"Fuck, what is this water ghost?"

"God, one E faints five, this is too outrageous!"

"Would you please explain to me what Bo was doing just now? I didn't understand it from the beginning to the end!"

"I just slowed down the replay of the old woman's live broadcast. I can basically confirm that Pike is close to W, then E starts, and then the force of the wind is added to the flash and the ultimate move, and these operations are completed in almost a second."

"Fuck, Jian Ji's four breaks in one second is at this level, right?"

"Sword Ji, an old player, said that breaking four times in one second is very simple, but I can't beat the operation of this water ghost. It's so amazing."

"The last time I saw someone draw a square in the middle, it was when LOL had a lot of cheating. At that time, I saw someone draw a five-pointed star in front of me with a flash. I didn't expect to see something similar now. operate."

"The Pike on the opposite side is really good. It makes my scalp tingle. This operation can't be the golden section. At least come to the master of frying fish!"

"Upstairs, my master's division is mainly to assist Pike. I can't beat the operation of Pike on the opposite side. I guess he is at least the master or even the king, or he is the water ghost brother."

"I just checked the record of the opposite Pike. He has played no more than 50 games this month, and he played Pike just once today..."

"Fuck, is this a ghost? This is a game played by the water ghost himself, right?"

"The old woman has been beaten into a daze, and Teacher Ma is also autistic."

"Ms. Ma: I dried up the silence..."


In Xiaomei's live broadcast room, the bullet screens were like waves one after another, almost filling the entire screen densely.

Everyone was full of praise for the wonderful operation of that Parker just now, and some even offered a reward spontaneously to express their admiration for that Parker.

But Little Sister Dai didn't pay attention to these things at this time.

Looking at the exploding crystal on the screen, Dai Xiaomei was a little bit overwhelmed for a while.

It wasn't that she couldn't accept the failure, but that Pike on the opposite side had shocked her too much.

As one of the most popular anchors of Fighting Shark nowadays, Dai Xiaomei first started live broadcasting because of her popularity accumulated by playing games. The most frequently played games are LOL and Chick.

Although the level of the game has always been average, she just took the route of an entertainment anchor, but after playing for so long, she also has a good understanding and operation of the game.

In addition, sometimes in order to create some program effects, she will watch some game videos, and even invite professional players to duo together.

But even with such insight, she was still deeply shocked by that Pike.

At the beginning, it's okay to be shown off by others in the bottom lane, at most, his skills are not as good as others, and he praised the opponent for his quick hands and good skills.

But the last wave of team battles was really a bit outrageous.

After all, that Pike was an E who stunned five people!

Although Pike's E is a hard control, it is difficult for many unskilled players to stun people with E because of the delayed effect.

But that Pike is good, from the beginning to the end, besides using E to walk, he has no time to pass E. Not to mention, in the end, he directly used E to draw a square in the middle, and directly controlled the five of them by himself. go?

Don't say that Dai Xiaomei is just a recreational player herself, she has never seen such outrageous operations even in professional players!

She couldn't help asking Teacher Ma: "Mr. Ma, what happened to the water ghost just now? This operation must have been done by a professional player, right? He must be a professional player who came here to fry fish, right?"

Teacher Ma was silent for a long time, and then slowly said: "I used to play games with professional players. To be honest, this Parker's operation is really a bit tricky. I'm afraid that ordinary professional players can't play games, unless it is Often play Pike."

Dai Xiaomei was speechless for a while: "But I saw that some netizens in my live broadcast room said that they checked his record. He played less than fifty games in a month, and he played water ghost just once today. This is too outrageous." !"

Teacher Ma on the opposite side fell silent again, and after a long time, he slowly said: "To be honest, there are only two words I can say about such a player."

"Which two words?"



Seeing that even Mr. Ma, who has always been calm, was shocked by Parker's operation, the netizens couldn't help laughing.

"Hahahahaha, Teacher Ma's scalp is also numb from Xiu."

"To be honest, although Mr. Ma is getting older and his game skills are not as good as before, the average player is definitely not as good as Mr. Ma. This Mr. Ma is convinced by Xiu."

"That's not important, the important thing is when will the old woman sing majesticly?"

"That's right, that's right, I was so shocked just now, I almost forgot about the business, the old lady hastened!"

"Let's go majestically! BGM starts!"


Dai Xiaomei failed to win the first game. According to her bet with her water friends, she will be fined to sing majesticly next.

Little girl Dai didn't expect things to turn out like this. Originally, she deliberately played a low score in order to win the game. In addition, she was escorted by Teacher Ma. It should have been a very safe game, but in the end she lost like this miserable.

Seeing that the water friends were making barrage and making noises, the little girl chose to ignore it, and changed the subject: "Hey, that water ghost just now might be a professional player, let's add him as a friend and ask him, maybe I'll still be there." I know it!"

As soon as Xiaomei said that, she sent a request to add a friend to the water ghost just now, but she didn't get a response for a long time.

The water friends don't care much about these things, and they are still sending bullet screens to urge the little girl to hurry up and promise to travel.

The local tycoon brother who bet with Dai Xiaomei before said directly: "No way, no way? The old woman won't admit it if she loses, right? Here's a consolation prize for you, show it off to the brothers!"

[I'm not interested in money and rewarded the anchor with a super rocket, everyone come and grab the gift! 】

A local tyrant is a local tyrant, and the super rocket worth several thousand is just a small "consolation prize" in his eyes.

Seeing this, the friends in the water became more boisterous, while the little girl covered her forehead with a black face, and finally said through gritted teeth: "Isn't it just a song, just sing it!"

As she spoke, she opened the music software and searched for the accompaniment, but the fingers holding the mouse were trembling during the process.

There is no way, because the song majestic and dignified is too outrageous. People who can listen to the prelude just blush, and the lyrics of the whole song can make people blush and heartbeat. song. .

Even though Dai Xiaomei has been an anchor for a long time and has long since given up such things as morality, she still feels deep fear in front of such a powerful killer.

However, what should come will always come.

After finding an accompaniment, Dai Xiaomei cleared her throat, intending to sing a few vague words and let it go, I believe the water friends will not be too serious.

But where did she expect... As soon as the accompaniment started and the prelude played for two seconds, her live broadcast room turned into a black screen.

At the same time, a line of text appeared on the screen.

[Because your live broadcast content is suspected of violating regulations, your live broadcast room has been banned for 24 hours...]

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