Yi Zhonghai reprimanded He Yuzhu:
“Know that you haven’t gone to the child yet?”
He Yuzhu said coldly:
“Child? Uncle, I don’t know if you still remember, what did I do when I was so old with Bang Terri?
Child, uncle, Han Chunming in the front yard is about the same age as a stick, so what is Han Chunming doing? You don’t know, do you?
People have gone to the countryside, they are fighting with God, and they are digging food in the land.
What is the stick doing?
You said that in order to take care of Qin Huairu’s family, I brought them something to eat and drink.
In the past, it was because the child was still young. Thinking about my time, it was so hard, so I was more tolerant. But then what?
After not talking, it was yesterday. You saw it, Master. What did he say about me?
To say ungrateful is a bit insulting.
That’s a little white-eyed wolf, no, it’s not as good as a wolf.
The wolf’s son also knows that his mother’s difficulties are not easy, butWhat did the stickman do yesterday?
This is one, and secondly, what does it have to do with me?
I didn’t beat or scold me? I didn’t say anything.
How did you get there, other people don’t know, don’t you?
Let me find him? Forget it, don’t say I don’t know, even if I see him begging on the street, I won’t pity him. It’s his own fault! ”
After speaking, He Yuzhu didn’t want to pay attention to the uncle, so he was ready to leave.
The uncle stopped He Yuzhu’s way, and then said to He Yuyu:
“Zhuzi, you don’t look at the child’s face, you look at Qin Huairu’s face too!”
He Yuzhu felt very funny when he heard the uncle’s words.
Then he asked the uncle:
“Master, I have a question for you!”
– Uncle nodded:
“You said six.
Chapter 463: Don’t look for sticks 【Subscription】
He Yuzhu asked the uncle;
“Looking at Qin Huairu’s face, do I have anything to do with Qin Huairu’s family?
Or this time it was because of me. If I didn’t say anything because of me, I could mobilize many people to look for it.
Second, no one else saw what happened yesterday, haven’t you?
For the time being, no matter what Qin Huairu has done, everyone has the right to say that Qin Huairu is not.
But only the sticks can’t work. Has Qin Huairu done anything wicked to sticks?
Or did you treat him badly? No matter what to eat or wear, Qin Huairu did her best to give the best for Bang Tei.
It’s that Xiaodang and Huaihua both use sticks for leftovers, and when sticks are full, the two little girls can satisfy their cravings.
If this Qin Huairu doesn’t use any tricks, or doesn’t give anything, just relying on Qin Huairu’s current ability, what can he eat? what to wear?
Look at the children in other families. Several children wear new clothes every year and eat meat every once in a while.
Even the uncle, you, with a salary of nearly 100 yuan for 16-months, can’t live well without a stick.
How did all this come about? Others don’t know, stick terrier is not clear.
What did he say yesterday? How do you do it?
Let me take care of the life and death of such a person, how cheap I am.
If it’s my son, don’t say he won’t come back after leaving, or I’ll kick him out if he doesn’t.
I would rather not have such a son.
What, don’t tell me whether such a person is alive or dead in the future, sorry! ”
After He Yuzhu was about to leave, Yi Zhonghai shouted:
He Yuzhu turned around, looked at Yi Zhonghai with a smile, and asked sarcastically;
“What’s the matter? Uncle, you don’t say that I know a child, right? If this happened three or four years ago, I might think you were right. But how old is the stick now, fifteen years old? .
Next year will be sixteen, and in many places, fifteen or sixteen people are now fathers.
All have children, Han Chunming is fifteen, and he has gone to the countryside.
Bang Tei is also fifteen years old. He can open his mouth for food and reach out for clothes. If he is the child of the landlord’s family, he has nothing to lose.
I can understand this character and temperament.
But what about stick terriers? He has no father since he was a child, and he has two younger sisters below. He doesn’t go to earn money to support the family, that’s fine, but he must understand his mother. Although I don’t like Qin Huairu, Qin Huairu is still very competent as the mother of the child.
So, don’t say what the child is like, he is no longer a child.
As for looking for him, you can go and others can go for it. This is your freedom, I won’t go looking for him.
This is also my freedom. Don’t use your thoughts to constrain me. Although I respect you, this is not the reason why you restrain me. It’s not that you control my capital! ”
After speaking, He Yuzhu didn’t give Uncle any time at all.
left immediately.
Looking at He Yuzhu who was far away, Yi Zhonghai knew that he was walking further and further away from He Yuzhu.
He Yuzhu didn’t intend to take care of himself, or else he wouldn’t say such a serious thing, Yi Zhonghai was worried at this time.
What happened to yourself?
How can it be like this, every time I want to repair the relationship with He Yuzhu, but every time it is self-defeating?
