“Lao Yi Daughter-in-law, although it’s a bit impersonal for you to do this, what you’re doing is right.
A person needs to understand right and wrong. When speaking, I don’t want Yi Zhonghai to go in, but since he did something wrong, he must be punished. ”
He Yuzhu felt relieved when he heard the words of the aunt and the old lady. After all, if the old lady and the aunt forced him to let Yi Zhonghai go, he really didn’t know how to refuse. You must know that if there is an old lady, there will be no He Yuzhu now, since the two of them don’t care.
I don’t care anymore, He Yuzhu said:
“Thank you grandma and aunt for your understanding. Don’t worry, I won’t starve you. When you come over tomorrow, I’ll bring you food!”
The old lady said:
“Don’t need it for now, there’s a lot more at home. Let’s talk about it after we’ve finished eating. If you put too much, it’s easy to attract mice!”
He Yuzhu nodded:
“Cheng, I’ll listen to you, eat!”
After the three of them finished their meal, He Yuzhu was about to leave.
But when he just walked to the middle courtyard, he saw Qin Huairu washing clothes.
Thinking of what happened before, He Yuzhu felt even more disgusted, because Qin Huairu just waited for her and drank her blood.
He Yuzhu ignored Qin Huairu and walked away.
Qin Huairu saw that He Yuzhu didn’t greet her at all, Qin Huairu couldn’t stand anymore:
That voice, it was a thousand turns and a thousand times, and the tone, it was heart-wrenching.
Only at this time did He Yuzhu know why Qin Huairu was able to eat the stupid Zhu before.
He is a sixth-order master, not to mention that he is immune to all demons, it is almost the same.
But the words Qin Huairu actually gave him a little reaction.
If it was an ordinary person, how could he resist Qin Huairu’s voice.
If Qin Huairu has mastered the way of cultivation, it is estimated that no one will be Qin Huairu’s opponent.
Thinking of this, He Yuzhu said to Qin Huairu:
“Qin Huairu, I know you want to intercede for Yi Zhonghai, but this is done by the top, and I can’t do anything about it. If I was here at the time, and if the sentence hadn’t been sentenced, I might be able to talk and let people be punished lightly, but now Now that I have been sentenced, I have no choice, although I am the director of the rolling mill.
But the laws of the country cannot be provoked, and no one can trample on them.
So if you still tell me about Yi Zhonghai, then sorry.
I really can’t help! ”
Hearing He Yuzhu’s words, Qin Huairu said leisurely:
“Zhuzi, why did I offend you, what can you tell me? We didn’t have any grudges before, did we?
It’s just what Bang Tie and my mother-in-law did.
I said it too, but they didn’t listen. What can I do?
Yes, I do cry poor, but there is no way. I have children and a mother-in-law to support.
I don’t have such a high salary, I can only do this, I just want my children to be fed. I have never thought about harming anyone, let alone harming you. Why do you dislike me so much? He Yuzhu said coldly after hearing Qin Huairu’s words:
“What? You still want to hurt me? If you do, then you won’t be here. You know, I have the ability to destroy your family.
Why do you ignore you? You agree with it clearly. As for why you don’t want to ignore you. You know it yourself, I have told you many times.
Okay, is there anything else?
I have nothing to do, I have to go, I haven’t come back these days, I still have a lot of things to deal with! ” Hearing He Yuzhu’s words, Qin Huairu said:
“Zhuzi, you only need to help me with one thing, and I won’t bother you again, okay?”
He Yuzhu looked at Qin Huairu and said:
“As long as it’s not related to sticks, talk about it!”
..for flowers 0..
He Yuzhu’s words are like a bolt from the blue, how can you say that?
“Zhu Zi, you used to like Bang Terri very much, besides, he is just a child.
What do you care about with him? ”
He Yuzhu waved his hand:
“Bang Terrier is completely useless, I don’t want to have anything to do with him?
After all, if something happens to a child like him, it will be me who will be implicated.
And you, you will definitely push all the faults onto me without hesitation.
So, if it’s related to sticks, you don’t need to say it, I can’t help, and I don’t want to help.
A wolf that can bite at any time is too dangerous. I don’t want me to work every day and beware of a wolf! ”
Qin Huairu said in defense:
“Zhuzi, what are you talking about, Bangjie is just a child, you’re going too far.
How could he be dangerous, how could he be a wolf.
Bangjie is just a little naughty, he is a good boy.
And now I’m ignorant, and I’ll be wiser when I get older.
It’s really not his fault, so don’t bother with him! ”
He Yuzhu didn’t think that Qin Huairu was still in trouble at this time after hearing Qin Huairu’s words.justified.
