Count of Wizards

Chapter 976 Mr. K (2)

Seeing that Mr. K hadn't spoken for a long time, the anxious Van der Beek couldn't help but want to ask, but he just opened his mouth and before he had time to ask, this Mr. K said in a hoarse voice: "Don't wait here, you want to go What are you doing?"

Hearing Mr. K's rhetorical question, Van der Beek's spirit was shocked, and he immediately talked confidently: "Since we already know that the target will attack that black wizard Ruiz from the Redstone Pawn Shop, then we can do it right away. Watching around the Redstone Pawn Shop, waiting for the target to attack Ruiz, as long as the target makes a move, we can justifiably take him down!"

After talking about his plan, Van der Beek looked at Mr. K with a smile. He seemed to feel very good about himself, as if he was waiting for Mr. K's compliment.

However, what Van der Beek never expected was that Mr. K did not make any comments on his plan. He still calmly wanted to ask himself: "Van der Beek, you should have obtained the target information Well, the other party is a spiritual wizard, you don't know it?"

"I know the target is a spiritual wizard, but what's the point? We've already set up traps in the Redstone Pawn Shop. As long as the target acts, we can catch the turtle in the jar!" Van der Beck squeezed the palm of his hand vividly. Cheng fist, confidently said:

Looking at Van der Beek who is very confident for some reason, Mr. K seemed a little helpless, he shook his head and said: "Van der Beek, for your safety, I will give you a suggestion. When the other party has contact, don't rush to draw conclusions!"

"Psychic wizards are very rare in the wizarding world. There may be one or two out of a hundred wizards. Because of the small number of them, few people know how powerful they are. One who has just become a first-level wizard A wizard of the spiritual department, whose mental strength is comparable to that of a peak first-level wizard!"

"Belongs to Yi Van der Beek, please believe me, if you and I appear near the Redstone Pawn Shop at this time, and follow up like you said, there will only be one result, that is, our identities have been exposed, and we will be killed." The target has been found, and it’s time to scare the snake!" Mr. K spread his hands, and said helplessly and firmly:

Hearing that Mr. K completely denied his confident follow-up plan, Van der Beek's handsome face showed a little astonishment, but he did not question Mr. K's words. He was silent for a while to digest the information in Mr. K's words , and then said to Mr. K with some reluctance: "Then shall we just stay here and do nothing?"

"Didn't you just say that? The Redstone Pawn Shop has already been tampered with. As long as the target makes a move, we will know, so why are you in a hurry now? The director of intelligence gave the target a week, and today is the fifth day." , Van der Beek, you still need to endure for two days at most!" Mr. K said quietly:

Mr. K's voice fell, and Van der Beek suddenly realized, and his mentality was not too impatient. He returned to calm and sat patiently in his seat. When Mr. K couldn't see his face clearly, there was a little curiosity in his eyes.

He, Van der Beek, is the proud son of the Church of Storms. He became a first-class wizard when he was less than 30 years old. It is an important action, and I hope that I can take this opportunity to get tempered and serve the Church of Storms better in the future.

And this Mr. K, who has a mysterious background and can’t see his face clearly, is the partner arranged by the Church of Storms. At the beginning of the partnership, the people in Black’s organization even specifically told him to focus on this task, Qiong’er and don’t Trying to find out everything about this Mr. K, so although the contact time was only a few days, Van der Beek became more and more curious about his mysterious partner, and by observing Mr. K's various behaviors, Van der Beek Baker has a bold guess, that is, he thinks that this Mr. K is very likely not a wizard from the Church of Storms, and it is even possible that he is not a white wizard...



In a certain room in a small hotel called "Morata Tourist House" in the Malaga community, Connor, who was disguised as a red-haired middle-aged man, was examining with serious eyes. , a palm-sized silver mirror.

After confirming Ruiz's location on the second floor of Marcelo Department Store just now, Connor did not stay idle, but centered on Ruiz's redstone pawnshop, and spread it out within a radius of 1,000 meters. After the search, the search lasted for two hours. Although it was time-consuming and energy-intensive, the emperor paid off. Connor’s search really made him gain something. Under the bushes five hundred meters to the side, he found the silver mirror he was examining now.

This silver mirror seems to be made of pure silver, without any rune marks on the mirror, and does not produce any energy fluctuations. If Connor hadn't discovered the existence of the prohibition under the bushes where the silver mirror was found, Connor would have It is likely to think that this silver mirror is an ordinary mirror.

In order not to alarm the person who arranged the ban and the silver mirror, Connor used some tricks to change the structure of the ban, making the other side mistakenly think that the silver mirror was still there, and then quietly took the silver mirror away and brought back this His foothold in Ipurua City.

After carefully inspecting the silver mirror that didn't seem to have any energy fluctuations, Connor had no other clues except that it seemed to be a sensory enchanted item... ······

Staring at the silver mirror, Connor fell into deep thought. A minute later, Connor made a decision. Based on his alchemy experience, he found an important position on the silver mirror through careful and precise calculations. , Then he found a black knife with runes all over it from the space ring, and then carefully cut the knife at the position he found on the silver mirror.

The pitch-black knife that Connor found from the interspatial ring was extremely sharp. It cut on the silver mirror like cutting tofu, and very easily cut a hole about two centimeters deep and about 100 meters long. A gap of three centimeters and a width of about half a centimeter.

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