a wishful thinking!

With a thought in Connor's mind, ten black warriors without the slightest emotion were silently condensed in the black mist in the Castilla circle.

Recently, Connor Ferguson has not used his trump card of Castilla's magic circle very often because he is facing powerful enemies with the ability to break through the Castile circle. There are a lot, but now facing the "Decora" living corpse that lacks intelligence, Castilla's magic circle is just in use. If you don't consider the corpse poison it carries, will it pollute Castile? Yafa circle, it can be said that Connor can do it, and it will die as it dies with the black warrior.

However, considering the pollution of the corpse poison, there is no doubt that the sooner the living corpse of "Decora" can die in the Castilla circle, the better. Realizing this, a cold light flashed in Connor's eyes immediately, thinking As soon as he moved, the ten black warriors who received the order in the magic circle immediately swarmed out from the black mist they were hiding in, and holding up the underworld transformed by energy, they chopped towards the living corpse of "Decora".

Finally found the enemy's "Decora" living corpse, and immediately knocked two black warriors into the air, but unfortunately, there were ten black warriors in the magic circle. Although the "Decora" living corpse was single Super strong, but under the pressure of Castilla's circle, two fists are no match for four hands. The other black warriors controlled by Connor slashed several times on the shoulders, backs, ankles and other places .

"Decora" the living corpse uttered a few painful growls after eating the pain, and immediately became more violent under the drive of instinct, smashing the several black warriors around him to pieces in a few hits , but unfortunately, under the sufficient supply of Connor's mana, theoretically speaking, there are almost endless black warriors in Castilla's magic circle. Several black warriors have just been destroyed, and new black warriors are coming Connor, condensed in the black mist of the magic circle, continued to rush towards the living corpse of 'Decora' without fear of death.

In the castilla magic circle, the drama of being destroyed and reunited took place three times in a minute. Connor was outside the magic circle, drinking the recovery potion leisurely, but inside the magic circle, he was always in the same position. Under the siege of the black warrior, the living corpse of "Decora" without any rest, under the double blow of the suppression of the magic circle and more than ten wounds cut by the black warrior, was already exhausted and obviously supported. Not much time.

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