Count of Wizards

Chapter 942 Untitled

The reason why Connor has not returned to the family now and inherited the title of Patriarch and Earl of Ferguson is to give the opposition within the Ferguson family, headed by Jack Ferguson, a chance to be dazzled by the temptation in front of them. United centrists led by Bernardo and Domenech Ferguson rebelled by force in the family.

For Connor, he wants to clean up all the family garbage at once, and then inject a sum of money into the family business, so that the family will be united as one, and with the help of large funds, the Ferguson family's business will continue to grow. In the shortest possible time, it will glow with new vitality.

And if you go back now, the moths will shrink back, waiting for the opportunity to quietly suck the blood of the family. Connor has no excuse to clean them up. After all, these people are all members of the Ferguson family and are related to Connor. Without a proper excuse to clean them up, Connor would lose his morals and be spurned by the noble group, and if the Ferguson family wants to develop, the tiger skin of the hereditary noble group is still very useful!

While Connor and Aveiroa were conspiring in the cabin in the suburbs, Jack Ferguson and his wife, Yu Ginia was also having a conversation.

"Eugenia, I've made a decision. I'm planning to leave Frosinone!" Leaning on the sofa, reeking of alcohol, Jack Ferguson looked very decadent and said slowly to his wife in front of him:

As soon as Jack Ferguson finished speaking, a sneer appeared on Eugenia's well-maintained face, and she wanted to interrupt Jack Ferguson's speech to say something, but before she could speak, Jack Ferguson seemed to understand My wife wanted to say something, so she reached out and stopped Eugenia's speech and continued: "Eugenia, I'm not asking for your opinion! I'm just telling you my decision, I'll tell you! You've already hurt me once, and I won't let you hurt me a second time!"

Hearing her husband's resentful words, Eugenia couldn't help it anymore, and said directly: "Jack Ferguson, you poor coward, I married you when I was really blind. Since you want to Let's go, then tell me where you want to go, let me see what you are like now, where else can you go!"

Jack Ferguson didn't seem to care much about his wife's insults at this time. A self-deprecating smile appeared on his face, and he whispered: "Is it important to go there? No matter where you go now, it's better to stay." In Frosinone, is it better to stay in the family?"

"Stay here and be the principal of that shitty Ferguson Middle School. I will not only become the laughing stock of the entire Ferguson family, but also the laughing stock of the entire Frosinone aristocratic circle. Instead of doing this, I might as well leave now. I also earned a lot of money in the family in 2010, where can I go with this money and not be an uncle?"

"I also want to understand. As far as the current situation of the family is concerned, even if I become the head of the family, what can I do if I become the Earl of Ferguson? With the current situation of the family, it won't last for two or three years. What kind of shit will this group of people be by then? The elders of the family, the meritorious service of the family, don’t the birds and beasts scatter and go their separate ways?”

"Not to mention that even if I become the head of the family, I still have to share more than half of the family's interests with Bernardo and Domenech, two bastards!" Mentioned the names of Bernardo and Domenech, Jack Ferguson, who was still in a low mood, suddenly became very excited, stood up from the sofa, gritted his teeth and continued: "These two bastards who should fall into the abyss, I have already promised them so Benefits, even willing to share the Ferguson family with them after becoming the head of the family, but they betrayed me!"

"Eugenia, you should have seen that the two so-called allies you recommended to me, not only did not support me at the family elder meeting, but even when Martinez's old dog humiliated me, they said Words! Not a single word!"

"Especially that dead fat Bernardo, look at his flattery to Martinez's old dog, I don't know if he thinks Martinez is his father, believe it or not, as long as Martinez needs it, Bernardo is even willing to lick his shoes for him..." The emotional Jack Ferguson roared wildly at his wife, venting his emotions.

Looking at her lunatic husband in front of her, Eugenia's expression seemed calm, but if she checked carefully, she could find a hint of disdain in her eyes...

The emotional Jack Ferguson roared for five minutes, and then he was a little exhausted. He sat back on the sofa again, stopped talking and gasped heavily, seeing that Jack Ferguson stopped talking, Eugenia stroked He stroked the hair scattered on his forehead, and said lightly: "So Jack, you plan to, like a loser, take all your valuable possessions and leave?"

"Eugenia, you don't have to use words to mock me. I have made up my mind. I will take the children to a new place and start a new life. As for you, Eugenia, for the sake of husband and wife for so many years, If you want, come with me, if not, I will leave you a sum of money, do you want to stay in Frosinone, or return to your mother's house, or do something else You can do anything, and I won’t stop you!” Sitting on the sofa, the roughly dressed Jack Ferguson waved his hand and said:

Hearing that Jack Ferguson was going to leave Frosinone with the child, Eugenia's eyes showed a cold light, but she didn't say anything, but looked down, the delicate wrist on her wrist Then he raised his head, looked at Jack Ferguson and said calmly: "There is a guest coming, Jack, you should meet him and have a good talk with him, if after the talk, you still decide to leave, then I will I will support your choice and take the money you gave me back to my natal family!"

"Eugenia, who do you want me to see? Didn't I already order all the gates in the yard to be sealed?" Jack Ferguson asked with some doubts:

"He will come in through the tunnel, Jack, you will know who he is right away!" Eugenia said calmly to her husband's inquiry;

Eugenia's words immediately made Jack Ferguson furious again, and he said in a mixture of shock and anger: "Damn it! You actually told others about the tunnel, do you know that we used it when we escaped?"

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