Count of Wizards

Chapter 941 Clean up!

"It's not in a hurry right now. Do you have any ideas?" Connor was a little surprised by Aveiroa's question. Since he opened his mouth this time, he explained what he had in mind, so after Connor gave the answer, he asked back:

"Master Connor, I think so. I think now is the best time for you to return to the family and become Earl of Ferguson. At the meeting of the elders of the family, it can be said that Steward Martinez won a big victory, and Jack Ferguson lost power. , Bernardo and Domenech have no ability to resist at all now!"

"As long as Master Connor, you return to the family at this time, with the support of the steward Martinez, there will be no resistance for you to inherit the position of the head of the family and become the new Earl of Ferguson!" Aveiroa said in one breath. All my own thoughts have been expressed.

Hearing Aveiroa's thoughts, Connor nodded slightly. He didn't comment on Aveiroa's thoughts, but asked Aveiroa a question: "Aveiroa, what do you think now? How is the situation of the Ferguson family?"

Although I don't know why this young master Connor, who can destroy the opposition in the family at any time, asked himself this question, but Aveiroa said honestly: "The current situation of the family is not good, and the internal division is serious. Everyone has their own little calculations, desperately sucking the blood of the family, some shops under the family name, the land has been privatized by some elders of the family..." Speaking of this, Aveiroa's expression turned pale. He couldn't help being red, but not long ago, he himself, Aveiroa, was one of these people he was talking about now.

Connor didn't care about Aveiroa's embarrassment. He stretched out his hand and signaled Aveiroa to continue talking. Seeing this, Aveiroa got rid of his embarrassment and continued: "The internal situation is not good, and the external situation is not good. The situation is even worse. The mining business, the pillar of the family's economy, is currently blocked by some financial groups in Frosinone, and some other industries are also due to rigid management, lifelessness, internal and external troubles, and the long-term is ten years, and the break-up is five years. ·······The family is in danger of perishing!

At the end of the sermon, Aveiroa secretly glanced at Connor, and saw that there was no change in Connor's face, so he gritted his teeth and told his true thoughts!

After listening to Aveiroa's narration, Connor shook his head and said: "Aveiroa, you are still too optimistic. In my opinion, our Ferguson family has reached the brink of collapse. Let it continue to develop. If you don't make up for it, you will die within five years!"

Connor's voice fell, and Aveiroa, who was familiar with the situation of the Ferguson family, nodded in agreement. He and Connor had the same opinion. As for the reason why he said just now, it could be ten years or five years, but It's because Connor is the future Earl of Ferguson, just taking care of Connor's face.

Seeing that Aveiroa agrees with his point of view very much, Connor continued quietly: "In my opinion, the Ferguson family today is like the terminally ill and dying patient, quietly waiting to die At the moment when treating such a patient, if you want to revive him, using mild medicine can only treat the symptoms but not the root cause. Although there will be a short-term improvement, the hidden dangers still exist, like a time bomb Same, it could explode at any time!"

"If you want to completely cure the patient! The only way to change is to use strong medicine and exchange blood for the patient! Only in this way can the patient be reborn and start a new life!" At the end, Connor seemed to have a deep meaning to Aveiro Ya preached:

After savoring Connor's metaphor carefully, Aveiroa also understood Connor's meaning, hesitated for a moment, and asked Connor tentatively: "Master Connor, I know a few people who do things cleanly, don't you?" Wizards who keep their handles, you can find them at any time..."

Regarding Aveiroa's suggestion, Connor waved his hand and said earnestly: "Aveiroa, there is a red line in everything. Crossing this red line will be very troublesome. Don't do it unless it is absolutely necessary. Is it the Sect of the Earth God, or the Church of the Storm, or the Ninth Bureau, they are not trash... Do you understand what I mean?"

Although Connor didn't say it clearly, Aveiroa was not stupid, and he immediately understood what Connor meant, nodded heavily, and signaled to Connor that he understood.

Connor felt relieved after receiving Aveiroa's suggestion. After Aveiroa's suggestion was finished, Connor was really worried that he would make his own decisions and recruit a group of wizards to kill the damn moths of the Ferguson family!

In fact, if it was possible to do that, Connor didn't need Aveiroa's suggestion at all, and he wouldn't hide in the dark and wait for the opportunity as he is now, and he would have directly shot it himself, creating one after another like a carriage out of control, Accidents like choking to death while eating will get rid of them.

In the Kaman Empire, although the extraordinary world and the secular world share the same space, they are two worlds that do not interfere with each other. In the secular world, for wizards, there is a red line that cannot be touched, that is Wizards are absolutely not allowed to take action against nobles represented by the royal family. Once a wizard crosses this red line, they will face the white wizards represented by the church and empire officials, who will never die and kill them!

Of course, there are not 100,000 nobles in the entire Kaman Empire, but there must be 40,000 to 50,000 people. The white wizards may not notice so many people who are occasionally killed by wizards. But unfortunately, Connor wants to The most important thing is that the whole Ferguson family has undergone a major blood change, which means that many people will die, and the Ferguson family is a hereditary earl family in the Frosinone area, which is protected by the white wizard on an extraordinary level. They are not small people .

At that time, the large black wizard organization Celta Cult wanted to seek the heart of Theta hidden in the Ferguson family, but they could only do it secretly and did not dare to reveal it, let alone hurt the members of the Ferguson family. Now Connor wants to treat the family For a big change of blood, it is natural not to allow extraordinary powers to intervene, or else they will be hunted down by the white wizard...

To cleanse the moths in the family, Connor needs a reason, a reason that can stand on the table, such as a violent rebellion within the family. As the first heir of the family, Connor became the head of the family to suppress the rebellion!

As long as he has this excuse, even if Connor can't mobilize the family's knight team, he can justifiably recruit some knight mercenaries outside the family to clean up the family's gang of fat-headed and fat-brained moths!

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