Count of Wizards

Chapter 975 Mr. K (1)

In the early morning, outside the train station in Ipurua City, Connor Ferguson, who had just stepped off the train and came to this strange city, quietly looked at the noisy environment around him. At this time, he was still disguised as a red-haired middle-aged man human appearance.

After reading the warning letter from Adolf to Varga with Varga last night, Connor, who felt that time was running out, didn't dare to delay any longer, and immediately explained the words to Varga, letting her After thinking about it, I took the train overnight from Frosinone to Ipurua.

After observing the surrounding environment, Connor nodded secretly, and then he hailed a rickshaw parked on the side of the road, got on the rickshaw, and Connor said to the driver indifferently: "Go to the Malaga community!"

Christante gave him seven days to kill Ruiz, and now four days have passed, although Ruiz is only one of the information given by Margaret, the outside of the Secret Society It is only a senior wizard apprentice, and there is no suspense or problem in killing Connor with the strength of an official wizard.

But Connor knew very well that even though it seemed that Christante had only one request for himself, to come to Ipurua City to kill Ruiz, a peripheral member of the Secret Society, things would definitely not be as simple as they seemed on the surface. Christant might be up to something, so now Connor must hurry up and find this guy named Ruiz as soon as possible, and take a good look at what kind of secret is hidden in this unlucky guy!

With the help of the rickshaw, Kang An quickly arrived in the Malaga community. After paying the driver for the ride, Connor started his operation this time.

Although the Malaga community is already considered a wealthy area in Ipurua, a small city with a permanent population of only 50,000 to 60,000 people, because the economy of Ipurua is too weak, So even with the appearance of the wealthy area of ​​the Malaga community, it seems to be similar to the civilian area of ​​Frosinone, and the city of Loen, the economic center of the Kaman Empire, where Connor first lived, is even more helpless. On par!

Because he had already made preparations before coming here, after arriving in the Malaga community, Connor immediately came according to the records in the information he had. Ruiz opened this shop called Redstone Pawnshop. Near the small second floor.

After observing the surroundings of the Redstone Pawnshop, Connor walked into the Marcelo Department Store on the left side of the Redstone Pawnshop. After pretending to walk around the first floor of the department store, Connor walked up to the second floor. Then he lit a cigarette at a certain window on the second floor, and pretended to smoke it.

Although it looks like he is smoking, in fact, Connor is taking the opportunity to check the redstone pawn shop that belongs to Ruiz. When he was observing just now, Connor found that the window where he is now The viewing angle is very good. From this window, if he checks with mental strength, he can see the situation of the Redstone Pawn Shop at a glance, without any secrets.

Squinting his eyes slightly, Connor carefully extended his mental power towards the Redstone Pawnshop. Just as he thought, his mental power occupied every corner of the pawnshop very smoothly. After a minute, After Connor checked a few ordinary people working in the pawn shop, his mental power was locked. It was located in the manager's office on the second floor of the pawn shop, a middle-aged man who was leisurely and unaware of anything. .

At this time, this middle-aged man was struggling to gallop on a young and beautiful woman dressed as a secretary. Judging from his appearance, he was Connor's target Ruiz when he came to Ipurua this time, even though he was hiding a It was very good, but Connor's mental strength felt an aura that belonged to senior wizard apprentices.

Ruiz was found so easily. It seems that next time, as long as Connor has a thought and launches a mental storm against him, he can kill this person silently and complete the task assigned to him by Christante, but Not only was Connor not happy at all, on the contrary, there was a light of doubt in his eyes. The whole process was so smooth that it was a bit unreasonable...

After contemplating for a few seconds, Connor had an idea in his mind. He decided to observe and observe first, and he was not in a hurry to kill Ruiz. Anyway, now that he had found Ruiz, as long as he wanted, Ruiz, a senior wizard apprentice, My life is his Connor Ferguson's anytime!

With this idea in mind, Connor quietly walked out of the Marcelo department store. He would never have thought that at the same time, in a room two streets away from Hongshi Pawn Shop, the last time he was in Vernon The mysterious man in a gray cloak that Christante met in the small woods on the outskirts of Losinone was sitting opposite a handsome young man in a blue robe with a very sunny temperament.

At this time, the mysterious man in the gray cloak was very quiet, with his eyes closed, he was not in a hurry, and the handsome young man in blue robe sitting opposite him was not as good as the mysterious man opposite him. After a while, he looked excited, excited, confused, and anxious. After a few minutes, the young man in blue finally couldn't help but said to the mysterious man who couldn't see his face clearly: "Mr. K, I would like to ask, how long are we going to wait here?"

Hearing the young man in blue robe's inquiry, this mysterious man called "Mr. K" opened his eyes. He didn't answer the young man in blue robe's question immediately, but looked at the man named "Mr. K" with his eyes. Van der Beek's young man in blue robe, in his eyes, although this young man in blue robe has the same level of cultivation as a first-level wizard like him, it is obvious that he is a young man who has not undergone much experience and blood baptism, There is no doubt that this is a typical genius white wizard who has lived under the wing of his teacher, father and other elders since he was a child, and has been protected!

Although Van der Beek is wearing ordinary people's clothes at this time, the accessories on his body and other things are not directional, and his identity cannot be judged from the outside, but Mr. K believes that as long as he meets an experienced As a black wizard, you can tell from his demeanor that Van der Beek was born in the Church of Storms!

Mr. K shook his head slightly in his heart. If he hadn't been under the control of others at this time and was asked by Christante, he would never have agreed. With Van der Beek in danger, not only would he not be able to provide him with help, he might even be able to help him. The young talents who still need his protection act together to do things.

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