Yi Zhonghai blamed himself there. In fact, Yi Zhonghai didn’t know that his character here was developed before.
Yi Zhonghai got along with He Yuzhu like this before, for more than ten years.
And He Yuzhu has always listened to his own words. Over time, Yi Zhonghai developed this habit and subconsciously regarded He Yuzhu as his own child. It’s like education and education. Before the current He Yuzhu came over, He Yuzhu, who had no father, still listened to and enjoyed this. But the future He Yuzhu came, and he couldn’t accept this.
At the beginning, He Yuzhu still endured Yi Zhonghai because of his predecessor, but as time went on, He Yuzhu’s cultivation level slowly increased.
The feelings and emotions of He Yuzhu’s predecessor can no longer affect the current He Yuzhu.
So this time, He Yuzhu took this opportunity to say this to the uncle.
The uncle never imagined that He Yuzhu would say this to himself.
But He Yuzhu has nowhere to ask the uncle, but the uncle is different, the uncle still thinks about He Yuzhu to give him old age. Seeing He Yuzhu leave, Qin Huairu also stopped crying and looked at the uncle with tears on his face.
-The uncle sighed and sat on the ground, silently speaking.
Qin Huairu didn’t cry anymore, because just nowQin Huairu also heard what He Yuzhu said, but he didn’t expect that the person who knew him best was He Yuzhu. Every word of He Yuzhu spoke to his heart.
Although He Yuzhu also clearly expressed that he doesn’t like her anymore, Qin Huairu still likes He Yuzhu in her heart now.
But now He Yuzhu won’t want him anymore, so many people have slept with him now.
It’s just for a little bit of food and use, and looking at He Yuzhu’s appearance just now, He Yuzhu must have known it, although he wouldn’t admit it.
But with his sensitive intuition, He Yuzhu definitely knew about it.
Qin Huairu knew in his heart that He Yuyu’s pride was that he didn’t want anything, and he wouldn’t touch her.
Because he despised himself for being dirty, thinking about how He Yuzhu didn’t touch him much before, he hid when he brought him up.
It is estimated that at that time, He Yuzhu knew about his own affairs, right?
It’s just that he didn’t say anything. Thinking of this, Qin Huairu felt even more wronged.
Tears came down again.
Seeing Qin Huairu crying again, Yi Zhonghai didn’t go to comfort Qin Huairu this time, because Yi Zhonghai wanted to cry now.
After arriving at the mansion, Mu Qingxue and Ran Qiuye came back after a while, and they were very happy.
He Yuzhu also continued to enjoy it. The next day, He Yuzhu drove to the military area while Mu Qingxue and Ran Qiuye waited.
The guards of the military region stopped He Yuzhu:
“Comrade, what’s the matter with you?”
He Yuzhu said:
“Hello, comrade, I’m He Yuzhu from the rolling mill. This is my letter of introduction. I want to see your commander!”
Hearing He Yuzhu’s words, the guard frowned, read the letter of introduction, and knew that He Yuzhu was the deputy director, but even the deputy director didn’t want to see his commander. But the guard still said:
“Wait, I’ll call you and ask 1”
He Yuzhu nodded:
“Then trouble you!”?
Chapter 464: Seeing the Commander 【Subscription】
The guard talked about He Yuzhu’s visit to the commander. After the commander of the military region heard it, he felt that the name He Yuzhu was very familiar. But I can’t think of where I heard it, and then said directly:
“No, no time!”
You must know that the commander of the Imperial Capital Military Region is very busy.
At this time, the commander’s subordinate, a chief of staff asked:
“Commander, what’s the matter?”
The commander waved his hand:
“What else could happen? Someone named He Yuzhu came to me and said that if I didn’t know him, he disappeared!” At this time, the chief of staff said:
“Hey, my uncle Commander, He Yuzhu, is the He Yuzhu from the rolling mill, the one who developed weapons and materials for us. You forgot, it just happened a long time ago!”
At this time, the commander also remembered who He Yuzhu was, and quickly picked up the phone and called back.
The guard was about to reprimand He Yuzhu and let He Yuzhu leave.
Hearing the phone ringing again, to know that no matter what, you must answer the phone as soon as possible.
As for the people outside, we can talk about it later.
Looking at the internal number of the incoming call, the guard was taken aback. Isn’t this the commander’s phone number?
The guard stood at attention and shouted, and the commander’s voice came over:
“Is that He Yuzhu still there?”
The guard looked at He Yuzhu and Mu Qingxue, then nodded:
“The report is still here, should I drive them away now!”
Hearing the guard’s words, the commander was taken aback.
Drive away?
what are you thinking?
This is baby, you drive away.

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