“The composition of the rolling mill can only be like this, otherwise I can’t think of a better way.”
Hearing He Yuzhu’s words, the secretary also nodded, because the secretary also knew, otherwise let these people go back, the rolling mill doesn’t care whether these people live or die. Otherwise, let these people do something, because there is no money, the workers can’t see the money.
But there is still some grain and oil, and two meals a day.
The whole rolling mill knows what’s going on outside.
So most people agree to farm for a bite to eat.
What can I do if I don’t farm the land, go back and wait for death, you must know He YuZhu but gave these people hope to live.
Looking at the events of the last few days, He Yuzhu said to the secretary:
“That’s the only way, let everyone wait, those who come here to farm must be given enough food…
Although we can no longer give money, we still have a lot of food! ”
The secretary naturally knew how much grain was in the warehouse of the rolling mill, and it was piled up like a mountain, although he didn’t know where He Yuzhu got it. But the secretary knew that with this, the people who followed He Yuzhu in the rolling mill would not starve to death.
What do you work so hard for, not to live.
Live for myself, for my family.
He Yuzhu also knew what these people were thinking, but He Yuzhu sighed.
Because He Yuzhu knew that he was not incapable of saving these people.
However, He Yuzhu knew that in today’s society, he couldn’t take action against these people.
Because if He Yuzhu takes action, then his troubles will continue.
Anyway, I have personal luck, and He Yuzhu got the tractor out in advance.
There are tractors all over the country, and there is enough food to keep people from starving to death in this era.
Therefore, He Yuzhu intends to keep a low profile.
In this way, He Yuzhu either communicated with Ziwei every day or went home.
Time passed little by little.
Autumn quickly entered winter.
Looking at the cold winter, He Yuzhu sighed and said:
“The new year is about to start on Ma 0.6!”
At this time, Mu Qingxue, Ran Qiuye and Ding Qiunan were looking at He Yuzhu.
Mu Qingxue said:
“Husband, will it be better next year?”
He Yuzhu shook his head:
“I don’t know either, so let’s see what the above says?”
Ran Qiuye knew He Yuzhu’s ability:
“Brother Zhuzi, will next year be the same as this year?”
He Yuzhu shook his head:
“No, it’s worse than this year, because many people will have no food next year.
Ran Qiuye asked curiously:
“Brother Zhuzi, and what?”
He Yuzhu said lightly:
“And many places were disturbed by the black soldiers, and there are not many people farming. Although the harvest is good next year, there are too few plantings, so next year will be even more chaotic!
Chapter 589: The provocation of the stick [Subscribe]
Ran Qiuye thought for a while, and knew what He Yuzhu meant.
When there are few things, people’s hearts will naturally become chaotic.
Mu Qingxue also understood, and then asked:
“Husband, what should we do then?”
He Yuzhu said:
“It’s okay, it has nothing to do with us, we will mess with us, as long as no one messes with us.
Let’s keep a low profile. Anyway, no one knows what we eat here.
As for my parents, I will take care of them. Now the rolling mill is my own decision.
Do not care! ”
Hearing He Yuzhu’s words, Mu Qingxue and Ran Qiuye nodded. At this time, Ding Qiunan said:
“Brother Zhuzi, can you from my parents…”
In fact, Ding Qiunan also wanted to be with He Yuzhu, but Ding Qiunan was embarrassed to take the initiative without He Yuzhu speaking.
But in Ding Qiunan’s heart, He Yuzhu was already his own man. He heard He Yuzhu say that Ran Qiuye and Mu Qingxue were parents.
I just talked about my parents, and because my parents got 16 points.
Now it’s a very hard life. If it wasn’t for He Yuzhu who gave him a lot of things, he would have improved a bit.
My parents are living even harder now!
He Yuzhu nodded without thinking:
“Cheng, tomorrow you and Qiuye will go to your house and take you to the rolling mill for your parents.
When the time comes, what do you want to do there? ”
Ding Qiunan also knew what the old cadres lived in the rolling mill, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that they were in college.
It’s just that when the leader comes to check, they will put on a pretense and do some work, if there is no leader to go.
