Count of Wizards

Chapter 930 Trust

Connor was not surprised to see Varga discovering his actions. The location of the magic item itself is two-way. He can locate Varga, and Varga can also locate him. The location traces are not difficult on the magic item Discovered, in fact, Connor is very clear that Varga will soon find out his position just now, but she was a little surprised that she came to the door so quickly.

"Connor, why did you deliberately ask me if I went to buy potions knowing that I went to the Carlos Theater? You don't trust me, do you?" Seeing Connor Speaking, Varga asked Connor coldly. At the end of the voice, Varga couldn't control her emotions, her voice trembled a little, and crystal tears also slid down her face.

Feeling the sadness in Varga's voice, Connor pondered for a few seconds, then raised his head and said to Varga: "Sorry! I shouldn't have done this!"

Connor's reply was obviously not the answer Varga wanted, a sad smile appeared on her pretty face, and she continued to say to Connor; "Until now, Connor, you still choose not to ask me why I went to the Carlos Theater... ·······"

"Varga, I respect your choice. If you are willing to tell me, then you will naturally tell me. If you don't want to, then there is no point in me asking! Under the gaze of Varga's resentful gaze, Connor spread his hands , replied lightly:

"Since your awareness is so high, Connor, why do you want to test me!"

Varga wiped it off, the tears on his face sneered at Connor and asked, this is the reason why she lost control of her emotions now, she couldn't accept Connor's temptation to her, the temptation between lovers showed that There is no absolute trust between two people

Regarding the question of Varka, Connor fell into silence. Although he didn't want to admit it, Connor must admit that what Valka said was right. After he traveled to this world, he encountered murder as soon as he came up, and then met Reyes Since then, suspicion has become part of his nature for this mentor with a dark heart. He habitually keeps his hand on everyone and dare not trust others completely. Even though Varga can be said to be the closest person to him in this world, Connor still retains A little wary...


Seeing that Connor didn't speak, Varga couldn't help but snorted coldly, and the resentment in his eyes became more obvious. Just when Connor thought that Varga would be furious and walked away, Varga opened his mouth to explain to him Said: "Connor, the day after you left Frosinone, Adolf found me."

Hearing Varga's narration, Connor was a little surprised, but when he thought about it carefully, Adolf's approach to Varga seemed a bit unexpected, but if he thought about it carefully, it seemed to be reasonable. Although there is no shortage of pharmacists in the secret society, a formal wizard-level pharmacist like Varga is enough.

Seeing Connor's pensive look, Varga shook his head and said, "Connor, you are wrong, although Adolf was sent on behalf of Wang Jueyi, he did not come to win me over, but to... ·········"

After speaking, Margaret paused for a while, but seeing Connor's questioning eyes, Margaret finally made up her mind, and said to Connor: "Adolf asked me to help refine a potion. At that time, his The situation is very urgent, and you, Connor, are out on errands again, so I have no way to ask Connor for your opinion."

"However, considering that Connor, you have always wanted to unite the Duke's party against Reyes, so after thinking about it, in order to ease the relationship between us and the Duke's party, I finally chose to agree to help Adolf. Just now at the Carlos Theater In the middle, I gave the potion to Adolf!"

After the words fell, Varga glanced at Connor's facial expression, and summoned up the courage to speak to Connor: "You know, Connor, as a doctor, I have an obligation to protect my patients' identities and conditions!"

Hearing what Varga meant, Connor was about to ask Varga for whom she was refining the potion and what the effect of the potion was, as if he hadn't thought that Varga would seal his mouth with words in advance. Seeing Varga's pleading eyes, Connor felt a little pity in his heart. Although he knew that Varga would definitely tell him the answer if he asked, but Connor still had no choice in the end, destroying Varga's professional ethics as a doctor. He just nodded at Varga, indicating that she knew it.

Seeing Connor nodding, a smile of surprise finally appeared on Varga's face. The reason why she chose to lie to Connor's temptation just now was because she knew that if she told Connor the truth, then Connor would be treated as a surrogate. With a unique personality, she will definitely ask everything to the bottom of it, and she has no way to refuse Connor's inquiry, so Varga, who has a strong sense of medical ethics, fell into a dilemma, so in the end, under Connor's temptation, hastily Then she made a stupid decision.

After explaining clearly, Varga looked relieved, but she seemed to have thought of something, but in view of the situation just now, she didn't dare to ask Connor directly, she could only look at Connor cautiously, hesitating whether to open.

When Connor saw this, he naturally knew what Varga wanted to ask. He pondered for a moment and said: "Before I left last time, I had already asked Abeloa to start preparations to find out the details of the people in our family. There should be some harvest, I will go find him now!"

The look in Varga's eyes suddenly became bright when he heard the words. Connor's promise to her is her greatest expectation now. Before Connor spoke, Varga was naturally a little worried. Today's incident will affect Connor and her. There were some bad influences between them, but now Connor's words undoubtedly gave her a reassurance.

"Well! Go early and come back early!" Varga took the initiative to kiss Connor on the cheek, and then whispered in Connor's ear:

Farewell Varga walked out of the Fati Hotel and walked in the direction of Aveiroa's house. Connor's face gradually became gloomy.

Regarding Varga's refusal to tell himself who the potion was refined for and what the effect of the refined potion was, and this matter was related to Wang Jue's faction, Connor said in his heart that he was not angry, it was absolutely false. For a moment, Connor even felt that Varga had betrayed him, and for a moment, Connor had a thought of postponing his plan to marry Varga...

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