Until this storm has passed, a year has passed, and then it will not come out after a year.It will come out after five years.
If the storm doesn’t end in a lifetime, then…”
Director Yang knew what He Yuzhu was thinking. If the life is not over, these people will never come out.
It was indeed very cruel. Director Yang asked:
“Does it have to be like this?”
He Yuzhu nodded:
“Yes, it must be like this, I can’t make other people suffer because of these people.
After all, there are not only some intellectuals here.
However, although it is a bit cruel, I can provide them with the information, equipment, and raw materials they need.
In life, it’s definitely better than here, but I have to exchange it for freedom that I don’t know how long.
I hope you can understand my difficulties! ”
Director Yang nodded:
“I understand. After all, there are still many people here who are not engaged in scientific research. Okay, leave this matter to them, and I will tell them!”
When He Yuzhu heard Director Yang’s words, he knew that Director Yang just wanted to take risks and wanted a better country.
Since Director Yang said so, He Yuzhu said:
“Okay, then I’ll go get ready!”
After saying goodbye to He Yuzhu and Director Yang, he went to Ziwei at the Xingchen Scientific Research Base, and asked Ziwei to dispatch a robot to build an underground research base near the rolling mill. Now that He Yuzhu has his own army of robots, it’s easy to build a new base.
Ziwei dispatched various robots to build a base under the rolling mill.
It is not so much a base as it is an underground city.
In addition to the lack of natural light, everything else is there.
Even better than the above.
After He Yuzhu gave the order, he went back and waited.
After all, this matter has to be kept secret and cannot be publicized.
And the outside was completely chaotic.
However, in chaos, He Yuzhu knew through the simulation robot that there was no shutdown in other places. However, because all the people who do not know how to do it are building, the speed and efficiency are not high. In many places, input and output are not proportional at all! six.
Chapter 593: I agree to He Yuzhu’s request [Subscribe]
However, He Yuzhu did not dare to intervene in this matter.
Now He Yuzhu is just waiting, waiting for this storm to pass quickly.
At that time, you will be able to realize your ambition.
The next day, He Yuzhu came to the rolling mill, and Director Yang found He Yuzhu:
“Zhuzi, I asked, and I told them about your conditions yesterday, and they agreed.
But they want to write a letter to their family, kindly, peace letter, that won’t reveal the things you facilitated for them. No, I said pillars, I know there is no way to do this, but I still feel too cruel! ”
There is no freedom, and he has been underground for a long time. There is no freedom at all, even the prisoners have to let loose.
Moreover, the prisoner has a deadline, but there is no deadline here.
Maybe it’s tomorrow, maybe it’s “May Five Seven” next year.
It may even be a lifetime.
After all, no one is sure about the future, right?
Director Yang is not sure, but He Yuzhu has it. Now is the end of the second year.
At most, it will take another ten years, even if it is not needed, and it will be out in eight years.
Of course, He Yuzhu didn’t dare to say it, he just said to Director Yang:
“Director Yang, there is no way, I have to do it for the sake of others.
If the things I have here are known by the above, they will be sent to other places to reform and work.
You must know that those people outside are lunatics. For the so-called performance, many people here will be tortured to death. These are all talents who will be managed by our country in the future. After my teaching during this period of time.
Most of them can easily become the top officials of the frontier, and they are really talented and practical.
It’s not a rice bag with wine bags. I think you know those rice bags with wine bags. Where are they? ”
Director Yang is very clear that only individual wine bags and rice bags have been kicked out by He Yuzhu in secret.
People here, no matter their character or talent, they are all first-class, otherwise they would not be jealous of those people.
After finishing it, fortunately, this campaign is aimed at origin and education.
With these two points, He Yuzhu is simply a natural protector.
Origin: Three generations of farm laborers, second only to the family of the military.
Education: Middle school, high school are not.
In other words, He Yuzhu came out without finishing primary school.
In these two aspects, no one can attack He Yuzhu.
But He Yuzhu has no education, but he has the ability. Many experts and professors are not very good at Yuzhu.
He Yuzhu knows everything, and is proficient at everything.
This made everyone here willingly call He Yuzhu a teacher.
At first, He Yuzhu wasn’t used to it, but now he’s used to it.
After all, what He Yuzhu taught was different from others, and he couldn’t learn it from books.
He Yuzhu said to Director Yang:
“Okay, there’s no way out, let’s go, let’s start our lesson today!”
When I came to the big classroom, thousands of people were ready.
Seeing He Yuzhu come in, everyone stood up and said hello to He Yuzhu:
“Mr. He, good!”
He Yuzhu said helplessly:
“Hello, comrades, well, it’s like this every time, sit down, let’s start!”
This is not a child, it used to beThey are all high-ranking officials, so they all agree with what He Yuzhu explains every time. He Yuzhu didn’t want his past life to come to the present, He Yuzhu said:
“Today we are explaining the core of urban management!
I know that you all used to be in various positions and experts in different industries.
But what I’m explaining today may be different from what you’ve explained before.
What’s different, how is the city managed?
In fact, if anyone comes up to explain this, it means that it takes three days and three nights to finish it! ”
He Yuzhu’s voice just fell, and everyone laughed.
Yes, as managing a city, it means that it is impossible to say for three days and three nights.
He Yuzhu said:
“But what I’m about to say is actually not much, and you need to understand the rest.
Urban management, in my opinion, is just a few words, that is, most of the basic future.
What does this mean?
The majority, then it is to protect the core interests of the majority.
What is the majority, the majority is the masses and the masses.
If your suggestions and ideas are beneficial to most people…  
Then it is biased towards the majority of the common people and the masses.
Why do I say biased?
Because I said this separately.
I’ll talk about other things later.
Now, let’s talk about the basics, what is the basics, the basics are the basic sources.
What that is, that is to live, no matter who it is, make sure that they live.
Only by living can there be hope, only the future, and only variables.
A lot of people manage it just for what they think and what they think.
As the manager of a city and a place, your purpose is not for others, but for responsibility.
Not for how to get promoted, but for the people under the rule, whether they can live and whether they can live well.
Of course, you can’t just do nothing in order to live a good life.
That’s the future I’m talking about.
You should also think about the future. I talked to you about environmental issues, pollution issues, and education issues before.
This is a question that has been explored for a long time, which is what I call the future.
In the future, how to judge, that is something you need to consider in the future.
I have a paradox here.
On a normal train track, there is an accident ahead. If the train still follows the original route, it will definitely crash. There were more than 200 people on the train.
On the other road, the train had nothing to do in the past, but if the 0.6 train changed lanes, all five people on the track would be killed.
And these five people are all highly educated elites.
If you choose, you choose not to let the train track change track.
Do you sacrifice five people and save 200 people, or sacrifice 200 people and save five people.
Are you sacrificing ordinary people or these five elites?
Think about it, in fact, there is no fundamental answer to this question, nor is there a correct answer.
Any answer can be said in the past, and it can be justified.
However, I hope you don’t dwell on this issue, but think about most of the basic future.
In the future management, how will you solve this?
Alright, that’s it for today’s class, we’ll continue tomorrow!
Chapter 594: Why can’t I go to the countryside [Subscribe]
One of them stood up and asked He Yuzhu:
“Mr. He, what is your choice?”
He Yuzhu said:
“It depends on what, if it is now, I choose to sacrifice those two hundred people.
But if it is the future, I choose to sacrifice those five people.

462 Chapter 462
As for why?
Think about it for yourself! ”
Everyone looked at He Yuzhu in confusion and left.
Everyone doesn’t know why He Yuzhu said that.
Does this have anything to do with time?
And He Yuzhu wouldn’t tell them that now, there are too few talented people, and this country needs talented people.
In the future, with the popularization of education, the future of the five elites can be sacrificed.
No matter when, how you choose, or not, someone has to sacrifice.
Then, as a person who chooses, we must consider the maximization of interests.
Of course, He Yuzhu will not talk about it. You must know that the current He Yuzhu is not a Virgin.
But it is a decisive person, which is incomparable to the original silly column.
And after He Yuzhu said this, he left for 16T. Right after He Yuzhu left, everyone started talking about what He Yuzhu had just said.
“I think there are two hundred people on the fire truck!”
“Wrong, originally the train was running normally, there was nothing wrong with the five people, why did the five people die!”
“Five and two hundred, why do you have to choose?”
“That’s not necessarily true. Those five people are elites who can contribute more to the country!”
“Then why don’t you know that there are no elites among the two hundred people on the train!”
“You are making excuses!”
“You’re a mess!”
Director Yang shook his head and left here. After all, this is not where he is staying.
He Yuzhu is simply too bad, leaving such questions every time, making these people quarrel endlessly.
Is it He Yuzhu’s problem?
Yes, He Yuzhu did it on purpose. If there is no such problem, these people still don’t know what to do.What the hell happened.
After all, people’s minds change. Here, with such good conditions, it’s hard to guarantee that no one will be moved.