Then these people are living a much better life than before.
He Yuzhu knew that these thousands of people, in the future, will all have their own heritage.
You must know that these people will be reactivated at that time, and they are all key positions, so He Yuzhu will no matter where he goes. No problem.
What He Yuzhu needs is temporary protection, but what He Yuzhu doesn’t know is that it is because of what He Yuzhu did at this time.
These people wholeheartedly pushed He Yuzhu to the altar.
And He Yuzhu did not disappoint these people.
Of course, this is something.
The days passed like this, and the New Year’s day will soon come.
But these few days, He Yuzhu has a lot of time to call He Yuyu again, other than that.
As before, He Yuzhu drove to the courtyard today.
And then went straight to the backyard.
When He Yuzhu arrived at the courtyard, Qin Huairu was not at home. Because there was no job, Qin Huairu had to go outside to find a job.
Just when He Yuzhu was going to the backyard to find the old lady.
A resentful voice rang behind He Yuzhu:
“Silly Zhu, stop!”
He Yuzhu was very angry when he heard this title. Since he came to this world and his current status, no one really dared to call him that. Of course, except for the old lady, He Yuzhu’s calm face had an uninteresting expression, if Mu Qingxue saw He Yuzhu like this.
Just know that He Yuzhu is really angry, you must know that He Yuzhu usually laughsSquint.
Rarely has such an expression, He Yuzhu’s flat voice suppressed anger:
“what are you? ”
Bang Terrier was also very angry when he heard He Yuzhu’s words;
“Are you stupid, sir, you don’t even know me!”
He Yuzhu originally wanted to beat this white-eyed wolf, but thinking of his own identity and bullying a child, he had no taste.
He Yuzhu ignored the little white-eyed wolf, turned around and left.
Seeing that He Yuzhu ignored him, Bang Terri rushed towards He Yuzhu.
How could He Yuzhu be attacked by the stick terrier?
With a gentle step, he dodged the attack of the stick, and the stick kicked out, but he did not expect He Yuzhu to come.
Bang Terri’s kick is considered empty.
However, this is Bangjie’s full-strength kick. In the case of inertia, Bangjie came directly with a one-word horse.
If it was He Yuzhu who came here, there would be no problem at all. He Yuzhu’s cultivation base still has a body.
This is very simple, but this is a stick, and the stick has never been practiced.
Severe pain!
Stick Terrier covers his crotch 1
A miserable voice rang out.
Others in the compound also came out.
When they saw Bang Tei’s actions, they all laughed.
Liu Guangtian has not dealt with sticks since he was a child, and said mockingly:
“Bang Terrier, what’s up? Are you dancing?”
Liu Guangfu also sneered and said:
“Why, back to the accompaniment for yourself!”
And the severe pain of stick terrier has no way to answer.
Bang Terri carefully merged his legs together. The pain of the tear made him speechless at all. He Yuzhu said lightly:
“Deserving it!”
Then he continued to walk, passed the front yard, the middle yard, and came to the back yard.
At this time, the old lady came out. The old lady’s current body was conditioned by He Yuzhu.
It’s better than before.
The old lady is surrounded by a big mother.
The aunt supported the old lady and saw He Yuzhu. The aunt asked He Yuzhu:
“I just heard the voice of the stick, what happened to him?”
He Yuzhu said:
“It’s alright, that little white-eyed wolf wanted to beat me up, but I got out of the way, he was empty, and then came a one-word horse!” After the aunt heard 540, she naturally knew how painful a one-word horse was, and she could also think of a stick terrier. My own self-inflicted self-inflicted aunt is still very chilling, you must know how good He Yuzhu was to Bang Terri before.
But Bang Terrier doesn’t remember anything good, and he has to beat He Yuzhu.
Fortunately, I have never been optimistic about Bang Terrier, but Yi Zhonghai still thinks Bang Terrier will give Yi Zhonghai a pension. For those who don’t know how to be grateful, it’s not bad if they don’t get killed.
Thinking of this, the aunt said lightly:
“Deserving it!”
Suddenly thinking of his identity, he shouldn’t have said such a thing.
is an explanation;

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