Count of Wizards

Chapter 850 Calculating each other (2)

"Bang! Bang! Bang!..."

After a series of explosions from the explosion, smoke and dust flew wantonly in the open space on Goodison, blocking Connor's sight. Although the eyes couldn't see the situation in the smoke and dust, Connor's mental power was He clearly felt that under the explosion of his two alchemy organs, Prince Boateng fell to the ground just like him now.

Perceiving this, Connor's sharp-edged face showed a bit of joy. If you attack with strength, you will fall under my tricks in the end.

As of now, the progress of the battle with Prince Boateng is basically within Connor's expectations. If there is something to be found, what Connor expected is that the two hammers can be able to Two in one.

The two hammers of Prince Boateng have been introduced in the information about Prince Boateng’s strength that Robery gave him. According to Robery’s description, the two hammers are named It is called the Azure Ice Hammer, and the power of each of the two hammers has reached the category of the second-order top magic items, but the most frightening thing is that these two Azure Ice Hammers are combined magic items, and the two Azure Ice Hammers Used together, it can be said that it has reached the peak of the second-order magic item and attack power

So just now Connor was not surprised that the two blue ice hammers almost broke his Castilla staff, but in Robery's message, it was not mentioned that the two hammers They were actually able to combine the two into one, forming a big azure blue ice hammer.

And according to an alchemist who is good at refining enchanted items and has personally refined second-tier top-level enchanted items, Connor has just personally experienced the combination of these two azure-blue ice hammers to form a large azure-blue ice hammer. Regarding the terrifying power of the hammer, Connor can say with certainty that the power of this big azure blue ice hammer is definitely beyond the category of second-order magic items, and has reached the level of third-level magic items!

If it wasn't for the fact that Connor dodged in time with the help of the black magic robe just now, avoiding the vital point, or the Connor who was hit in the vital point, even if he didn't die now, would definitely pass out and lose the ability to resist.

Thinking of this, Connor couldn't wait to dig Robery out of the corpse pit and kill him. It was obvious that Robery didn't like Prince Boateng in the information that introduced him to Prince Boateng's strength. He told the whole story as he said, but kept a hand, and concealed the fact that two azure blue ice hammers could be combined into one to form a big azure blue ice hammer!

Although he was very angry with Robery, at this time he had been crushed by Connor and buried in a corpse pit. It was impossible for Connor to do anything to a pile of ashes, so Connor suppressed his anger , his eyes locked tightly on the position of Prince Boateng.

This is the dust that was blown up by the explosion just now, and it has slowly fallen to the ground. At this time, Prince Boateng appeared in Connor's sight. At this time, Prince Boateng, covered in The upper and lower sides were covered with scars and blood, but the important thing was that at this time, he closed his eyes and lay quietly on the open space as if he had lost consciousness.

Seeing Prince Boateng losing his ability to resist, Connor, who was also lying on the ground, pretended to be very happy on the surface to cooperate with Prince Boateng, but he was still in his heart immediately. With a sneer, even though Prince Bo Atten acted very realistically, lying there motionless as if he was asleep, Connor didn't find any flaws in him.

But it's a pity that Prince Boateng's two alchemy mechanisms were made and installed by Connor himself as an alchemist. Connor understands their power better than anyone else.

If Connor is given enough time to carefully arrange a large alchemy mechanism or magic circle, Connor is 30% sure to kill Prince Boateng, or make him lose his ability to resist and capture him alive.

But just like the two Connors just now, it only took three minutes to set up the alchemy mechanism. No matter how confident Connor was, he would not think that these two alchemy mechanisms could make Prince Boateng Blow it up like this.

There is no doubt that Prince Boateng, who is lying on the ground and pretending to be dead, is playing Connor. He is trying to use himself as a bait to make Connor think that he has lost the ability to resist, so as to trick Connor Ferguson into being fooled Let go of your vigilance, and then he will have a chance to counter Connor!

After discovering Prince Boateng's tricks, Connor naturally would not directly expose them, but chose to use the tricks. In order to prevent his acting skills from being too exaggerated and being spotted by Prince Boateng at a glance, Connor did not pretend As if he was too happy, he tentatively cast a few spells on Prince Boateng, pretending to see if this guy really lost his ability to resist.

Faced with Connor's temptation, Prince Boateng, the old fox, was really willing to spend his money. When he found that Connor's spell would not cause fatal damage to him, he just kept silent and let Kangnor Na's spell caused several wounds on his body!

Seeing this, Connor couldn't help giving Prince Boateng a high look, then pretended to let go of his guard, and walked step by step towards Prince Boateng who was lying on the ground.

However, just as Prince Boateng, who was pretending to be dead, watched Connor walk into his attack range step by step, his mood gradually became hot, and when he was secretly preparing a sneak attack with a spell in his hands, a scene that shocked him very much appeared. , Connor Ferguson, who was walking towards him, stopped without any warning, and stopped outside his attack range,

The silver light pendant, a second-order spiritual magic item, appeared in Connor's hand at some point, emitting a bright silver light. With the increase in spiritual power of the silver light pendant, Connor tried his best to give it to Connor. Prince Boateng unleashes a terrifying mental storm.

Regarding Connor's sudden attack, Prince Boateng was not prepared at all as if he had just been overwhelmed by the restraining mechanism. When he reacted, he had already been hit by Connor's mental storm, and his head was in pain and dizzy Covered, the nose, mouth, eyes, ears, and even some pores are all oozing with bright red blood, and the whole person looks miserable, very miserable...

Seeing Prince Boateng in such a miserable state, Connor looked reluctant, but he still had no hesitation, and flew out of the park without looking back at Prince Boateng!

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