So He Yuzhu would come up with new questions every time, and then say something ambiguous, so that these people would quarrel for a long time. After He Yuzhu left, he drove away.
In this way, half a month has passed. On this day, He Yuzhu drove his aunt and old lady into the courtyard.
Looking at the courtyard, He Yuzhu complained:
“Big Mom, Grandma, why are you doing this? Why don’t you stay at my house for a few more days?”
– Aunt said:
“Zhuzi, we have been here for a long time, Qingxue, Qiuye, Qiu Nan’s parents have all left.
What are we still waiting for! ”
He Yuzhu said with a wry smile:
“Cheng, isn’t this sent back to you?”
As soon as she entered the compound, she saw Qin Huairu watching the three at the door.
The eldest mother doesn’t like Qin Huairu either. Without Qin Huairu, the uncle would not be like this.
Although Yi Zhonghai’s mind sank a little, but without Qin Huairu’s provocation, Yi Zhonghai would never have been able to report He Yuzhu.
So the aunt ignored Qin Huairu’s pitiful expression.
The old lady even pretended not to see. He Yuzhu just jumped out of the fire pit, and she didn’t want He Yuzhu to go in again.
So the old lady pretended not to see.
He Yuzhu even knows how high Qin Huairu’s rank is as time goes by.
Every time, Qin Huairu did everything, but every time Qin Huairu was able to get out of it.
But this time, no one helped Qin Huairu to charge, so He Yuzhu wanted to see what Qin Huairu did this time.
But He Yuzhu wouldn’t talk first. He Yuzhu knew that as long as he showed a gesture of forgiving Qin Huairu, Qin Huairu would stick it on like a dog skin plaster.
So He Yuzhu didn’t say a word to Qin Huairu, but said to the aunt:
“Big Mom, let’s go and send it back to the old lady!”
The aunt nodded and saw that He Yuzhu did not speak, Qin Huairu said:
“Auntie, Happy New Year, I’m here to greet you!”
“Old lady, Happy New Year, I’m here to greet you too, I wish you good health!”
He Yuzhu saw Qin Huairu say this, and then said lightly:
“Sister-in-law, Happy New Year!”
Ge, sister-in-law? What the hell, wasn’t it all Sister Qin before?
Although Qin Huairu knew this, she still said:
“Zhuzi, you and I are still so polite. If a sister-in-law is not a sister-in-law, just call me Sister Qin as before!”
He Yuzhu raised his hand:
“Sister-in-law, I used to be ignorant, you have nothing to do with me, you are my brother Jia’s wife.
Brother Jia has been my neighbor for many years, so it’s not wrong to call you sister-in-law whether Brother Jia is here or not.
When I called you Sister Qin before, it was because I was ignorant. Don’t take it to heart, if you feel uncomfortable.
I apologize to you! ”
Hearing He Yuzhu’s words, Qin Huairu knew that it was impossible for him to be with He Yuzhu.
Qin Huairu said to He Yuzhu:
“In this case, your brother Jia’s son is going to the countryside next year, and this is the only child of your brother Jia.
You can help me find a job 557. As long as there is a job, Bangjie will be fine.
You also know how hard the countryside is. If something happens, will you be worthy of your dead brother Jia? ”
He Yuzhu said coldly:
“Yes, you don’t need to press me with dead people, what happened to Brother Jia’s only son?
My only sister is still in the countryside?
What happened to the countryside?
Going to the countryside is the call of the country, but I don’t think your ideological awareness is enough.
You said that you came from a rural area, so how come you have such a low level of consciousness?
You should be arrested and reformed. Your thinking is wrong.
No, I have to go to the community with me, and I have to clean up your dirty mind! ”
Hearing He Yuzhu’s words, Qin Huairu was shocked. How could this be? Qin Huairu knew how crazy those people were. If you are entangled by those people, then you will not have time to help Bang Terrier find a job.
It doesn’t matter now, the most important thing is to find a job for Bang Tei.
Qin Huairu said bitterly:
“If you don’t look for it, you won’t look for it. What are you talking about?
Hmph, what a white-eyed wolf, I was so kind to you in vain! ”
After speaking, Qin Huairu ran away. If you don’t run, you can’t do it. Now that He Yuzhu’s status, someone will believe it. By then, she will really be doomed! .
Chapter 595: Awakening in Liu Hai [Subscribe]
Looking at Qin Huairu who ran away, He Yuzhu really wanted to ask Qin Huairu who was kind to whom before. But as soon as this idea came out, it was suppressed by He Yuzhu, because He Yuzhu knew.
If he really broke up with Qin Huairu about this, then Qin Huairu would definitely stick to it.
How could it be possible for her to come up with something that she managed to get rid of.
It’s about finding a job. If it’s someone else, He Yuzhu can do it with his mouth open.
But He Yuzhu knew that if he found a job for him, he would definitely be implicated.
and even have an inch,
So He Yuzhu didn’t want to arrange work for Bang Terri.
As Qin Huairu said, arranging work for others is a matter of He Yuzhu’s words. But it was this sentence that He Yuzhu didn’t want to say.
Looking at Qin Huairu who is away,
He Yuzhu continued to enter the courtyard and sent the old lady back to the room.
The old lady sat down and said to He Yuzhu:
“Zhuzi, I also heard what Qin Huairu said just now. That boy Bangjie doesn’t know how to be grateful. If you really arrange a job for him, you will be the one who will be unlucky in the future.
Since that kid came back last time, he has been more thoughtful, I can see it.
This kid is so bad, don’t be soft-hearted, other people’s children can go to the countryside. Why can’t their child be, and he is not a prince or aristocrat! ” When I heard the old lady’s words, my aunt helped me:
“Old lady, all the sons of the princes and nobles have gone to the countryside now, not to mention the former princes and nobles. Even the sons of the current generals and officials have to go to the countryside when they should go to the countryside!”
The old lady nodded:
“Yes, don’t be confused!”
He Yuzhu smiled and said:
“You know, grandma, didn’t you listen to what I said just now? Even my own sisters have gone to the countryside. Not to mention his son, if she can find a job for Bang Terri, that’s his ability. But if he can’t find it, I won’t help her, anyway, their family’s affairs have nothing to do with me. I won’t care about their family’s affairs’Y”
– The aunt and the old lady nodded. The old lady was:
“Fortunately, Lao Yi is not here!”
The aunt naturally knew what the old lady said. If Yi Zhonghai was here, she would definitely ask He Yuzhu to help Qin Huairu in a didactic tone.
The aunt did not speak, and He Yuzhu changed the subject:
“Okay, let me help you clean up the house, you stay here and take a break!”
– Auntie said:
“Pillar, take a rest, I’ll come!”
He Yuzhu waved his hand:
“No, you can accompany grandma. Grandma is old and can’t live without people around her!”
He Yuzhu is very clear that the old lady’s body is much better now than before.
He Yuzhu said so, naturally he didn’t want others to see his game space.
Just as He Yuzhu was cleaning up the room, He Yuzhu secretly put back all the things that he had put away before.
After cleaning up the room for the old lady and the aunt, He Yuzhu cooked food for them before going back.
“Grandma, I’ll go back first. If you have anything, just press this, and I’ll come here as quickly as possible!”
He Yuzhu gave the old lady a call for help, but did not give the old lady a mobile phone.
Because He Yuzhu knew that if it was all right, the old lady would never send a message to herself no matter how lonely she was.
Unless it is a last resort.
The old lady asked very curiously:
“Pillar, can you really press this?”
He Yuzhu nodded:
“Of course, how could I lie to you, don’t worry, as long as you press this, I will definitely have the fastest speed to see you!”

463 Chapter 463
The old lady nodded excitedly, He Yuzhu explained it, and then left.
At this moment, Liu Haizhong came out:
“Director He!”
He Yuzhu stopped and looked at the bangs. Since the last time he had a stroke in the bangs, the rolling mill did not want the bangs.
After a short period of thought, Liu Haizhong knew that no matter how powerful he was, he couldn’t defeat He Yuzhu.
Moreover, He Yuzhu is now the director of the steel rolling mill. Although he is only an agent, he can become a regular early and late, and it is impossible to say when he will become a regular. Therefore, Liu Haizhong does not plan to suppress He Yuzhu. Since the last incident, Liu Haizhong’s identity as the second uncle is gone.
Yan Bugui originally became the second uncle, but now Yan Bugui has been beaten into a ninth ninth.
Now sweeping the streets, the identity of the third master Yan Bugui is gone.
As for the uncle Yi Zhonghai, he is still in prison, so there are no three uncles in the compound anymore.
But since there are no three uncles, Qin Huairu’s family is no longer a monster, and the others in the compound are also very calm. And He Yuzhu can hear these people say several times:
“?9 Since there are no three uncles, the whole compound has been quiet a lot, and everyone can go home and rest.
