He Yuzhu said:
“You don’t have to worry about the material, I’ll have someone find it for you!”
“If the materials are complete, it takes fifteen days to manufacture a robot, and it only takes four days to complete this technology.
Most of the time is spent processing the raw materials. If the parts are complete, I believe that the assembly can be completed in less than half a day! “He Yuzhu said:
“Then make a robot, and then I’ll get you the raw materials, and let someone print out a few copies of the list of raw materials.
Then send it to me! ”
“Okay, boss!”
After a while, a robot handed several required materials to He Yuzhu.
He Yuzhu doesn’t want to use his fingers to input all kinds of information anymore.
And it’s not too early now, He Yuzhu left his base, and then closed the base.
and then drove straight back.
He Yuzhu didn’t even go to the rolling mill, because He Yuzhu knew very well that if he went to the rolling mill now, the rolling mill would be off work.
It’s useless even to go.
When He Yuzhu arrived home, Ran Qiuye and Mu Qingxue were both at home.
He Yuzhu gave Mu Qingxue what he needed:
“Qingxue, help me get this thing!”
Mu Qingxue looked at the information in her hand, and there were many things on it that she didn’t even know what it was.
“Husband, I don’t know a lot of these things, what are these things?”
Hearing Mu Qingxue’s words, He Yuzhu said to Mu Qingxue:
“These things are all raw materials, this one is found in the Academy of Sciences, this one is found in the Geological Bureau, this…” (bgag)
He Yuzhu knows that he only knows these raw materials, but He Yuzhu does not know where they are produced.
Mu Qingxue knew that she was looking for these now, and the resistance was very big, so Mu Qingxue said:
“In the current situation, my second uncle is no longer in an important position, and even Director Yang has come down. I can’t find it hard!”
When He Yuzhu heard Mu Qingxue’s words, he pondered for a while. In the past, Mu Qingxue purchased for himself, but there was a back door.
Thinking of this, He Yuzhu said:
“Then don’t do it tomorrow, go out with me!”
Mu Qingxue asked:
“Where to go?”
He Yuzhu said:
“Tomorrow you’ll find out when you go with me! I’ll cook first, and then go to see grandma!”
Mu Qingxue said?
“Okay, you can cook more. Dad has been talking about your cooking for a long time. I’ll let my parents relax a bit then!”
He Yuzhu nodded;
“Cheng, how are your parents now?”
Mu Qingxue shook her head:
“My parents’ backgrounds are similar to Ran Qiuye’s, and they’re still under review. If it doesn’t work out, they’ll be the same as Qiuye’s parents!”
He Yuzhu said:
“Then you can also send two of the work contracts to your parents and let them resign.
Now the status of workers can protect them, as long as they become workers now, no one will bother them! ”
Mu Qingxue asked curiously:
“real or fake? ”
He Yuzhu nodded:
“Yes, as long as you’re an ordinary worker or peasant, you can avoid it. When the limelight passes, you can trust your parents’ abilities, and you’ll have no problem with your previous career!” Mu Qingxue nodded:
“Okay, then I’ll go talk to my parents, I don’t know if they agree or not!”
He Yuzhu said:
“If you don’t agree, come back and tell me, and I’ll persuade my parents. Now is not the time to wait and see, but now is the time to hurry.
If the time is urgent, then it is impossible to arrange work! ”
He Yuzhu knows that it has not started yet. If the above forces exert force and become the stinky old man, then it will be rectified, and there will be no way to do it by then.
He Yuzhu knew how crazy the back was.
Therefore, He Yuzhu did not dare to let his father-in-law and mother-in-law watch.
After speaking, He Yuzhu went to cook, and He Yuzhu and the three daughters finished eating.
He Yuzhu made two more copies, one for Ran Qiuye to bring back to his parents, and one for Mu Qingxue to bring back to his parents.
As for myself, I have prepared a copy, and I will bring it to the old lady when the time comes.
After finishing, the three of them left…
Chapter 462: He Yuzhu was stopped again [Subscribe]
He Yuzhu carried something by himself and walked towards the courtyard.
As soon as he arrived at the door, he heard Qin Huairu crying, while the aunt was comforting:
“Okay, it’s alright, isn’t this where everyone in the yard went to look for it? And it’s already reported to the police.
