Count of Wizards

Chapter 843 The Secret of the Crystal Ball

Although the overall situation has been decided at this time, if you enter the Castilla Magic Circle and launch the final blow to the "Decorra Living Corpse", you still have to bear the risk of being injured, but in order to reduce the Castilla Magic Circle Corrupted by the corpse poison, Connor entered the magic circle without hesitation.

It seems to have sensed the arrival of Connor. The "Decora Living Corpse", which had been besieged by the black warriors, suddenly became very excited, and rushed left and right to kill the two black warriors in front of him. After being crushed and destroyed, he identified Connor's position from the black mist in Castilla's magic circle, let out a roar like a wild beast, and then slammed straight into it.

Although the "Decora Living Corpse" that Robery turned into at this time was already scarred and unable to pose any effective threat to himself, Connor still didn't dare to be careless, and immediately cast his Hades Dark body technique, let the dark armor cover his whole body, and then hold the Hades' spear tightly in his hand.

"Thirty meters, twenty meters, ten meters, eight meters..."

Seeing the "Decora Living Corpse" transformed by Robery getting closer and closer to him, Connor could even feel the excitement and ferocity in his eyes protected by the fine scales, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth immediately, Without hesitation, Connor threw the Pluto's spear in his hand!

The spear of Pluto, which shone fiercely, immediately went straight to the center of the forehead of "Decora Living Corpse" like an arrow leaving the string.


A crisp sound came out, and the spear of Hades directly penetrated the eyebrows of the "Decora Living Corpse" who had run five meters in front of Connor. The huge and terrifying impact directly cut off half of its head. ········

The "Decora Living Corpse" transformed by Robery suffered such a fatal injury, and immediately fell down in the Castilian circle, completely dead without moving.

Seeing this scene in his eyes, Connor's expression was relaxed, but at the first moment, he threw the monster's corpse out of the Castile circle, and took out several types from the space ring to remove the corpse. Tools contaminated by poison began to get busy in the Castilian circle.

Originally, it would have taken ten to twenty minutes to eradicate this weird monster by relying solely on the Castilla Magic Circle, but because of Connor's daring to take risks, this time was shortened to five minutes, and the monster was in the Castilla Magic Circle. The existence time of the circle has been shortened, and the pollution of the magic circle by the corpse poison has also been reduced a lot. After ten minutes of being busy in the magic circle, Connor cleaned up all the corpse poison that polluted the magic circle, ensuring that These corpse poisons will not have any adverse effects on his subsequent upgrading and strengthening of the Castilla staff to a third-order magical item...

After Connor finished all this work, he put the Castilla staff back into the space ring, and finally picked up Robery's space ring that made a small hole in the ground. He was looking forward to seeing it He has arranged such a big game for the old guy Robery today, how much will he gain...

After carefully inspecting Robery's space ring, Connor, relying on his rich alchemy skills, solved the trick that Robery had set for him on the space ring, and his mental power invaded the space ring. picked up his booty.

Looking at the space ring, there is a dazzling array of various medicines, magic gold, magic stones and many other cultivation resources. Even Connor, who is an alchemist and rich in wealth, has to admit that Robery is really an information dealer. He is so rich that he is worthy of being a veteran first-level wizard, but these things that Robery has saved for half his life are now owned by Connor Ferguson.

Although there are many good things in the Robery space ring, there are also many things that make Connor's heart beat, but among them, what Connor is most interested in is a slightly yellowish crystal that is about the size of a tennis ball on the earth. ball.

Although this crystal ball does not look very eye-catching, even a little old, it is incomparable with the valuable items in the space ring, such as the magic crystal and the Atilius magic ring, and it is also placed in the space ring. Somewhere in the corner, there doesn't seem to be anything of value.

But as a decent alchemist, Connor can clearly find that this crystal ball has traces of frequent use. Not only that, although the appearance of this crystal ball is very poor, it doesn't look like something of value. , but when Connor's mental power tried to probe this crystal ball, Connor was surprised to find that this crystal ball was arranged with a very strict restriction. If it is banned, the ban will be automatic and the self-destruct process will be started.

This is very strange, why is there such a strict restriction on an inconspicuous crystal ball, and why has it been used frequently by Robery? Does this shed some light on the situation?

In addition to these, Connor did not find any information related to the "Lich" in Robery's space ring, which made Connor start to think about it. Is the information about the "Lich" just Hidden in this seemingly inconspicuous, but strictly restricted crystal ball?

Taking the crystal ball out of Robery's interspatial ring, Connor began to study it carefully. Half an hour later, looking at the yellowed crystal ball in his hand, Connor sighed in disappointment. After half an hour of research, Connor had a deeper understanding of the restriction of this crystal ball.

But it is a pity that understanding is understanding. Connor still has no clue about how to break the restriction of this crystal ball. The several methods of breaking the restriction he has mastered, although he has not tried it on this crystal ball , but Connor knew very well that ninety-nine percent of the time it would not work, if he did it forcibly, there would only be one consequence, and that would be to detonate the crystal ball! It can be said that with Connor's current alchemy level, it is very difficult to break the restriction of this crystal ball!

Shaking his head, Connor put the crystal ball he found from Robery's space ring into a jade box, and put it properly in his own space ring. What is the function of this crystal ball? Although Na was very interested, Connor still needed to study the restrictions in the crystal ball carefully.

After checking his harvest from this battle, Connor used the kerosene he refined to destroy all the traces of the battle in the woods, and then walked out of the Baresi Forest, heading towards the downtown area of ​​Frosinone fly away.

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