Unlike before, when I got back from work, I had to have a small meeting every two days and a general meeting every three days. The trivial matters had to be put on the line, held at a meeting, and discussed and discussed. In the end, it didn’t matter, so now the whole compound likes the way it is now.
He Yuzhu looked at Liu Haizhong, and through his powerful perception, He Yuzhu also knew that Liu Haizhong was no longer hostile to him.
So He Yuzhu stopped and asked Liu Haizhong:
“whats the matter? ”
Liu Haizhong said:
“Director He, I’m sorry, I know I’m wrong, but I know it’s too late to apologize now.
I deserve what I’m doing now. Although I’m better now, I also want to ask Director He.
My two sons, Liu Guangtian (Li Li Zhao) and Liu Guangfu are still at home doing nothing.
I think you can arrange it, Director He, to find a job, even if it is to sweep the streets, you can’t keep messing around every day!
Director He, I know this is a bit too much, but I can’t help it, I have no way to do it.
Director He, for your neighbor’s sake, help! ”
He Yuzhu asked curiously:
“Liu Haizhong, aren’t your two sons both black soldiers now? Why do you still say that?”
Liu Haizhong sighed and said:
“Such wicked things can’t be done for long, so I just want them two to have a job of keeping themselves safe!”He Yuzhu looked at Liu Haizhong unexpectedly, knowing that he hadn’t had contact with this compound for a long time.
But I know that this bangs can’t be like this.
What is going on now, and what Liu Haizhong said is true… pretending to be.
Chapter Five Hundred and Ninety Six: Place Intellectuals 【Subscription】
He Yuzhu looked at Liu Haizhong, the power of his mind was activated, and found that Liu Haizhong had really changed.
It’s not the bangs in the bangs whose father is unkind and unfilial to his son.
And he sincerely repented, but He Yuzhu didn’t know what happened to Liu Haizhong?
Ducheng’s bangs at this time really thought about it.
What He Yuzhu didn’t know was that Liu Haizhong’s eldest son, Liu Guangqi, never came back after the separation.
You must know that Liu Haizhong is very kind to his eldest son.
As for the second and third sons, they were either beaten or scolded.
Now that the second and third sons have some money, Liu Haizhong knows if he doesn’t fix it.
The second and third sons would definitely not like to see them either.
So Liu Haizhong found He Yuzhu and planned to arrange a job for his two sons.
Liu Haizhong knew that there would be no ending if he came, but no matter what, he had to try it himself.
In the past, Liu Haizhong offended many people, but he really didn’t have any friends.
But for his own retirement, Liu Haizhong also had to try it.
Although He Yuzhu didn’t know, but in the face of Liu Haizhong’s sincere repentance, He Yuzhu would not hold on to it.
Just like Qin Huairu, every time she was pitiful, she even said to He Yuzhu with a smile.
557 But He Yuzhu could easily feel Qin Huairu’s malice towards He Yuzhu.
This is also the main reason why He Yuzhu ignored Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu.
He Yuzhu nodded:
“Cheng, Na Jiayou and Director Wang, let the neighborhood committee arrange a job.
As for whether your two sons can do it, that’s up to you! ”
He Yuzhu knew that as long as he said it himself, the neighborhood committee would definitely arrange some work.
After all, people are still needed to sweep the streets and clean up the sanitation. Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu are also two labors. Moreover, most of the people are not doing their jobs right now, and work is still very well arranged.
After a large number of educated youths came back in a few years, it was difficult to arrange work.
At that time, people will snatch the work of sweeping the streets.
Not now.
Hearing He Yuzhu’s words, Liu Haizhong bowed again and again:
“Thank you, Director He, thank you, thank you so much!”
He Yuzhu waved his hand:
“Okay, if you thank me, take care of the old lady and aunt in the compound. (bgag)
You don’t need to take care of your meals, you just don’t see any problems! ”
He Yuzhu knows how difficult it is to obtain external resources now.
Now it’s hard to buy tickets even if you have them. At this time, money and tickets are not important anymore.
Many people have also learned to master, and they are all bartering, whether it is money or tickets, they all have to wait in line.
If you are in the queue, you are lucky. If you can’t, then wait for tomorrow.
So He Yuzhu didn’t plan to let Liu Haizhong manage the food of the old lady and the aunt.
And there are countless resources in He Yuzhu’s game space, so He Yuzhu doesn’t care about materials at all.
In this world, if anyone is short of supplies, He Yuzhu will not be short.
But He Yuzhu doesn’t want to take it out now. At the beginning, He Yuzhu might think about changing the world.
But He Yuzhu found out that he was wrong. He came to this world and only changed the fate of a few people.
But there is still no way to change the big trend, how it happened or how it happened.
And many things happened, so that He Yuzhu did not have the same thoughts as before.
Now He Yuzhu sometimes thinks about the thoughts when he first crossed over, and He Yuzhu wants to laugh.
Although He Yuzhu now lacks everything, the whole environment still affects He Yuzhu.
Now He Yuzhu is more and more like the people of this era, and he no longer has the compassionate mentality that he had at the beginning.
After coming over, He Yuzhu found out that Yi Zhonghai found that he couldn’t control himself, and even wanted to destroy himself. This matter, He Yuzhu found that in this era, it is really sad. But this is not to blame for He Yuzhu. If He Yuzhu was not in this environment, it might be different.
But He Yuzhu’s background, although several big leaders appreciate He Yuzhu.
But the current big leaders are also unable to protect themselves, so what kind of mentality can He Yuzhu and a group of people who are calculating every day to survive?
As for why He Yuzhu didn’t kill the people in this compound, He Yuzhu knew that although these people calculated this, they calculated that.
But it’s all for one’s own sake. It’s selfish to say it badly, and it’s for life if it’s nicer to say it.
Yes, just to live, is this wrong?
That’s right, so under normal circumstances, as long as it doesn’t affect He Yuzhu, He Yuzhu won’t shoot.
It’s just that He Yuzhu will be the same as watching a movie. Watching these people is the same as the clown jumping on the beam.
Laugh at all kinds of life.
As for people like Liu Haizhong, He Yuzhu would not kill them all, so He Yuzhu still talked to Director Wang.
It’s just a matter of one sentence. With He Yuzhu’s current status, Director Wang is still willing to give He Yuzhu this face.
After all, in the entire imperial capital, there is only steel rolling.The factory can still feed people.
Given this favor to He Yuzhu, it will be much more convenient to find He Yuzhu to do things in the future.
Anyway, this job also needs people, and it is given to anyone. Besides, people are still not found for sweeping the streets and cleaning public toilets.
Now that He Yuzhu has found someone, Director Wang is quite happy.
Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu were hired by Liu Haizhong.
What Liu Haizhong didn’t know was that because of this, the two brothers Liu Guangtian were very grateful to Liu Haizhong.
Although Liu Haizhong had no children and grandchildren under the knees of Chenghuan in the late years, there were some people who died in old age.
Of course, this is another story. He Yuzhu finished the bangs.
He didn’t take it seriously either. He continued to go to the rolling mill to deal with the rolling mill’s affairs, and then privately set up the laboratory.
And secretly began to cultivate elite engineers and technical jobs among the employees in the rolling mill.
And continue to guide these people to continuously upgrade the machine tool.
In this way, He Yuzhu is also slowly cultivating talents.
And these people that He Yuzhu cultivated did not treat them badly.
The grains are all refined grains such as rice and white flour, the vegetables are all kinds of fresh vegetables, and there are all kinds of meat, pork, beef, mutton, chicken, duck, fish and so on. And everyone knows the situation of the whole country, so they are more grateful to He Yuzhu, and cherish this opportunity very much.
These people also connected their families underground and lived a life of isolation.
As for why this is done, it is because?.??.??
Chapter five hundred and ninety-seven: Qin Huairu slapped the stick [Subscribe]
That’s because living here is better than living outside. Not only can you eat well here, but you can also eat well.
Outside, you need to be hungry, and He Yuzhu is not short of this.
Anyway, it’s gone after eating here, no matter how many people there are, just feed them enough.
My own small world is bigger than the earth, and I completely control this game world.
The people who live here eat everything from the game world, which contains spiritual energy.
The longer they live here, the better the health of these people.
Of course, this is a subtle change, not something that can be changed overnight.
So He Yuzhu didn’t feel bad about what these people ate.
And the people who are full will study wholeheartedly and do experiments.
However, the foundation of these people is too poor. He Yuzhu sent more than a dozen bionic robots in to serve as teachers for these people.
The entire underground city was very happy. At the beginning, there were people who were unwilling to go out. Later, I wanted these people to go out, but these people were unwilling to go out.
The people who come in here are all people, they are all bad ingredients, they are all naughty old ninths, if they go out, they will be looked down upon by others, and they will even be taken out to fight. Moreover, the people here are all knowledgeable people, and the sparks of wisdom are constantly colliding here.
One by one, the results appeared in the hands of these people, and He Yuzhu also collected the results of these people.
