Counterattack Into a Male God

Chapter 629: The Return of the First Emperor (16)

"Now I’m reporting the morning news for you. At one o'clock in the morning last night, the Eighteen Terracotta Warriors and Horses in the hall disappeared overnight. All kinds of imitation weapons in the weapons exhibition hall also disappeared. The treasures of cultural relics and Choi Bi Wing and fly..."

The TV series was suddenly paused, and a piece of news about the theft of the Capital Museum interrupted the conversation of the four of them.

Ji Yanzhi thoughtfully said, "This kind of thing happened last night. You didn't sleep well because of this, right?"

Gao Yao: "???"

Yi Xiaochuan: "???"

Xiang Shaolong: "!!!"

"I remember that the terracotta warriors and horses were fired in the face of Qin's millions of troops. As the commander of the army, will I..." Xiang Shaolong asked hesitantly.

"No." Ji Yanzhi replied simply. "The heroes who buried the tombs will not appear in the terracotta warriors."

Yi Xiaochuan and Gao Yao breathed a sigh of relief at the same time. If they didn't wear them unconventionally, they would probably bury the imperial tomb after death, so there is no one in the millions of terracotta warriors and horses that fit their appearance.

"That's good." Xiang Shaolong paused and said again. "It is estimated to be related to the theft of He's Bi."

Ji Yanzhi: "That's fake."

Really He Shibi has been thrown into the space by him, including Sui Houzhu. This world is a derivation of the Great Qin Dynasty more than two thousand years later. Could there be those two things? So it must be fake.


Xiang Shaolong was surprised, Yi Xiaochuan and Gao Yao looked at each other. I understood Ji Yanzhi's falsehood in an instant, and it must have been collected by him.

Ji Yanzhi, the first emperor throughout the ages, is the same as Qin Shihuang Yingzheng in the official history known before the world has not changed. He has a hobby of collecting the wealth of the world and returning to his family. Think of the ten famous swords in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. In addition to the Tai'a sword that can not be worn away from the body, the other nine famous swords, Jiyan Capital's collection of brains, are rewarded to the confidant and beloved general.

This time he awakened, Xiang Shaolong, the Yingying sword, carried it with him. Using the universe in his sleeves that he learned from Zi Aishou, there was still no doubt that Ji Yanzhi had thrown the Tai'a sword into the space, just thinking that Ji Yanzhi. Like him, I know everything in my sleeve.

Far away, Xiang Shaolong is just a little strange. Since Ji Yanzhi has confirmed that the He Chobi stolen from the Capital Museum is a fake, why did he, Yi Xiaochuan and Gao Yao not sleep well all night, and he Also drank alcohol.

Only Ji Yan arrived at dawn on one night, and he was full of vigor, even if he was still yawning when he first woke up.

"Although He's Bi is fake, when I called Mozi to build seven tombs at the same time, I imitated six He's Bi. Except for the real tomb on the top of Kunlun Mountain, the other six cloak tombs can use fake and Choi opened."

When these words came out, Xiang Shaolong, Yi Xiaochuan, and Gao Yao were shocked.

Therefore, although the He's Bi in the Capital Museum's collection is fake, it is not so thorough. At the very least, it can be used as the key to open the other six cloak mounds. "

Xiang Shaolong was heartbroken and couldn't help but blamed: "Your Majesty, how can you do this kind of thing, don't discuss it with me."

Ji Yanzhi said ‘Ah’ without paying attention at all: “What does it matter if the business is not discussed? Anyway, except for some gold and silver treasures, it’s the terracotta warriors and horses.”

At this time, Gao Yao couldn't help it. He muttered to himself: "I remember there are some huge bronze beast tripods, even the legendary candle dragon. I was thinking, if you steal and Thieves’ thieves are looking at whether the huge bronze beast tripod will come alive after opening the six cloak burial mounds."

Yi Xiaochuan covered his chest, feeling the heartbeat that seemed to jump out of his chest at any time.

Their Majesty, the First Emperor, probably expected the tomb robbery to happen, so he specially created six imitations of He's Bi as the key to open the six cloak tombs. Hiss, thinking of the dangers that tomb robbers might face, Yi Xiaochuan couldn't help holding up a handful of crocodile tears for them. It's miserable, it's miserable. Why can't I think about it so much, but I just want to go to the tomb of Pirate Shi Huangba.

"Why don't I build a cloak mound if I don't come alive?"

Ji Yanzhi asked surprisingly, leaving Xiang Shaolong, Yi Xiaochuan, and Gao Yao not to know what to say. However, it is undeniable that Xiang Shaolong, Yi Xiaochuan, and Gao Yao are not so nervous after this incident.

"Your Majesty, do we want to find out who stole He Choi?" Xiang Shaolong asked with a little silence.

Ji Yanzhi: "No, no matter who steals the imitation He's Bi, the purpose is to open the tomb. As long as the tomb mechanism is touched, I can sense it. Just wait for work and kill the tomb thieves in one fell swoop."

Xiang Shaolong understood that he had no objections.