He Yuzhu said coldly:
“Since that’s the case, then I know. If you have anything, go find someone else, I can’t help!”
After he finished speaking, He Yuzhu left, right after He Yuzhu left.
Stick Terrier walked out of the room with a very gloomy face.
Qin Huairu slumped on the ground, crying silently.
Looking at the crying Qin Huairu, Bang Tei’s expression was very cold:
“Cry, cry, cry, you know how to cry, why are you so useless.
That silly pillar is greedy for your body, you give it to him.
When he is with you, doesn’t he listen to you?
Can’t find a job! ”
After speaking, Bang Tei left very indifferently.
Looking at Bang Tei who left, and what He Yuzhu said to herself, Qin Huairu now knows a little bit why He Yuzhu doesn’t like seeing Bang Tei anymore.
If Bang Terrier wasn’t his son, he would have the heart to kill him! six?
Chapter Five Hundred and Eighty-Eight: Current Status of Rolling Mills 【Subscription】
Looking at Li Tie’s stick, Qin Huairu’s tears kept streaming down.
This is the son that he protects with his life.
This is that he is reluctant to eat or wear anything, and give everything to his son.
Is it really what you need now?
And the stick terrier looked at He Yuzhu’s house with hatred.
In Bang Terrier’s heart, if He Yuzhu didn’t help himself, that was He Yuzhu’s fault.
And He Yuzhu is so capable, so he should pave the way for himself.
Now that He Yuzhu doesn’t care about himself, then He Yuzhu should be damned.
But Bangjie didn’t say it, but that’s what Bangjie thought in his heart.
He Yuzhu knew that Bang Terri was a white-eyed wolf, but he never thought that Bang Terri would be so perverted.
However, in He Yuzhu’s eyes, Qin Huairu, whether it’s a stick or a stick, is a “540” ant anyway. He Yuzhu didn’t want to pay attention to them either. If He Yuzhu was in the courtyard, then they could still be demons. But He Yuzhu is no longer here, so their emotions and thoughts have nothing to do with He Yuzhu. He Yuzhu returned to the mansion, and then Mu Qingxue came out:
“How is grandma?”
He Yuzhu replied:
“Very good, then I’ll tell you about the Siheyuan!”
After Mu Qingxue heard:
“That’s not bad, Auntie is quite reasonable!”
He Yuzhu smiled slightly, but did not speak. He Yuzhu was very clear that the aunt also had selfishness.
But taking care of the old lady for so many years, there is no credit or hard work, and the aunt has never harmed herself. So when the time comes, it is also a matter of hand to let the aunt die peacefully.
In fact, in He Yuzhu’s eyes, it is a very simple thing to provide for the elderly in the compound.
You don’t even need yourself at that time, it’s just a matter of your own words.
But that compound is full of beasts, and each one has their own plans.
He Yuzhu is not a fool, but he is not the Virgin. People who plan on themselves, do you still want to take care of them by yourself?
how is this possible?
Even if you have a dog, you can wag your tail and pray for mercy?
But the people in that compound were all grass, white-eyed wolves, and white lotuses, so He Yuzhu didn’t want to have too much contact with them.
However, He Yuzhu is very clear about the old lady’s thoughts, but the old lady also knows that these are all bullying herself.
So He Yuzhu didn’t care about the people in the compound, and the old lady didn’t say anything.
I just hope that He Yuzhu will go to the courtyard every day, and then ease the relationship with these people.
But I didn’t expect that Yi Zhonghai would kill himself, so he would report He Yuzhu regardless of He Yuzhu’s life or death.
Therefore, He Yuzhu didn’t even want to pay attention to the courtyard house.
the next day.
He Yuzhu arrived at the rolling mill. Except for military products, the entire rolling mill stopped.
Under the arrangement of Mu Qingxue, most of the people started to build the greenhouse, and then started to farm the land under the command of the old cadre of the fragment.
But fortunately, the food in the rolling mill has not been reduced, although everyone has no wages.
But for the sake of one bite and food, I worked hard.
He Yuzhu looked at it and asked his secretary:
“How’s the situation recently?”
The secretary shook his head, took a breath and said:
“No, it’s still the same as before. I’ve traveled all over the imperial capital, but there is still no order.
But now only our rolling mill still has some orders from the military.
The rest are discontinued, we ??????”
Speaking of which, the secretary department said, and after a pause, He Yuzhu asked the secretary:
“What happened to us?”
The secretary gritted his teeth:
“We fulfill orders for these military products, our rolling mill…” Group: 79③6①23②6
He Yuzhu naturally knew what the secretary meant, but He Yuzhu had no choice but to do it first.

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