Then after deduction, it was transmitted to Ziwei’s server, increasing the background of Ziwei.

464 Chapter 464
Of course, only He Yuzhu knew about these things, and even Director Yang didn’t know what was going on inside.
On this day, Director Yang asked He Yuzhu:
“By the way, what happened to those people who entered the place you said?”
He Yuzhu smiled and said:
“I’m used to it. Now I’m doing various experiments in it!”
Director Yang sighed and said:
“These are the future of our country!”
He Yuzhu nodded:
“Not bad, but now…”
Director Yang stopped talking, because Director Yang knew that the current behavior of the country is breaking the foundation of the country.
But fortunately, there are many people who have dedicated themselves to this country one after another.
Because peace does not come easily.
Director Yang stopped talking, and then asked He Yuzhu:
“You really don’t care about Qin Huairu’s affairs. He has come to us several times to find him, and he has made trouble several times.
Said he was willing to give up his place to his son! ”
After hearing the words of Director Yang, He Yuzhu said:
“She didn’t retire and she didn’t die, how could she do whatever she wanted?
Does she think this factory belongs to them? ”
Director Yang said:
“That’s right, you can handle this matter, anyway, it’s discontinued now!”
He Yuzhu smiled slightly, but did not speak.
Yes, on the surface, production has been discontinued, but there are several workshops in He Yuzhu’s rolling mill that secretly provide various materials to the military.
Of course, this is top secret, even if no one else knows about it.
But He Yuzhu wouldn’t say it either. After all, if it were spread out, then it wouldn’t be ordinary people, but various agents.
He Yuzhu said:
“Director Yang, it’s okay, you all study hard, I believe the future will be better!”
Director Yang nodded:
“I know, but for this matter, I would have to thank you at the time, if it wasn’t for you, hey…
I don’t even know what’s going on! ”
Director Yang also knew that the shutdown of the rolling mill had nothing to do with He Yuzhu. It was not a technical issue, let alone a management issue.
He Yuzhu said:
“Hey, Director Yang, what are you talking about? If it wasn’t for your promotion, I would still be a cook now.”
Director Yang is now very fortunate that he discovered He Yuzhu.
Because Director Yang knew that heA few comrades in arms were unlucky, and before they had time to protect them, they were killed by their opponents.
After the two discussed it for a while, He Yuzhu left here, went to the place where everyone was farming, watched everyone working, and left here without saying anything. These people are farming here, and that is the smoke bomb that He Yuzhu released.
This is something that I negotiated with General Lan. If it really stops production, then the rolling mill will not be able to produce what they need for the military.
He Yuzhu left here, and besides the rolling mill, when he just went out, he saw Qin Huairu waiting for He Yuzhu at the door with a stick.
?… ask for flowers 0…
The two knelt in front of He Yuzhu’s car directly at the gate of the rolling mill.
He Yuzhu got out of the car and looked at Qin Huairu, and said sharply to Qin Huairu:
“Qin Huairu, what do you want to do?”
Qin Huairu cried very pitifully:
“Director He, please, please help us, I really can’t let the stickman go to the countryside.
I beg you! ”
He Yuzhu said coldly:
“Qin Huairu, you know what’s going on in the rolling mill now, not to mention the stickman, I don’t even want the employees of other rolling mills. You know that the rolling mill doesn’t have a penny every day, and it consumes a lot of money. food.
Although the food is not good, it is still consumed. I can’t be for your son.
If you let other people starve to death, you think it’s okay to be alone, I opened an opening for you, what should I do if everyone else comes to find me? Come on, you don’t have to pretend to be pitiful with me here, I won’t want it, let’s go! ”
Originally, the reluctant stickman was very angry when he heard He Yuzhu’s words:
“Silly Zhu, you weren’t like this before, and it was because of you that I went to the juvenile detention center.
Now because I went to the juvenile management center, no unit wants me. It’s your fault. You must arrange a job for me. Otherwise I want you to look good! ”
He Yuzhu heard what Bang Terri said, He Yuzhu said:
“A white-eyed wolf is a white-eyed wolf, just like you, I don’t care if you die!”
Qin Huairu didn’t expect that her son would say so, in fact Qin Huairu thought so too.
But the smart Qin Huairu knew that she couldn’t say that, because He Yuzhu’s current status was not something she could handle. Qin Huairu reprimanded the stick:
“Bang Terrier! What nonsense are you talking about, how can you say that?”
Stick Terrier said loudly:
“It was!”
Qin Huairu looked at her son and was very annoyed. She was so smart, how could she give birth to such a stupid son. Snapped!
Qin Huairu slapped Bang Terri.
“Apologize to Uncle He!”
Bang Terri looked at Qin Huairu resentfully:
“You dare to beat me, you beat me for a fool, you are not my mother!” Six?
Chapter 598: Mu Qingxue is pregnant [Subscribe]
After speaking, Bang Terri pushed Qin Huairu away, and then ran away.
Qin Huairu was about to chase, but thinking of He Yuzhu, she gritted her teeth and did not chase.
He Yuzhu looked at Qin Huairu lightly, and then said:
“Qin Huairu, if you don’t chase after him, that white-eyed wolf will be on the cusp of a bull’s horn, and he will probably do other irrational things by himself!” Qin Huairu was taken aback when he heard He Yuzhu’s words. After all, he is doing so much for himself. of these children. Especially the stick, if something happens to the stick, what’s the point of doing so much by yourself? Therefore, Qin Huairu stood up and looked at He Yuzhu angrily, and He Yuzhu looked at Qin Huairu’s eyes.
Just know that this family is still the same as before, and they don’t know how to repent at all.
He Yuzhu didn’t look at Qin Huairu, but turned and left, looking at the decisive He Yu “five five seven” column, Qin Huairu ran in the direction of the stick. He Yuzhu left in a car.
He ignored Qin Huairu at all. As for Qin Huairu’s life and death, it had nothing to do with He Yuzhu.
Even if he died, He Yuzhu’s heart wouldn’t even move.
In the mansion, Mu Qingxue asked He Yuzhu what happened at the door today, because the news had already spread in the rolling mill.
After He Yuzhu finished speaking, Mu Qingxue said:
“It’s shameless!”
He Yuzhu said:
“Hmph, in fact, this matter is really easy for me, but at Qin Huairu’s house, I don’t want to have any contact with them. What I regret most now is why I am in that courtyard.
It’s really a white-eyed wolf, I don’t even know what to say, it’s the same as dog skin plaster! ”
Mu Qingxue also knew how good He Yuzhu was to Qin Huairu and their family before, but Qin Huairu treated He Yuzhu like this.
It also made Mu Qingxue unhappy.
Even the kind-hearted Ding Qiunan thinks this family is not good.
Ding Qiunan:
“Just don’t interact with their family in the future!”
He Yuzhu nodded:
“En, I have so many things in a day now, how could I have anything to do with their family!”
The three girls all nodded, Ran Qiuye said:
“Okay, don’t think about it too much, we can just live our own lives. When are we going to be so bad now!” The three girls were silent, and He Yuzhu said:
“No matter what, we just need to keep a low profile!”
The three girls also nodded.
In addition to supplying various materials to the rolling mill every day, He Yuzhu accompanies the three daughters at home.
A month later, Mu Qingxue’s cultivation finally broke through the second rank, and she became pregnant.
The three girls surrounded Mu Qingxue, Ran QiuIp man:
“Brother Zhuzi, why is Sister Qingxue pregnant? Qiu Nan and I are not!”
Ding Qiunan’s face was flushed, but he was looking at He Yuzhu at the time.
He Yuzhu said:
“I’ve explained it to you many times, it’s because of our cultivation, if you break through the realm of transforming energy.
You can only get pregnant when you enter a new level. Otherwise, it is impossible for you to get pregnant. ”
Knowing this time, the two girls began to practice even more frantically.
Here, He Yuzhu writes, draws, plays the piano with the three daughters every day, and even He Yuzhu makes some other small toys.
And Ran Qiuye and Ding Qiunan also started their crazy training. Fortunately, He Yuzhu has a lot of resources.
Otherwise, according to the situation of the two women, the practice would have been abandoned long ago.
However, under the care of He Yuzhu, the cultivation of the two girls skyrocketed.
Ran Qiuye has also entered the peak of Huajin, which is the first-order peak, and is practicing the new exercises that He Yuzhu gave her.
As long as you get started, you can enter the second level.
And Ding Qiunan has also entered the peak of dark energy, and it is estimated that it will not be long before he can enter Huajin.
In this way, He Yuzhu not only went to the courtyard to see the old lady every day, or sent supplies to the rolling mill.
He spends most of his time in the mansion.
Half a year has passed.
He Yuzhu looked at Mu Qingxue with a big belly and said:
“Qiu Ye, Qiu Nan, I’m going to see grandma, take good care of Qingxue at home!”
