When the pentakill announcement resounded throughout the canyon, the five players opposite Qin Luo also chose to surrender tacitly.

Watching the crystal slowly explode, Qin Luo breathed a sigh of relief, and was about to ask Zhou Shuyi how awesome she was when she heard a scream in her ear.

"Ahhhhh! Pentakill! Win!!!"

Zhou Shuyi yelled excitedly at the top of her voice, and then actually slapped Qin Luo directly on the face.

This sudden attack made Qin Luo stunned, and looked at Zhou Shuyi with shock in his eyes.

But Zhou Shuyi only realized it after she realized it, and she was a little embarrassed immediately.

She didn't know why she was so excited.

It's obviously just a game, and it's only the golden game ranking of Common, and it's not like rushing to the strongest king, so why be so excited?

Is it because Qin Luo's operation just now is very cool? Or is it because the game is so fun to play?

Zhou Shuyi thinks it is most likely the latter... because she really hasn't played a game so happily for a long time.

Although Qin Luo, the sixth child, almost broke her mentality several times in this game, it was such a relaxed and casual atmosphere that made her feel happy.

To put it bluntly, it was because of her emotions, not because she had any special thoughts about Qin Luo.

Seeing that Qin Luo's eyes became more and more subtle, Zhou Shuyi could only show an embarrassed but polite smile: "Then what, I'm a little too excited..."

"It's just a game, why are you so excited?" Qin Luo was a little speechless, and then raised his hand to wipe his face with a disgusted expression.

Zhou Shuyi was not happy at the time: "Hey, hey, what do you mean by wiping your face? How many people want me to kiss you before that chance? How dare you despise me?!"

Qin Luo glanced at her like an idiot: "Then why not? Should I not wash my face from now on?"

"Hey, are you a pervert?"

"A person who suddenly kisses others is qualified to say this?"

"Ahem, that was an accident. Don't pay attention to those details. Speaking of which, your operation just now is really good. It feels like a professional player can't beat it. How did you do it? Hurry up and start another round to teach me. "

Zhou Shuyi pretended to be calm and changed the topic, but the faint red glow at the base of her ears still showed her restless heart.

Qin Luo didn't quarrel with her anymore, just shook his head with a grin, and started another game with Zhou Shuyi.

He hasn't had such fun playing a game for a long time.

When I was in college, I used to play a black fight game with a few roommates. There were wins and losses in the game, but laughter was always indispensable.

But after graduating from university, he stepped into the society for just one year, and he was a little out of breath under the pressure of life.

All the innocence of the past has faded away, and all that remains is the unwillingness to struggle in the big city.

But now, the bitterness of life seems to have faded away at once.

Not only did he have millions in deposits, but he also had such a cheerful friend.

Although she sometimes commits 2 crimes, her personality is also a bit carefree, and she doesn't have the gentle and cute appearance of a girl at all.

But... Qin Luo thought that she was quite cute like this.

Thinking so, Qin Luo couldn't help turning his head to look at Zhou Shuyi.

Zhou Shuyi could feel the gaze from the next door, and that gaze made her face a little hot, so she turned her head unnaturally, and asked with her mouth curled up, "What are you looking at? Don't tell me you still want me to Take responsibility, everyone is an adult, a kiss is normal, don't think too much about it!"

Qin Luo thought for a while and asked her, "In this case, why don't you kiss me again?"

"What?" Zhou Shuyi was startled at the time, but you have big eyebrows and big eyes, and you seem to be innocent, but you are also an old-fashioned critic!

She immediately refused: "Giving you this kind of benefit once is already a charity, don't even think about it the second time!"

"Oh," Qin Luo nodded and looked away at the computer screen. He was just joking casually, so of course he didn't think Zhou Shuyi would really agree.

Seeing that his reaction was so flat, Zhou Shuyi was inexplicably flustered for a while.

Oh what do you mean?

Why is his tone so cold?

You won't be angry just because I refused?

Please bro! We've only known each other for two days, okay? If you want to kiss or something all of a sudden, you're not playing hooligans!

Well, well, even if I was the first to move my mouth just now...Although, I am still a girl! How could it be so casual with relatives!

This is simply because I am too emotional! Or maybe you drank a little wine during the meal before, and it was just drunk, so don't think too much about it!

And are you angry because of this?

Then you are too stingy!

Zhou Shuyi's playful mode was fully turned on, and she felt a slander in her heart, and she even got so angry with herself, she even gritted her teeth at Qin Luo.

She stared at Qin Luo for a while, and seeing that he still didn't speak, and didn't even look at her side again, the inexplicable panic in her heart became clearer.

She couldn't help but pursed her lips, she didn't know what she was thinking of, and suddenly gritted her teeth and said in a low voice: "Then... Otherwise, as long as you can get five kills again, I will kiss you again one time……"

Qin Luo is now thinking about who to play next.

Is it just pressing E to make Yasuo the sword demon happy?

Or make a happy man happy?

Or is death like the wind always accompanying me to be happy?

As a result, Zhou Shuyi's words confuse him directly, so that he turned his head to look at Zhou Shuyi with a little dazed eyes: "What are you talking about?"

This stinky man who got cheap and behaved...

Zhou Shuyi gritted her teeth, but she didn't feel shy because of it. Instead, she kept shouting: "I said if you get five kills again, I'll kiss you again! Did you hear me!"

Qin Luo looked at Zhou Shuyi fixedly, without saying a word.

It wasn't until Zhou Shuyi felt ashamed from being stared at by her that he smiled and said: "It's a deal, don't play tricks."

Zhou Shuyi's face turned red, but she still pretended to be tough and said: "I, Zhou Shuyi, spit and nail each other, and I will do what I say!"

"Then what if I get ten pentakills? Kiss me ten times?"

"Ten hits are ten hits. Anyway, I don't believe you can get so many pentakills!"

Qin Luo chuckled, said nothing, and turned to look at his computer screen again.

Zhou Shuyi also followed the trend and turned her eyes back to the computer screen, but for some reason, she who could concentrate on playing games before, now seemed a little absent-minded, and the corner of her eyes had been moving towards Qin Luo uncontrollably .

Occasionally, when Qin Luo glanced at her, she would use the mouse to point meaninglessly on the computer screen as if she had done something wrong.

Neither of them spoke anymore, but the relaxed and natural atmosphere in the past has quietly changed...

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