The police are also helping you find it, so don’t worry about it.Bang Terrier is such an old child, maybe he went to a classmate’s house or maybe! ”
Qin Huairu was still crying when she heard the aunt’s words. At this time, the aunt saw He Yuzhu and said to He Yuzhu:
“Pillar, you are here!”
He Yuzhu pointed at Qin Huairu and asked:
“What’s going on here? ”
– Aunt said:
“You know what happened yesterday, right?”
He Yuzhu nodded, even knowing what happened yesterday.
The aunt explained to He Yuzhu:
“Didn’t Bang Terrier run out yesterday?”
He Yuzhu nodded, and the aunt continued:
“But that stinky boy hasn’t come back yet, isn’t Qin Huairu anxious?
Qin Huairu has been searching for a day. She said that she has searched all the places she could find, but she couldn’t find it.
No, I’m crying here.
Your uncle, they also went out to look for it, and they also reported to the police.
The public security personnel also arranged for someone to look for it, but there is no news yet! ”
He Yuzhu said:
“How old is the stickman, if he doesn’t want you to find him, he will avoid you.
Even if you find a place, if he can’t hide it, there’s nothing you can do.
Don’t worry about him, if he has the ability, he will never come back for the rest of his life.
Run out and scare someone! ”
When Qin Huairu heard He Yuzhu’s words, she cried and said to He Yuzhu:
“Uuuuuu, he’s still a child, what should I do if I can’t eat? What should I do if it’s cold?
He didn’t come back overnight! ”
He Yuzhu said disdainfully:
“Han Chunming is about the same age as yours, what about now?
Han Chunming has already gone to the countryside, but your family is terrific. You can’t find anything to eat by yourself, so what else can you do?
Qin Huairu, just get used to it. I think you can’t do it anymore. When you’re old, what will you do with your children?
Did you watch them starve to death?
If you don’t let go now, if you want to let go in the future, it will be late.
According to me, just leave him alone, isn’t he capable?
He has the ability to live without you. When he and I were our age, we both went to the rolling mill to chop vegetables. ”
After she finished speaking, she ignored Qin Huairu and the eldest mother, and went directly to the old lady’s room.
Seeing He Yuzhu enter the old lady’s room, Qin Huairu was very puzzled that her son had disappeared.
That’s it?
Do not care? And then left?
Although not his son, Qin Huairu knew how painful He Yuzhu was before.
Now that the life and death of the stick is uncertain, is he in any hurry, or has no sympathy at all?
Thinking of this, Qin Huairu felt even more sad, and cried even more sadly.
As a woman’s aunt, she can also know Qin Huairu’s thoughts, but now He Yuzhu is married. And there is such a beautiful and virtuous wife, the aunt doesn’t want to make any mess for He Yuzhu. So the aunt pretended not to know, and was accompanying Qin Huairu, as long as Qin Huairu didn’t do stupid things by herself. As for what Qin Huairu thinks, it has nothing to do with the aunt.
The eldest mom is not the uncle. The eldest mom is much smarter than the uncle, and knows what to ask and what not to ask.
I also know what to do and what not to do.
If it wasn’t for the eldest mother, He Yuzhu would have turned against the uncle long ago.
And He Yuzhu also respected the uncle because of his mother’s face.
Because He Yuzhu, who has read the original book, knows that except for the old lady, there is no one who really treats He Yuzhu well in the entire compound.
And the people who are good to He Yuzhu are Lou Xiaoe. In this life, Lou Xiaoe is not Xu Damao’s woman, but was cut off by He Yuzhu. Therefore, He Yuzhu does not have too deep feelings for this compound.
And knowing what these people are like, He Yuzhu doesn’t even want to associate with these people.
But because the old lady was in this compound, He Yuzhu had no choice.
After a while, He Yuzhu waited on the old lady to finish the meal, and He Yuzhu was about to go back with the food box. At this time, the uncle, Shi Feng, Lu , did you poke the screen? Seeing that He Yuzhu was about to leave, the uncle Yi Zhonghai stopped He Yuzhu. :
…?… ask for flowers 0…
“Pillar, are you going to leave like this?”
He Yuzhu heard the uncle’s words and asked the uncle:
“What? I don’t go like this, how can I go? ”
The uncle asked He Yuzhu:
“You lost the stick, you know?”
He Yuzhu nodded:
“I know!”

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