Ran Qiuye and Ding Qiunan nodded, then:
“Go, now all the people outside are mobilized to go to the countryside!”
He Yuzhu said:
“En, I’ve seen it these days!”
Mu Qingxue asked:
“Has Qin Huairu not been looking for you these few days? °
He Yuzhu shook his head:

465 Chapter 465
“No, I went to the courtyard house, and I haven’t seen her for several months. Anyway, I don’t plan to pay attention to her anymore. I didn’t ask, what did she do!”
Hearing He Yuzhu’s words, Ran Qiuye said:
“Okay, then go back quickly and ask grandma if she’s coming!”
He Yuzhu said:
“Okay, I’ll go ask!”
After speaking, He Yuzhu drove away and arrived at the courtyard. He Yuzhu was about to go to the backyard…
I happened to meet the second aunt. The second aunt knew that the work of her two sons was arranged by He Yuzhu, so she said to He Yuzhu:
“Director He, come and see the old lady!”
He Yuzhu also nodded:
“En, second aunt, how is grandma?”
The second aunt said:
“Don’t call me the second aunt, how many times have I said it, our old man is no longer the second uncle!” He Yuzhu said with a smile:
“It’s okay, isn’t this called getting used to it? Besides, what Liu Haizhong does has nothing to do with you.
It’s just a name, it’s alright! By the way, the courtyard has been so quiet these days? The second aunt looked at He Yuzhu and said to He Yuzhu:
“You don’t know yet, do you?”
He Yuzhu was confused:
“what do you know?”
The second aunt said to He Yuzhu:
“Qin Huairu, Qin Huairu and Director Xu of the grain station messed up the relationship between men and women, and were caught.
Isn’t this, is it still a public trial?
Qin Huairu said that Director Xu forced Qin Huairu, while Director Xu said that Qin Huairu seduced Director Xu.
It’s been two months since the trial, and both of them are about to die, and they say 0.6!”
After the second aunt shook her head and sighed, He Yuzhu said:
“Definitely, Director Xu has to say the same even if he dies. If he admits to forcing Qin Huairu, then Director Xu will surely die!”
The second aunt said:
“What about Qin Huairu?”
He Yuzhu said:
“It is estimated that Qin Huairu found Director Xu to arrange work for Bang Geng, but Bang Geng has a criminal record, so Director Xu cannot make arrangements.
Qin Huairu knew, she definitely wanted to kill Director Xu, and she had said it for so long now that Qin Huairu seduced him, and Qin Huairu couldn’t admit it, otherwise Director Xu would not die. Qin Huairu will be dead by then. I said I haven’t seen them for months! ”
The second aunt nodded:
“It turns out that, I said none of them would let go, and everyone in the compound went to see the trial!”.
Chapter 599: He Yuzhu said Qin Huairu [Subscribe]
After hearing the second aunt’s words, He Yuzhu knew why the usually lively compound was no longer in the compound.
He Yuzhu shook his head helplessly, this Qin Huairu thought that everyone was a fool from before.
If you show off your coquettishness, I will do her errands.
But what He Yuzhu didn’t know was that Qin Huairu was doing this for the sake of sticking it out.
She is about to go to the countryside soon, and Bang Teng’s job is still unfinished, so Qin Huairu has no choice.
I happened to meet Director Xu of the grain station, and the two of them worked together. Director Xu wanted Qin Huairu, and Qin Huairu wanted to work.
But Qin Huairu, who Director Xu didn’t know, was so pitiful, and the stickman actually squatted in the juvenile management center.
In this era of looking at identity and background, it is not even as good as black five if you have squatted in a juvenile management center.
How could it be possible to arrange a job? If Director Xu had such great ability, how could he find you a widow.
Qin Huairu found out that Director Xu had accepted her and did not do anything, and then things got worse.
He Yuzhu ignored Qin Huairu, but had a conversation with the second aunt, then left and went to the old lady’s room. The old lady was talking with a 16-year-old mother when she saw He Yuzhu coming.
He Yuzhu asked:
“Grandma, Big Mom, what are you talking about?”
– Aunt replied:”What else can we talk about, let’s talk about Qin Huairu!”
He Yuzhu knew what was going on outside:
“What? What about Qin Huairu’s public trial?”
The aunt sighed and said:
“Yeah, isn’t it? It’s the matter of the public trial, and it is said that Qin Huairu is unlucky.
I actually encountered such a thing! ”
The old lady said:
“It’s not because of their family’s sticks. If they didn’t want sticks to stay in the imperial capital and don’t go to the countryside, this kind of thing wouldn’t happen.
Now that something like this happens, where did that stick terrier go? ”
He Yuzhu snorted coldly:
“Where else can I go? Hide, that little white-eyed wolf from Bang Terri must know about Qin Huairu and think Qin Huairu has embarrassed him.
So I hide for fear that others will know that Qin Huairu is his mother! ”
When the aunt heard He Yuzhu’s words, she couldn’t believe it:
“Zhuzi, can’t you? Although Qin Huairu is disrespectful, she is doing this for the sake of their family’s sticks. The sticks are so big, don’t you know?” He Yuzhu said:
“I know, I definitely know, but the people of the Qin family are so selfish now that they don’t think about others at all.
If their family wasn’t so selfish, it wouldn’t be like this, so be grateful.
It won’t be like this now. How many years have I helped their family? I don’t even mention the eldest mother, you know?
But later on, what did the whole family call me?
How did Qin Huairu do it?
I have something for their house, and they all smile happily.
I didn’t have anything to take back, all of them were noses that were not noses, and faces that were not faces.
Shame on me. What’s more, I want to improve my life a little, but they won’t let me.
Every time they say that I don’t lack that bite. Before, in order to help their family, I hadn’t eaten meat for two years.
But are they grateful? No, I am a little grateful, and I will not ignore their family.
Later, I gradually became a leader. I met many people, and then I realized that Qin Huairu is a lazy person, cheating and cheating, and she taught the white-eyed wolf! “- Aunt said:
“It’s not so, although Qin Huairu doesn’t know how to be grateful, but what you said is delicious and lazy.
Over the years, Qin Huairu has done all the work at home, as well as the washing and repairing of your home! ”
He Yuzhu said:
“Hmph, if I didn’t know someone from the machine repair shop, I really wouldn’t know.
do you know? In the machine repair shop, there is also a widow like Qin Huairu, named Liang Ladi.
Moreover, their family of four children, three boys and one girl, is not as good as Qin Huairu.
But Feng Ju, like Qin Huai Ru, does everything she can to eat for her children.
But if that’s the case, I won’t say anything. But you know what?
That Liang Ladi is a level five welder. I heard that she will be level six soon.
As a fifth-level worker, the salary is 61 yuan, and she also makes clothes for other workers to make extra money.
In this way, I can support my four children, who are all studying.
But as for Qin Huairu, although Qin Huairu has become a regular, she still receives the apprentice’s salary.
It is a first-class worker, and he is thirty-three. How many years has Qin Huairu worked in the rolling mill?
Even if it is a fifth-level worker, or even a third-level worker, it is higher than before me.
Technician upgrades are assessed twice a year. As long as you are skilled, you can be promoted.
So what I said is correct, right? And who is Qin Huairu’s master?
That is Yi Zhonghai, a level 9 fitter. If Qin Huairu spends more time, will he still be paid two + seven yuan?
So it’s not that we don’t have love, it’s that Qin Huairu is used to sucking blood.
Every day in the rolling mill, I was sluggish and didn’t improve my ability well.
When I came back, I stared at the things I brought back in the cafeteria.
Now I still want me to take care of her and her children, and I wanted my house before.
She said that she was waiting for the rain to get married, and asked me to live in my house with sticks.
People like her family, given it to them, can they come back?
Sprinkle on you every day?
And every time the stickman gets into trouble, he puts me in the blame every time, and he never thinks about me at all.
If someone were to pursue it, I would still not be able to do my job, and when I first started, sticking out troubles was all a matter of petty troubles.
I took the blame, but then what did the stickman do, secretly, so he wanted me to take the blame.
If they are prosecuted, I will go to prison. The stick-styling child will be fine, but I am an adult. If they are prosecuted, I will not go to prison and lose my job? Don’t you think about me? If I don’t take the blame, I don’t want to. If I am an adult, I should take the blame.
Why didn’t she take the blame for his son? ”
Hearing He Yuzhu’s words, the aunt fell silent.
Yes, He Yuzhu is right, in today’s society, don’t talk about stealing things from the public.
Even if they steal from their neighbors, adults have to go to jail. This is still petty theft. If the number reaches a certain level, they have to be pulled out to shoot.
Everyone knows this, so what He Yuzhu said is true.
And He Yuzhu can’t lie, so Qin Huairu’s current affairs are all done by himself.
Can’t blame others.
He Yuzhu said:
“Okay, let’s not talk about her, think…”?