Yi Xiaochuan has a little problem. It has nothing to do with him. The main reason is that his brother Yi Xiaobei, an archaeologist, participated in the excavation of a dozen or so tombs, which can be regarded as providing a lot of precious things for the country. Cultural relics.

Moreover, Yi Xiaobei's character is definitely not capable of stealing and Choi. The reason why Yi Xiaochuan is somewhat worried is that he is afraid that Yi Xiaobei will be involved in the loss of Choi Hei. Yi Xiaochuan has a faint hunch that the person who steals He Choi should be with Yi Xiaobei, no, it should be said that Yi Xiaobei’s leadership The archaeological team has a certain relationship.

The more he pondered, the more disturbed he became. Yi Xiaochuan hurriedly pulled Gao Yao out of the hotel and went to find Yi Xiaobei.

Xiang Shaolong and Ji Yanzhi continued to talk and analyzed the theft of the Capital Museum in detail. Compared with Yi Xiaochuan's guess, Ji Yanzhi, who has known about the movie "The Mummy Returns 3: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor", guessed who stole He's Bi.

Jonathan, Evelyn's brother. The thief was used to petty theft, and it happened that he also came to China to pan for gold. It is difficult to guarantee that he would see He's Bi when he visited the Capital Museum, and would not see Lie Xinxi, and stole He's Bi. As for the eighteen terracotta warriors and horses that are also missing.

It is said that like He Shibi, he is the head of the Capital Museum and borrowed it from the Lishan Museum in Shaanxi. He Shibi is gone, do they want to start their consciousness to track the thief, do they want to go back to the Lishan imperial mausoleum? Ji Yanzhi is not worried about this, anyway, it is the thief who should be worried, so Xiang Shaolong's worries are not necessary at all.

In fact it is.

It was not Jonathan who stole and Choi Bi, but it had something to do with Jonathan.

The thief knew Jonathan. The thief notified Jonathan. Although Jonathan felt wrong, he was greedy for the treasure buried in the Dragon Emperor’s Tomb. After Jonathan obtained one of the imitations of He Choi from the thief, he informed him. With his sister Evelyn and brother-in-law Rick O’Connor, they plan to explore the secrets of the Dragon Emperor’s Tomb together.

Upon arriving at the China Shanghai stock market, Evelyn sent a message to him and Rick O'Connor's son Alex O'Connor, asking him to come to the Shanghai stock market to meet with his parents.

Alex O'Connor and his good friend Alex are working with Yi Xiaobei to participate in the investigation of the ‘He Chobi theft case’, and they are confused after receiving Evelyn’s summons.

However, Alex O’Connor has not seen his parents for several years, so without thinking, Alex O’Connor bought a plane ticket to the Shanghai Stock Exchange. The news that Jonathan told him was confusing.

"Uncle, this is a crime. We have to return He Choi back."

Jonathan shook his head, trying to persuade Alex O'Connor with a fallacy. "Oh, lovely Alex, do you know? There are six pieces of He's Bi, and it is said that each piece can open a tomb of the Dragon Emperor. Lovely Alex, you graduated with a major in archeology, You should have a good understanding of the history of the Qin Dynasty. Legend has it that the Dragon Emperor built seven tombs of the Dragon Emperor during his lifetime. Except for the top of the Kunlun Mountains, the Lord of Ten Thousand Mountains, where the real bones are buried, the other six are all cloak tombs, which are also buried inside. Countless wealth, as well as the terracotta warriors."

"No, He's Bi has a total of seven pieces. Only one piece is real, and the rest should be built by the Dragon Emperor." Rick O'Connor interjected, "I once heard a legend that said it was real. He's Bi is the key to the tomb of the real Dragon Emperor. Once opened, the Dragon Emperor will be resurrected, bringing endless disasters to the world."

Alex O'Connor: "No, father, what you said is wrong. The Dragon Emperor has been resurrected, and he has not brought endless disasters to the world."

Alex O’Connor was silent, and then he and Alex followed the archaeological team led by Yi Xiaochuan into the tomb of the real Dragon Emperor. They encountered the Dragon Emperor, but the Dragon Emperor didn’t have any of them. The trespassers, but sent them all out of the tomb of the Dragon Emperor.

"Don't be dead, okay? I heard Alex said that the Dragon Emperor is not a good-natured master. And he is not cruel. At the beginning, the'Burning Books and Keng Confucianism' were all spreading falsehoods, and the Dragon Emperor did not burn at all. The book, he just collected all the books of the six countries, edited them into a book, and then collected all the originals. As for pitting Confucian scholars, Emperor Long is a pit shark, or an alchemist who beats the alchemy pit and abducts."

"Hey, Alex, how did your good friend know this?" Jonathan asked incredulously.

Alex O'Connor: "There is a story about traveling through it. I don't know if your parents and uncles are there. Are you interested in listening."

Whether it was Rick O'Connor or Evelyn, even Jonathan was interested in listening, so Alex O'Connor told the sadness that Alex had experienced.

To be honest, Alex still has a psychological shadow now. For example, when he sees quail eggs or pigeon eggs, he will subconsciously buy them home, then put the eggs on the bed and sit on them.

Alex subconsciously wanted to incubate the egg, but hehe, the crotch of the egg crumbly.

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