Count of Wizards

Chapter 849 Calculating each other (1)

As he expected, Connor pretended that he was powerless, that he could not fly and had no choice but to break the boat, and stopped on an open space in the park where he had set up the alchemy mechanism. Ten seconds later, Prince Boateng Also followed him here.

This park is called Goodison Park, because it has been neglected for many years, the park is overgrown with weeds, and the whole park is dilapidated. It is an inaccessible place in the urban area of ​​Frosinone, and few people go there. Come to play, plus the open space where Connor and Prince Boateng are now is a very remote corner in Goodison Park, so this place is very important for Connor and Prince Boateng. Boateng is a natural battlefield for the two of them, and no one will disturb their battle.

Seeing the undisguised murderous intent and madness in Prince Boateng's eyes under the gray robe in front of him, Connor, who knew that this matter was absolutely hopeless, sighed inwardly, and completely dispelled his relationship with Prince Boateng. Teng plans to have a good talk.

It took a lot of hard work here to finally find Connor's Prince Boateng again. His attention was all in front of him. He finally met Connor Ferguson and didn't notice it. The dangers of the open space where I am...

Perhaps Connor and Prince Boateng had nothing to say. The two confronted each other for a few seconds and neither of them spoke. Then Prince Boateng took the lead and took out two pieces from the space ring. An unremarkable, apple-sized mini-hammer covered with Odin runes, threw it directly at Connor.

At the same time, Prince Boateng's mouth sounded an obscure Odin spell.


Accompanied by the sound of the incantation, the two hammers thrown at Connor suddenly flashed with a sharp blue light, not only that, the volume of the hammers also rapidly increased by four or five times. It looks as big as a basketball.

Feeling the whistling sound of the two hammers attacking him, Connor also subconsciously took out the Castilla staff from the space ring and released the protective barrier to resist.

"Bang! Bang!"

The second after Connor released the protective barrier, Prince Boateng's hammer hit Connor's protective barrier firmly and there was a loud bang. Connor's poor card Stia's protective barrier trembled as if struck by a thunderbolt.

Although, as Connor's main means of protection, Castilla's protective barrier has always been very reliable, this time it also resisted this attack for Connor, but part of the power from the two hammers was still backlashed. On Connor's body, the weight of the barrier, Connor could only feel that his blood was boiling, and his mouth was also fishy and sweet.

Looking at the gloomy Castile protective barrier in front of him, and Prince Boateng who was about to control the hammer and continue to smash it down with a hideous face, Connor resisted the pain in his body, and immediately Activated the silver light pendant hidden in his hand, and under the blessing of the spiritual power of the silver light pendant, released a spiritual storm at Prince Boateng.

Although he knew that Connor and Reyes were both spiritual wizards, and that Prince Boateng had already taken some precautions against Connor's mental attack, the power of Connor's mental attack was still beyond that. What he expected, made his head dizzy.

Taking advantage of Prince Boateng's dizziness and his inability to attack his gap, Connor immediately clapped the Castilla staff in his hand to retract the defensive barrier, and then flashed the black magic robe on his body, and put it out Show Prince Boateng as if he wanted to run away.

Seeing Connor wanting to run, how could Prince Boateng, who finally found him, sit idly by, resisting the dizziness in his head, and recited the Odin spell again.

"Kuit Blue...Farmite...Antonsas!"

The sound of Odin's incantation sounded, and the azure blue light on the two hammers hanging in mid-air suddenly became extremely bright, and then they merged into one, turning into a giant azure blue hammer about one meter long.

Seeing the appearance of the azure blue sledgehammer, Prince Boateng's face became more ferocious. He stretched out his hand to point at Connor who was running away, got the commanded sledgehammer, and immediately buzzed, and then For Connor's back, he killed him.

Although he didn't look back, Connor's powerful mental power gave him a very clear feedback of the sight of the hammer coming from behind him!

Faced with such a thunderous blow from Prince Boateng, Connor did not dare to slack off, and while urging it with all his strength, the lightness technique on the black magic robe tried to avoid the attack of the blue hammer, and at the same time cast Hades Dark body technique, let the dark armor cover his whole body, be prepared to be hit unfortunately!

Connor's two-handed preparation is still very steady. The azure giant hammer is an important attack method for Prince Boateng against the enemy, but it is not so easy to dodge. The shoulder of his right hand was hit hard by the giant azure hammer, and the huge impact rushed towards Connor's body frantically.

Even though it was protected by the dark armor with amazing defensive power, Connor fell to the ground from mid-air while escaping. Fortunately, although it looked miserable, the dark armor was 80% for Connor. Although the remaining power is terrifying, it is not beyond Connor's tolerance.

The moment he was shot down, Connor, who was wrapped in pain, uttered a Byzantine spell clearly from his mouth.


Following the incantation in Connor's mouth, Prince Boateng, who was immersed in the pleasure of Connor being shot down and about to avenge his revenge, had a ferocious smile on his stern face, astonished What he discovered was that a violent energy fluctuation erupted under the ground on his left and right sides.

Although the appearance of violent energy fluctuations was completely beyond Prince Boateng's expectations, and caught him off guard, Prince Boateng, as a veteran first-level wizard who has experienced many battles, The reaction was still very fast, and he immediately wanted to flash his figure and leave this position.

But it's a pity that he just used such a powerful magical item like the blue giant hammer, so he is a little short of mana now, and he is in an embarrassing situation where new power has not yet been born, and old power is old.

So Prince Boateng could only watch helplessly. Two groups of explosions suddenly appeared beside him. Engulfed by the shock wave of the explosion, countless gleaming dark green steel nails were obviously quenched by highly poisonous steel nails. The nails swept towards his body.

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