Chapter 600: Reopening the Siheyuan Conference 【Subscription】
He Yuzhu said:
“Okay, don’t talkShe thinks that she is weak and she is justified! ”
– Aunt said:
“That’s not what Jia Zhang did. It wasn’t like this when Qin Huairu first came here, but it’s virtuous. From the novel group 9 8 0 2 0 5 8 5 6 (98025856) It’s a virtue~
Otherwise, Yi Zhonghai wouldn’t have helped him like that! ”
He Yuzhu said after hearing what the aunt said:

466 Chapter 466
“Auntie, Yi Zhonghai didn’t even tell me about Rainwater when he received He Daqing’s money?
In fact, old age and other things are quite simple. It is to exchange sincerity for sincerity.
But what did Yi Zhonghai do?
I have the ability to help Qin Huairu, but I don’t do much myself? All for small favors.
Then let me help Qin Huairu. At the beginning, I helped me a lot because of Yi Zhonghai after my father left me and Rain.
I agreed. Anyway, it’s all public goods. Who should give it to?
But then what? Qin Huairu’s appetite is getting bigger and bigger, and the leftovers in the cafeteria are no longer enough.
Every day, she asked me to buy her white noodles, but she didn’t want any coarse grains. She was really used to it. Every time I didn’t give her, Yi Zhonghai would come to me for trouble.
How much money do I have at that time in a month, how much is Yi Zhonghai.
When I resisted a little bit, I used all kinds of morality and righteousness to oppress me.
Later, I started to resist. How did he do it?
Originally, I had already thought about it. I will take care of you and Yi Zhonghai’s retirement in the future.
But what he did later has nothing to do with me. He helped me before, and I paid it back. ”
After He Yuzhu finished speaking, the aunt did not speak, but the aunt still knew that Yi Zhonghai had completely injured He Yuzhu.
But it’s not He Yuzhu’s fault, it’s Yi Zhonghai’s greediness.
He Yuzhu said:
“Okay, let’s not talk about them, it’s like this now anyway, let’s live our lives well!”
The old lady nodded:
“Yes, in fact, Yi Zhonghai is still very good, the old Yi’s wife has been unable to have children for so many years, and she has not divorced yet.
It’s already very good, although I’m a little careful, but…
Hey, confused “!”
He Yuzhu knew that the old lady was talking about Yi Zhonghai’s report.
However, He Yuzhu understands that it is not good to say this now. After all, is the aunt now still Yi Zhonghai’s daughter-in-law?
The old lady also didn’t know about the blackening of Yi Zhonghai.
He Yuzhu said:
“Okay, I’ll cook for you, what would you like to eat, grandma?”
The old lady smiled and said:
“You can eat anything, as long as it’s made of pillars, I love it!”
He Yuzhu smiled slightly:
“Okay, then I’ll go and cook for you!”
After speaking, He Yuzhu went to cook. When He Yuzhu finished cooking, he was eating.
There was a knock on the door, He Yuzhu put down the tableware, opened the door, and saw Yan Bugui.
Yan Bugui saw He Yuzhu and said with a smile:
“Is Director He here too?”
He Yuzhu asked:
“What’s the matter with you?”
He Yuzhu didn’t want to have anything to do with the people in this yard. After all, He Yuzhu couldn’t understand Yan Bugui’s scheming thoughts. For so many years, I haven’t seen their family planning a good life.
The layout is too small, He Yuzhu doesn’t like it.
Yan Bugui said:
“Director He, we want to hold a conference, and we want to come over and invite the aunt and the old lady to attend!”
He Yuzhu said lightly:
“Wait for half an hour. Let’s eat. Grandma is getting old. It’s not good for your health if you don’t eat well!”
Yan Bugui nodded again and again:
“It should be, it should be!”
Now Yan Bugui is much more honest, not the same as before. Since he suffered, he has no longer scrutinized words.
He Yuzhu closed the door and went back.
Yan Bugui waited at the old lady’s house for a while, then sighed and left.
When the aunt saw He Yuzhu coming back, she asked:
“Pillar, what’s wrong?”
He Yuzhu said:
“It’s alright, just let you and grandma go to the meeting, it’s alright, eat first, and then go after eating.
I told them that there will be a meeting in half an hour! ”
The eldest mother was stunned for a moment, and then continued to eat. You must know that the previous meeting was only notified to you. Who is waiting for you, but now…
After the aunt and the old lady had finished eating, He Yuzhu helped the old lady to the middle courtyard.
At this time, many people in the middle court were chatting, and He Yuzhu’s cultivation base could naturally hear:
“What’s going to happen today?”
“How do I know? Now the three uncles are dead in name only, and there is still a meeting!”
“That’s right, it’s really free. If you have this skill, you might as well go to the mountains to catch rabbits!”
“I’m still catching rabbits, and now there’s not even a rabbit’s shadow on the mountain!”
“Ah, are they all caught?”
“Isn’t that true? There is a shortage of supplies everywhere, and you can’t buy them with money!”
He Yuzhu took the old lady to the middle courtyard, then returned home and took out the easy chair.
Then put on a cushion and help the old lady lie down.
The old lady sat on Xiaoyao and was very satisfied with He Yuzhu:
v Grandson is so filial! ”
When everyone saw He Yuzhu’s actions, they all looked at the old lady with envy.
Everyone knows that the old lady selflessly helped He Yuzhu when he was in the most difficult time. Now that He Yuzhu is the factory manager, he is still so filial to the old lady, which is what the old lady deserves. You must know the stupid column before, everyoneNo one can see it.
He Yuzhu asked at this time:
“Okay, are you all here?”
Yan Bugui nodded:
“It’s all here, it’s all here, it’s not my intention to ask everyone to come here today.
I just wanted to convey what the street director, Director Wang, meant.
It’s the matter of Qin Huairu in our compound.
Everyone knows about Qin Huairu. Qin Huairu and Director Xu have their own opinions.
Now there is no evidence. Director Wang wanted me to ask everyone if Qin Huairu could do anything to seduce Director Wang. Bi (Li Li Zhao) is not a one-word court now, everyone speaks freely! ”
The crowd said:
“How do we know about this? If we want to know, we can ask Director He and Uncle!”
“That’s right, our family is poor, and the mice don’t want to come, and Qin Huairu won’t follow our family!”
“That’s right, how do we know about this, and what we know is just hearsay!”
The third master said:
“Okay, I see. If any of you have any opinions, just tell me or Director Wang of the street directly!” After the last incident, the third master obviously doesn’t want to interfere in this matter.
It was one of He Yuzhu’s, Yan Bugui didn’t want to ask, He Yuzhu looked at everyone with a smile.
At this time, everyone did not dare to be as angry with He Yuzhu as before.
The old lady smiled and joked:
“Pillar, don’t you want to say something?”
Chapter 601: Unlucky Director Xu 【Subscription】
He Yuzhu didn’t want to do it again:
“Grandma, you can spare me, I have no relationship with her for two years, what can I say.
This matter is up to the government! ”
When other people heard He Yuzhu’s words, they were very curious. They had to know that at this time, He Yuzhu either fell into trouble or helped Qin Huairu. No one thought of doing so. Yan Bugui said:
“Okay, since there are no comments, I will reply like this!”
No one else spoke. Liu Haizhong knew that although He Yuzhu was not in this compound, there were a lot of people in awe of He Yuzhu.
Whether it is himself or Yi Zhonghai, if he offends He Yuzhu, it will not end well.
So Liu Haizhong didn’t say much.
He Yuzhu ignored the thoughts of these people, but talked to the old lady for a while, sent it back to the old lady and left.
After all, he has a pregnant wife at home.
He Yuzhu went back to take care of his wife.
A few months passed, and Mu Qingxue’s stomach slowly grew.
Ran Qiuye looked at Mu Qingxue with admiration, looked at He Yuzhu where he was lying, and asked He Yuzhu:
“Brother Zhuzi, when will I be able to break through to Tier 2?”
He Yuzhu said:
“Cultivation well, keep your mind calm, you should be fast too!”
And Ding Qiunan originally wanted to go to university, but he knew that He Yuzhu would also be a medical practitioner.
He pestered He Yuzhu to teach him his medical skills. He Yuzhu was so annoyed that there was nothing he could do, so he sorted out his medical skills and taught it to Ding Qiunan.
I didn’t expect Ding Qiunan to see that He Yuzhu would know so many things and no longer think about going to university.
Instead, he studied medicine with He Yuzhu, and knew about traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine, but Ding Qiunan didn’t let him down.
All of them are learning medical skills, knowing that acupuncture and moxibustion uses internal qi, and they are more attentive when practicing.
Unexpectedly, before Ran Qiuye broke through, Ding Qiunan broke through the realm of Hua Jin.
And the speed is still very fast, it has reached the late stage of Hua Jin, otherwise Ran Qiuye would not be so anxious.
The more anxious, the slower the speed of cultivation.
