Count of Wizards

Chapter 929: Exploration

Patting Margaret on the shoulder, Connor continued to say to Margaret half-jokingly: "If there is such a day, Margaret, you and Varga are my biggest trump cards!"

"Are you so sure that I can join hands with that little pharmacist of yours, and you are not afraid that the two of us will fight Filo before we have time?" Margaret rolled her eyes slightly, and said Interested to ask Connor:

"Margaret, neither you nor Varga is the kind of person who likes to ignore the overall situation and like to act on his own will. I believe that the two of you will not let me down when it comes to such a critical moment!" Connor shrugged , said very firmly and confidently:

Seeing Connor's confident look, Margaret curled her lips slightly, and turned her head to the side. Seeing this, Connor couldn't help but want to go over to appease Margaret, but he didn't speak yet. Lite just pushed him away, then looked at him and said softly:

"Connor, you were the first to visit me when you came back to Frosinone. I'm already very happy. Maybe you should go and see your countess now. That's a big jealousy. If you know, you should go to see me first." Come and see me, I think my lungs will explode!" After the words fell, a smug smile appeared on Margaret's face, as if she had imagined Varga's current appearance.

Connor was also a little speechless when he heard the words. Margaret was right. If Varga knew that after he returned to Frosinone, he would come to Margaret first instead of her first, then it would be absolutely true. A disaster!

Seeing that Connor was at a loss for words, the smile on Margaret's face became even brighter. She lightly kissed Connor on the cheek, stood up from the bench, and waved at Connor coquettishly. Waved and floated away.

Seeing Margaret's disappearing back, Connor shook his head with a wry smile, feeling Margaret's remaining body fragrance again, Connor didn't dare to be careless, and with a single thought, he cast a cleansing technique on himself , and then changed into a new set of clothes. After finishing these, Connor nodded in satisfaction, tidied up his clothes, and walked towards the Fati Hotel in downtown Frosinone.

Half an hour later, Connor came to his and Varga's room in the hotel, but to his surprise, there was no Varga in the room, which made Connor a little strange, but Connor didn't think much about it. I just thought that Varga went to the underground black market in Frosinone to buy a batch of potions for refining potions.

However, just in case, Connor took out the compass from the space ring and began to search for Varga's location. In order to prevent a very urgent emergency, Connor and Margaret lost contact, so Connor made a set of magical items with a positioning function and divided them into two, keeping one with him and giving the other to Varga. As long as the distance between the two people does not exceed 100 kilometers, then the After the location of the magic items is activated, they can know each other's positions!

A few seconds later, with the help of the compass, Connor quickly determined the location of Varga at this time, but to Connor's surprise, Varga is not in the underground where she often buys potions Black market, but a place called "Carlos Theater!" in the downtown area of ​​Frosinone!

This discovery instantly alerted Connor. In Connor's memory, Varga had never been to this "Carlos Theater", and this "Carlos Theater" was not an underground black market, where he could buy potions and the like. Cultivation resources, where Varga appeared at this time, there is no doubt that it is very abnormal, it is very likely that she is in danger now!

Realizing this, a fierce light appeared in Connor's eyes immediately. Although he still doesn't know what happened, Connor has already prepared for the worst. No matter who dares to fight Varga If you do it, Connor will never let him go!

Connor didn't think much and was ready to go to the "Carlos Theater". However, just as Connor walked out of the Fati Hotel, Connor seemed to sense something, his expression changed slightly in an instant, and he took out the space ring again. Turned off the compass. At this time, the compass represented Varga's coordinates. He had already walked out of the "Carlos Theater" and was heading towards the Fati Hotel. According to the current speed, Varga will return to the Fati Hotel in about ten minutes. .

Looking at the display on the compass, Connor pondered for a moment, then turned and went back to the hotel room. Although he didn't know what Varga did in this "Carlos Theater", since Varga could come out , it means that Connor just thought wrong, and Varga is not in any danger!

A few minutes after Connor returned to the room, Varga also returned to the hotel room. However, what Connor did not expect was that Varga did not have the slightest surprise when he saw himself back in the room. It seemed that her return caught her by surprise. In addition, although Varga tried her best to make her look very calm as usual, Connor, who was familiar with her, still noticed. At this time, Varga looked at her eyes Some of them dodged.

Regarding his discovery, Connor didn't say anything. He pretended not to know anything, and asked Varga very casually: "Have you bought enough potions? If not, let me buy them for you?"

Hearing Connor's inquiry, and seeing that Connor seemed to think that she was going to buy potions, Varga hesitated for a while, but in the end she shook her head and said to Connor, "I don't need it for now!"

After Varga said nothing about Connor, he turned and returned to her room and closed the door heavily. Looking at Varga's room and the closed door, Connor's eyes showed disappointment.

He thought Varga would tell him what she did at the Carlos Theater, but what he didn't expect was that Varga's reaction to his temptation turned out to be downhill!

Varga's abnormal behavior has to say that Connor's trust in her has been slightly shaken...

Without saying anything, Connor also returned to his room. Varga can be said to be one of the two most trusted people in this world by Connor!

And her abnormality now can't help but make Connor's mind a little confused. He needs to take a good look at it and see how to properly solve this matter!

Connor didn't have much time to think. Three minutes after he returned to the room, Varga came out of her room, broke into Connor's room without knocking on the door, and asked Connor coldly. To: "Connor, did you locate my location just now?"

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