Count of Wizards

Chapter 940 Martinez's thoughts

In the name of the Ferguson family, the Family Elders' Association is just a think tank that provides advice to successive generations of the Ferguson family heads, but because Connor's father, the former head of the family, Alfredo Ferguson, was obsessed with Among the sensual dogs and horses, coupled with the fact that his health is not very good, he is not concerned about family affairs, so the power of the head of the family has gradually been transferred to the hands of the family elders. In the past ten years, the family elders have been equivalent to , the highest authority of the Ferguson family, controls everything in the family!

As a three-generation veteran who has served as the family's chief steward since the old Ferguson's father's generation, Martinez's chief steward has a very high right to speak at the family elder meeting, but this does not mean that Martinez's chief steward can At the meeting of the elders of the family, say one thing and cover the sky with one hand!

Joining the Ferguson family, Bernardo, a chunky Mediterranean old man who once served as the manager of Ferguson Manor, the largest family property of the Ferguson family, and Domenech, an old man in military uniform who came home from a collateral branch of the family, became a major general of the Imperial Army by virtue of his personal ability. Ferguson is the two people who have the right to speak in the family elder meeting, second only to the steward Martinez. One of them has money, and the other controls the force. They form alliances in the family and advance together. Even the steward Martinez usually Also respect them two three points!

Judging from the fact that Jack Ferguson dared to hold a meeting of the family elders, and that Bernardo stood up for Jack Ferguson at the meeting of the family elders, Steward Martinez has realized that Jack Ferguson may have offered to Bernardo. What did he and Domenech promise? For example, after he becomes the new head of the family, not only will he not touch the interests of the two of them, but he will also give them some fat jobs, thus obtaining Bernardo and Domenech as the elders of the family. Support at the meeting!

This is what makes Steward Martinez most angry. You must know that before this, in order to appease these two people and let them support Connor to inherit the position of Patriarch, Steward Martinez has also acted on his own initiative without touching the fundamentals of the family. Under the circumstances of benefit, Connor promised some benefits to these two people, and the two had already promised Steward Martinez that they would fully support Connor's succession to the position of Patriarch. Supporting Jack Ferguson at the meeting of elders shows one thing!

That is the value of Jack Ferguson's promise to them, which is far greater than the benefits promised to them by the steward Martinez, so big that they dare to ignore the existence of the steward Martinez, and also support Jack Ferguson as the successor to the head of the family Become the new Earl of the Ferguson family!

Although it is not yet known what specific benefits Jack Ferguson promised Bernardo and Domenech, Butler Martinez is very clear that the benefits he promised to these two people are not to touch the family. The maximum compromise in the case of core interests.

And Jack Ferguson can still make the two of them betray him, which means that the core interests of the family have already made him, the prodigal son, betrayed completely. Once Jack Ferguson becomes the new Earl of Ferguson, there is no doubt that the Ferguson family , this already lonely earl family will fall into the abyss even faster, which is unacceptable to Martinez, the old butler who has worked for the Ferguson family for decades and devoted his whole life to the family.

This is why, knowing that Connor is alive or dead, the butler Martinez is also struggling to stop Jack Ferguson.

If Jack Ferguson is a reliable and qualified heir to the family, now that the Ferguson family has no leader, and the number one heir Connor Ferguson is alive or dead, and there is no news at all, the butler Martinez, although he will not choose Support him to become the new Earl of Ferguson, but he will not try his best to stop him!

Thinking of this, Chief Steward Martinez's eyes became a little complicated. Although he has temporarily stabilized the family by relying on his prestige and skills in the Ferguson family for decades, he is very clear about the issue of inheritance. As long as Connor If Ferguson does not return to the Ferguson family for a day, it will be a time bomb that may be detonated at any time. For the current plan, only by finding Connor Ferguson as soon as possible can the current crisis of the Ferguson family be resolved, and the already precarious situation will be resolved. , the dilapidated Ferguson family went back to normal to complete the revival.

But as for Connor, the number one heir of the family, when will he come back, or whether he is still alive? Na is not alive!

But that was just a performance by the butler Martinez to Dzeko to cheer him up. After all, Dzeko is his number one officer and the chief executor responsible for finding Connor. If you live with a pessimistic attitude, it will be a devastating blow to the next search for Connor, basically there is no need to report any hope...

In fact, as for whether Connor is still alive, Chief Steward Martinez is not as firm as he said he was, but there is no way, as long as he does not see Connor's body for a day and confirm the death of Connor Ferguson, Then out of loyalty to the Ferguson family, Martinez, as the family butler, must defend Connor Ferguson's legal rights one day!



A day later, in Frosinone, in the small wooden house in the suburbs, after listening to Aveiroa in front of him, Connor fell into deep thought about what happened at the family elder meeting, and it took him a long time to raise his head and look at Aveiroa. Roja asked: "How is Jack Ferguson doing now?"

"I don't know yet. It is said that after leaving the family elder meeting yesterday, he locked him and his wife and children in their courtyard in the Ferguson mansion. No one saw him, including his subordinates. Now there are many people in the family They are all staring at the fat jobs he was in charge of after he succeeded the principal of Ferguson Middle School!" Aveiroa shook his head and said in a low voice:

After listening to Aveiroa's narration, Connor nodded and continued to think. At this time, Aveiroa, seeing Connor's appearance, hesitated and asked Connor: "Master Connor, do you plan to When will you return to the family?"

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