Ding Qiunan also knew this truth. Hearing He Yuzhu’s relief, he had no choice but to adjust his mentality.
Mu Qingxue looked at her two younger sisters and smiled slightly:
“Husband, aren’t you going to see grandma?”
He Yuzhu waved his hand:
“I won’t go today, you said, you asked me to see grandma, and grandma asked me to accompany you.
No, I’ll go and pick it up for grandma tomorrow! ”
Ran Qiuye said:

467 Chapter 467
“That’s good, save you running back and forth every day!”
Ding Qiunan said:
“Yes, otherwise, you are also worried, grandma is getting old!”
He Yuzhu nodded:
“Okay, then I’ll go and pick it up for grandma tomorrow!”
Ran Qiuye asked:
“Aren’t you going to the rolling mill?”
He Yuzhu shook his head:
“No, last time I got supplies for half a month, it’s only five days, and I’ll go and see in about ten days.
Anyway, some people are watching, and they are not afraid of any problems! ”
The three girls all knew what He Yuzhu meant when someone looked at him.
Even with Ziwei watching, the three girls knew it.
Ran Qiuye asked:
“By the way, I went out to buy groceries, and I heard that Qin Huairu was released, but that Director Xu seems to have gone in!” He Yuzhu knew that Qin Huairu won, and that Director Xu, who was unlucky enough, returned to He Yuzhu after hearing Ran Qiuye’s words. Without speaking, I heard Ran Qiuye say:
“That Director Xu is unlucky enough!”
Ding Qiunan asked:
“What’s wrong? ”
Actually, this is just Ding Qiunan cooperating with Ran Qiuye, this has become Ding Qiunan’s habit.
Ran Qiuye said:
“Qiu Nan, you know this, don’t you know Liang Ladi?”
Ding Qiunan nodded:
“I know, the welder in the (bgag) machine repair shop is also a widow., very difficult, what does it have to do with Liang Ladi? ” Ran Qiuye continued to gossip:
“Actually, if Liang Ladi was involved in this matter, he wouldn’t be able to convict Director Xu.
Before Qin Huairu, I heard that the logistics director of the machine repair factory asked Director Xu and Liang Ladi to talk to each other.
That Liang Ladi took Director Xu several times, but he dragged Director Xu.
Once Director Xu couldn’t bear it any longer, so he slapped Liang Ladi.
But I didn’t expect that Liang Ladi’s shoes were covered with steel plates.
He stepped down and smashed Director Xu’s toe! ”
Ding Qiunan nodded:
“I know this, I still bandaged the wound at that time, but Director Xu made a lot of trouble that time.
Liang Ladi had to be fired, but Nan Yi stood up and supported Liang Ladi.
Then this matter, that is, Liang Ladi apologized, and then Liang Ladi stopped contacting Director Xu.
It’s been a long time, how did you find out about this? ”
Ran Qiuye said:
“It was nothing to do at first, but the police started to investigate, Qin Huairu has a bad reputation.
But there is no record of seducing people to bed, but Director Xu has a record of being a hooligan.
Therefore, it was later judged that Director Xu was a hooligan, darling, thirty years.
Director Xu turned 50 this year, so he was already 80 when he came out?
I don’t know if I can come out this time. ”
He Yuzhu was stunned when he heard Ran Qiuye’s words. There is such a thing, in He Yuzhu’s opinion.
Qin Huairu must have taken the initiative in this matter, because Qin Huairu now wants nothing for her son’s work.
Moreover, if Qin Huairu admits this matter, and if it goes wrong, Qin Huairu’s reputation will be bad.
So Qin Huairu couldn’t recognize her even if she died.
It turned out to be the case, and it was the unlucky Director Xu that the flies didn’t bite the eggs, so He Yuzhu didn’t say anything.
He didn’t even think about getting rid of that Director Xu.
Mu Qingxue asked playfully:
“Husband, don’t you want to say something?”
He Yuzhu pretended to be stupid and asked:
“what did I say? ”
Mu Qingxue said?
: Then Qin Huairu was with you recently. What are you talking about? ”
He Yuzhu said:
“Do you think I would like a widow? I know so many things. At the beginning, I saw Qin Huairu’s low income. If I didn’t help, I would starve to death for two children. So I did it, but I didn’t expect it. , their family made me a big head.
Later, I had several blind dates, and Qin Huairu used the same method to confuse me.
At first, I was very angry. Although I didn’t have any feelings for them, this matter was too inauthentic.
Later, when Qin Huairu’s salary came up, I ignored her family! ”
Ran Qiuye asked curiously:
“any solution?”?
Chapter 602: Information from He Yuyu [Subscribe]
He Yuzhu said lightly;
“You have to ask your sister Qingxue about this. Qin Huairu used it once when I had a wedding with your sister Qingxue!”
Ran Qiuye asked:
“Sister Qingxue, what is the way to make Brother Zhuzi so disgusted?”
Ding Qiunan also looked at Mu Qingxue.
Mu Qingxue rubbed her stomach, and then had a happy memory on her face:
“Haha, you definitely can’t think of it, but now that I hear my husband say that, Qin Huairu- is really too much.
But thinking about it carefully, I am grateful to Qin Huairu. Otherwise, husband, have you been married long ago? ”
Hearing Mu Qingxue’s words, Ran Qiuye became even more curious:
“Sister Yiyi, don’t feel emotional for now, hurry up and talk about what’s going on?”
Mu Qingxue rolled her eyes;
“You, didn’t I tell you all about it? It was when I got married, that Qin Huairu went over with her husband’s panties, and after saying anything, she wouldn’t patch up the panties for the fool. Angry, but thinking about the power of the post, how can something bad be worn.
It must be her tactic. Later, after asking her husband, she found out that Qin Huairu had used this tactic several times.
Every time her husband asks for it, she doesn’t give it, and she acts like a rogue, asking her husband to eat a lot.
Later, her husband stopped asking for it, but as long as her husband had a blind date, Qin Huairu would do it.
Then the blind date will fail. If it is another woman, the person who hears the blind date asks other women to wash their panties.
What will you do? ”
Ran Qiuye said:
“So Qin Huairu is so bad?”
He Yuzhu did not speak, Mu Qingxue said;
“This is the way of life for little people. But it doesn’t matter, this matter is over!”
He Yuzhu said:
“Yes, it’s good to have you now. Now I have nothing to do at home with you, and then read a book and teach you a few, it’s good!”
As soon as He Yuzhu finished speaking, the three girls stopped talking.
Before, I only knew that He Yuzhu was powerful, but after getting along with He Yuzhu for a while, I realized how powerful He Yuzhu was.
Here in He Yuzhu, there seems to be nothing that he can’t solve.
It’s women’s products. He Yuzhu can get them. You must know that there is no such thing on the market.
But He Yuzhu can make it himself for the three girls to use.
Now the three girls feel very happy, and He Yuzhu will handle everything properly for the three girls.
He is such an omnipotent person who can only accompany the three girls at home. In the eyes of the three girls, such a manPeople should be fighting the sky. But now, I can only stay at home. The three girls also know that this is a waste, but there is no other way.
In the current situation, no matter how capable you are, there is no place to use it.
Therefore, the three girls felt very distressed for He Yuzhu, and He Yuzhu naturally knew what the three girls thought.
“Okay, don’t think about it too much, I used to be away from home every day, so I couldn’t accompany you well.
How good it is now, I’ll be with you at home, besides, it’s not the way to go on like this, this matter will be resolved sooner or later! ”
Mu Qingxue said:
“What are you going to solve? Everyone’s crazy now, I’m almost starving to death!”
He Yuzhu asked:
“what happened? ”
Mu Qingxue said:
“I heard what Rainwater said, what Rainwater said to report the output now, that’s a falsehood.
The yield per mu is 300 catties, and the abrupt report goes up to 5000 catties.
Now the whole village tightens their belts to live. ”
Ran Qiuye asked:
“Then there’s nothing wrong with the rain, right?”
Mu Qingxue shook her head:
“Because of her husband, Rain and her best friend are fine, but the others are not!”
He Yuzhu said:
“There’s no way, it’s like this right now, just wait two years!”
He Yuzhu knew that this matter would take seven or eight years.
Otherwise, it is impossible!
All the girls were silent, He Yuzhu said:
“Okay, let’s live our lives well, by the way, wait at home, I’ll go see Uncle!”
Mu Qingxue said:
“It’s alright, let’s go. The three of us are alright, but there is really some danger. Don’t you know the current abilities of the three of us?” He Yuzhu said after hearing Mu Qingxue’s words:
“Okay, but, Qingxue, I can tell you that you can’t practice martial arts any more, understand?”
Mu Qingxue was very embarrassed. He Yuzhu saw him practicing martial arts a few days ago, and now He Yuzhu looks at him every day.
?… ask for flowers 0…
Thinking about myself, I’m quite reckless. I’m still pregnant, so I think of dancing well.
