Count of Wizards

Chapter 961: The End of the Rebellion (3)

After struggling for a few seconds, Domenech, the retired major general of the Imperial Army and the patriarch of the Ferguson family, just fell straight to the ground, lifeless.

After killing Domenech, Aveiroa's work did not end. He stuffed the dagger that cut Domenech's throat into Domenech's own hand, and then cleaned up the scene again, allowing Domenech to His death does not look like homicide but suicide after his own failed rebellion.

Seeing that Aveiroa completed the work in an orderly manner, Connor, who saw the whole process in his eyes, couldn't help but secretly nodded with satisfaction, and then spoke again to Aveiroa: "Jack Ferguson and his family are currently Move towards the east gate of the manor, Aveiroa, go and deal with it!"

Hearing Connor's order, Aveiroa hesitated for a moment, then gritted his teeth and asked Connor, "Master, Jack Ferguson and Eugenia are trying to confuse Steward Martinez this time and make the steward believe Jack · Ferguson really attempted suicide. He suffered heavy injuries and needed to recuperate, so he brought several of their children to the manor. Jack Ferguson and Eugenia's cholera family deserved their crimes, so they deserved to die, but their children are Kang. Master Na, your brothers and sisters..."

Seeing Aveiroa, it seemed that he had some objection to his order. Connor, who was quite appreciative of Aveiroa, immediately changed slightly, took a deep look at Aveiroa, and then said: "Aveiroa Roja, don't let me down!"

Connor didn't listen to Abeloa after finishing speaking, and continued to want to say something, turned around and walked outside the family library, and in over an hour, Steward Martinez will bring reinforcements and return to Ferguson The manor has quelled the rebellion, and he, the protagonist, should be ready to appear.

Looking at the back of Connor leaving, Aveiroa couldn't help showing embarrassment. Connor appreciated him, gave him a chance, and gave him precious cultivation resources to improve his cultivation strength. Not only that, but the most important thing is Now his life is in Connor's hands, no matter from what point of view, he should not disobey Connor's order, but if he really wants to kill a few young children, he still has to really some...

Standing there hesitating for a few seconds, Aveiroa sighed, then walked out of the family library and walked towards the east gate of the manor.

At this moment, Jack Ferguson and Eugeniave, who didn't know that the danger had come quietly, were taking their three children and some gold and silver, and they got into the carriage convoy under the protection of several confidant bodyguards.

As the carriage slowly drove out of the Ferguson Manor and headed towards the south of Frosinone, Jack Ferguson in the carriage seemed to have noticed something, and asked his wife Eugenia on the opposite side: "What are we going to do now?" where?"

"Of course we are going to a safe place!" Hearing Jack Ferguson's inquiry, Eugenia was slightly alert, but she still said very naturally:

Seeing what Eugenia said, Jack Ferguson seemed to have thought of something, a sneer appeared on his face, and he said coldly to Eugenia: "Eugenia, you don't mean to tell me that we It's time to go to Thresbourg!"

"Jack Ferguson, where do you want to go instead of Thracesburg?"

"Don't forget, although we have made preparations, how could that old man Martinez let you and me off so easily? Don't go to Thrace, seek the help of our da Silva family, Jack Ferguson Are you not afraid of being intercepted by Martinez?" Seeing that Jack Ferguson wanted to be stabbed, Eugenia also said directly:


Regarding Eugenia's words, Jack Ferguson snorted coldly, and then said unceremoniously: "Eugenia, don't think I don't know what your idea is, you take me with you, Isn't it just for my money?"

"I went to Thracesburg and arrived at the territory of your Da Silva family. Don't you want to control me as much as you want? When you squeeze out all the property on me, won't I still die?"

"If this is the case, what is the difference between me being intercepted and killed by the butler Martinez?"

"Coachman! Stop the carriage for me quickly, I want to get off and go to another place!" Jack Ferguson, who reacted, immediately shouted to the coachman who was driving the carriage.

Hearing Jack Ferguson's order, the coachman was also very obedient and stopped the carriage, and as the carriage stopped moving forward, the entire convoy also stopped moving forward immediately.

Seeing the carriage stopped, Jack Ferguson gave Eugenia a vicious look, then stood up and wanted to get off the carriage and part ways with Eugenia. Seeing that her husband who had seen through his plot wanted to leave, he At this critical moment, Eugenia's face flashed a ruthless look, and taking advantage of Jack Ferguson who was about to get off the carriage not paying attention, she picked up a wooden stick from the carriage , It hit him hard on the back of the head.

Although he is an official knight, because he has not fought against others for many years, lack of training, and he did not expect that Eugenia would attack him behind him, so he was caught off guard, and Jack Ferguson screamed before he could react , was directly knocked to the ground by Eugenia.

And at this moment, the bodyguards who saw the convoy stopped and got off the carriage to be on guard, heard Jack Ferguson's screams, and immediately saw Eugenia holding a wooden stick, and Jack Ferguson fainted on the ground scene.

Although I don't know what happened yet, seeing Jack Ferguson fainted on the ground, some of the bodyguards loyal to Jack Ferguson immediately wanted to step forward to help and treat Jack Ferguson, but at this moment Eugenia was cold Shouted coldly: "Do it!"

Following Eugenia's order, those bodyguards who had been bought by her immediately took out their weapons and hacked several bodyguards loyal to Jack Ferguson to death on the spot.

After cleaning up the guys who were loyal to Jack Ferguson, Eugenia had a satisfied smile on her face. She pointed to Jack Ferguson and continued to order: "Gag him, help him from head to toe, put him in the In the last carriage, he is not allowed to have contact with anyone except for necessary meals and going to the toilet!"

As soon as Eugenia's order was issued, a new situation appeared immediately. In the surrounding silent wilderness forest, countless gray smoke emerged from nowhere and spread rapidly towards them... ····,

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