Count of Wizards

Chapter 962 Conscience

Although I don't know what the gray smoke that suddenly appeared around is, but it is obviously not a good thing to encounter such a strange gray smoke. Run back to the wagon and drive the wagon out of here.

Regrettably, although their movement speed is not at full speed, the spreading speed of the gray mist is really too fast. The team didn't run very far, but they were overtaken by the gray mist, and after inhaling the gray mist , Whether it was a human or a horse, their legs became weak immediately and they lost consciousness, and no one was spared, and they all fell to the ground.

A minute later, there was no sound in the convoy, and the gray fog disappeared without warning just like when it appeared, and it dissipated directly into the air, leaving only a mess on the ground...

At this moment, Aveiroa, who was wearing a gray robe, came out of the surrounding area and came to the convoy. Seeing the people staggering and fainting on the ground and the horses pulling the cart in front of him, he was ordered by Connor The Aveiroa didn't let any one go, and mechanically harvested the lives of the creatures in front of him without emotion.

A few minutes later, Aveiroa, who had killed all the people including Eugenia and Jack Ferguson, walked to the last carriage in the convoy, opened the carriage, and looked at a man and two women inside. The three children who had inhaled the gray smoke and fell into a coma finally showed a complicated look on his cold face.

These three children are the sons and daughters of Jack Ferguson and Eugenia. Abeloa once met them at the banquet of the Ferguson family. Among the three children, the eldest Henry is no more than him. The daughter is only five years older, and the other two are about the same age as Aveiroa's daughter, and they are both classmates of the Ferguson Family Elementary School.

Aveiroa is also a father, and he is an absolutely good father. He can kill dozens of lives without mercy, but it is difficult to kill these three children who are similar to his daughter...

Looking at the three children who fell into a coma, Aveiroa fell into a deep entanglement. On the one hand, it was Connor's irresistible order, and on the other hand, his conscience that had not been completely wiped out. After a while, he still hadn't made a decision. Seeing that the sky was getting brighter and someone might appear around him at any time, Aveiroa knew that he couldn't delay and had to make a decision as soon as possible, or else wait until someone If you find out what's going on here, you'll be in trouble then!

After hesitating for another minute, Aveiroa looked at the three children who were still in a coma in the carriage and didn't know what happened. Finally, a look of determination appeared on their faces. He took a deep breath , took out a small medicine bottle from the space ring, and then poured out three small red pills from the medicine bottle, and then sent them into the mouths of the three children respectively.

As the small red pills were sent into the mouths of the three children, the small red pills began to gradually produce medicinal effects. The faces of the three unconscious children gradually became extremely painful, and their whole bodies began to tremble, looking like It was as if he was experiencing severe pain. Looking at this scene, Aveiroa was not surprised. He sighed faintly, looking very helpless.

A minute later, the painful expressions on the small faces of the three unconscious children gradually receded, and their bodies stopped shaking, but they looked very weak at this moment.

After finishing these Aveiroa, the three comatose children in the carriage were carried out of the carriage and put into the surrounding woods, and then Aveiroa poured the corpses and the carriage in the convoy on Connor's hand. He lit a match, threw it into the kerosene, and instantly the flames engulfed everything. Seeing this, Aveiroa nodded in satisfaction, then took the three children and disappeared into the In the wilderness.



"Master Connor, you are finally back!"

In the conference hall of the Ferguson Manor, the butler Martinez looked at the smiling Connor Ferguson and said with emotion:

Six hours ago, Steward Martinez returned to the Ferguson Manor with Frosinone's armed forces. With the appearance of these armed forces, the gang recruited by Domenech who launched a rebellion in the Ferguson Manor The men in black immediately dispersed like birds and beasts, and the Ferguson Manor returned to the control of the butler Martinez, and Connor Ferguson also appeared in front of everyone at the right time, declaring to the entire Ferguson family that he was the number one. Return of the heir in line!

"Old butler, I've heard about my father, I'm sorry! I came back late, and I didn't see my father for the last time!" Connor said apologetically to the front of the old man who gave everything for the Ferguson family. :

Connor knew very well that the hearts of the Ferguson family were fluctuating when he deliberately kept his face hidden. Everyone had their own little calculations. It can be said that it was not easy for the butler Martinez to support until now!

Regarding Connor's apology, the butler Martinez comforted him and said: "Connor, although I don't know where you have been these days, I understand that you must have your reasons for doing this, and I believe your father can understand you Yes, the top priority now is for you, Connor, to successfully accept the family and become Earl of Ferguson!"

Hearing the meaning in the words of the butler Martinez, Connor, who had already planned for the future development of the Ferguson family in his heart, couldn't help being slightly moved, but he still pretended to be nonchalant and said to the butler Martinez: "Old man Butler, do you have any thoughts?"

Regarding Connor's inquiry, the steward Martinez also said bluntly: "Master Connor, after experiencing this armed rebellion, the family is in panic, but at this time, it is very suitable for you to inherit the position of the head of the family." , Master Connor, you only need to announce in the family that only Menech, Bernardo, Jack Ferguson and other culprits are held accountable, and no one else will pursue them. Everyone will be grateful to you Dade and support you as the new head of the family! "

Seeing the butler Martinez, let himself buy people's hearts by not holding other people accountable. Although Connor didn't respond on the surface, he still felt a little regretful in his heart, but he could also understand Martinez's choice to move the butler. After all, this old man still doesn't know his current strength. In order for him to successfully inherit the family, he can only choose the safest way. It is acceptable to sacrifice something for this.

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