He Yuzhu is now spoiled by the three daughters, but He Yuzhu is right, he is not used to it.

468 Chapter 468
Do you want other men to be used to it?
Therefore, He Yuzhu only gave a warning, and did not say much about Mu Qingxue.
Mu Qingxue also regretted:
“Got it, didn’t I forget that? It’s definitely not now!”
He Yuzhu said to Ran Qiuye and Ding Qiunan:
“You two look at it!”
Ran Qiuye said:
“Don’t worry, we will definitely show Sister Qingxue a good look!”
You know, because of this incident, He Yuzhu let Ran Qiuye and Ding Qiunan lie down for a day.
Although he didn’t do it, he let Xiao He Yuzhu show his power and taught Ran Qiuye and Ding Qiunan a good lesson. The two girls don’t dare to let Mu Qingxue practice martial arts now, otherwise, if He Yuzhu does it again, the two girls will probably be killed.
He Yuzhu also knew that Mu Qingxue would not be able to do it, but he still gave her instructions.
Then he left the car. Before leaving, He Yuzhu got some good wine that he brewed in the game world, and some food, put it in the car and set off. When I got to Mr. Guan’s house, I went in with my stuff.
Just as He Yuzhu was about to speak, Mr. Guan’s voice came over:
“Little thief! I’m here, and I know that I brought wine for your uncle, so I won’t blame you for what happened before!”
He Yuzhu naturally knows what Mr. Guan means, isn’t it because he hasn’t come over these days?
Master Guan is angry, He Yuzhu explained:
“Uncle, it’s not my fault, my daughter-in-law is pregnant, and she practiced martial arts at home a few days ago, which scared me.
No way, I taught her a lesson at home for two days!”
Hearing He Yuzhu’s words, Mr. Guan knew that He Yuzhu was stubborn. He took care of him after two days, and taught him a lesson.
But Mr. Guan also knows that people nowadays are all good-natured, and Mr. Guan, who is old and sophisticated, will not stab it. “So that’s it, that’s it, come in, I haven’t eaten the food you made for several days, but I want to die!” Six.
Chapter 603: Qin Huairu asks He Yuzhu again [Subscribe]
He Yuzhu smiled and went to cook for Mr. Guan.
After eating, He Yuzhu said:
“Uncle, you said how good it would be for you to go to my place. If you tell me that, I will be able to cook for you.
You can eat the food I make every day, and I still have a lot of ingredients and good wine, how about it? ” Hearing He Yuzhu’s words, Mr. Guan shook his head:
“Forget it, I won’t go. Whenever you think of your uncle, just come and see me!”
He Yuzhu said helplessly after hearing the words of Uncle Guan:
“That’s it, if you want to come, you can come to my house anytime!”
Master Guan nodded, and after He Yuzhu played chess with Master Guan for a while, he was driven away.
Then Master Guan went out with his chessboard and pieces.
That’s right, Master Guan went to find someone else to find a balance.
“Five Five Seven”
After all, He Yuzhu’s strength in chess is impossible to have an opponent in this world.
So when it comes to abuse, it’s not merciless at all.
After returning home, He Yuzhu was still the same as before.
Early the next morning, He Yuzhu went to the courtyard after cooking the three daughters.
As soon as I arrived at the matching hospital, I saw my aunt was cooking.
After seeing it, He Yuzhu said:
“Big Mom, get up so early? ”
Auntie explained:
“En, the old lady is getting old, so it’s impossible not to eat breakfast, anyway, it’s all the food you brought.
Otherwise, the old lady’s body can’t stand it! ”
He Yuzhu nodded:
“Big Mom, why don’t I do it!”
– Aunt shook her head and refused:
“No, I’m almost done, I’ll send it to the old lady later, by the way, why did you come here today?”
He Yuzhu said:
“That’s it, I came here today to pick you up and the old lady to stay at my house for a while!”
Hearing He Yuzhu’s words, the aunt subconsciously wanted to refuse. Before waiting for the aunt to speak, He Yuzhu said:
“Auntie, as you know, Qingxue is pregnant now, although the rolling mill has no tasks.
But I’m still the director of the rolling mill, where more than 30,000 people still work.
Although I didn’t use my salary, the 30,000-person thing kept me busy for a long time.
Although there are also Ran Qiuye and Ding Qiunan at home, but neither of them understand the pregnancy.
So I want you and grandma to take care of it. Of course, you don’t have to do anything. If you have something to do, you can just tell Qiuye and Qiu Nan to do it. ” Hearing He Yuzhu’s words, the aunt said:
“Since you say that, what is my opinion? It mainly depends on the old lady!”
He Yuzhu said:
“I’ll go and tell my grandma in a while, I guess there should be no problem!”
The aunt nodded, He Yuzhu said:
“I’m going to see if grandma is up?”
– Aunt said:
“I got up early, I’m old, and I can’t sleep for long!”
He Yuzhu nodded:
“That’s it, I’ll go see Grandma!”
– Aunt:
“Go, I’ll go after breakfast!”
After He Yuzhu and the aunt said goodbye, they left and walked towards the backyard.
Just as He Yuzhu entered the backyard, he heard Qin Huairu’s voice:
“Old lady, I beg you, please help me, you are the ancestor of this compound.
Zhuzi will definitely listen to what you say. As long as I can help our family with arranging work, I can do anything. From now on, I will serve you every day, okay? “The old lady’s words came over:
“What did you say? I can’t hear it!”
Qin Huairu:
“Ancestor, I beg you!”
Old lady:
“What? Are there candy balls? Where did they come from? I haven’t eaten candy for a long time.
The pillar didn’t let me eat it, saying that if I eat it again, the last two teeth will be gone! ”
Qin Huairu was very helpless. He Yuzhu didn’t want Qin Huairu to disturb the old lady like this, so he strode over, entered the room, and saw Qin Huairu kneeling on the ground. The old lady sat helplessly on the kang.
He Yuzhu scolded:
“Qin Huairu, what are you doing here?”
Hearing He Yuzhu’s words, Qin Huairu was very excited:
“Pillar, pillar, you are finally here, I beg you, I beg you, just help Bangjie.
Now that Bang Terri looks like this, I’m afraid he won’t be able to come back when he gets to the countryside! ”
He Yuzhu said coldly:
“Nonsense, the countryside is a little harder, but it’s not a flood, so many little girls live well in the countryside.
Why is your stick-terrier so squeamish?
Why can’t you come back? Don’t be alarmist, and Bangjie is not a young master…
Even the young master of the big family is going to the countryside now. This is our country’s policy.
No one can go against it. If we are all like you, why would our country still care?
Well, there is no way to help you in this matter. If Director Xu can help you, can he serve 30 years in prison for this matter?
Do you think he is stupid? If he could arrange work for your stick terrier, he would have arranged it long ago!
Now he has been sentenced to three+ years, just to sleep with you once?
You have to understand that it’s not that I don’t make arrangements for you, but that I can’t arrange them at all, and it’s the current situation of Bang Terrier.
Whoever comes, can’t arrange for you, and you didn’t just find me! ”
Hearing He Yuzhu’s words, Qin Huairu knew that what He Yuzhu said was right, and slumped on the ground.
Woo woo cried, and she was very sad.
He Yuzhu said:
“Okay, if you have this time, you might as well educate your remaining two children, the sticks are useless!”
After He Yuzhu finished speaking, Qin Huairu quit:
“It’s not because of you. If it weren’t for you, Bangjie wouldn’t be like this. If you were the same as before, you would help our family.
Bang Terrier will not steal from hunger, nor will he enter the juvenile detention center if he does not steal.
It won’t look like 0.6 now! ”
He Yuzhu said coldly:
“What? I still have a problem with the aid. If I knew at the time that your family were all white-eyed wolves, I should not have aided you. Let you starve to death. Now your family is alive and well, it’s fine if you don’t thank me. .
When you say something like this, are you still human? ”
Qin Huairu was stunned for a moment, how did she speak her mind, even though He Yuzhu didn’t care about herself now.
But if this word spreads, what will I do in the future? Now the rolling mill has no wages. The eldest, Yi Zhonghai, also went in, but the eldest mother would not help him.
If other people in the compound know this, what will I do in the future?
Qin Huairu continued to cry, and then weepingly said:
“Pillar, I’m sorry,I was wrong!
Chapter 604: Nan Yi, who was targeted by Qin Huairu [Subscribe]
He Yuzhu said:
〃You can say whatever you like, I won’t help you anyway, I don’t want me to pay so much, it’s not good at all! ”
Qin Huairu said:
“I’m wrong, so don’t blame me. If you don’t care about me, how will I live in the future?”
He Yuzhu said coldly:
“There are too many people I don’t care about, and everyone is living well, so you can’t live?

469 Chapter 469
How do people live? Well, you don’t have to think about whether I will help you.
In the future, even if your family starved to death, it has nothing to do with me.
As for whether you hate me or hate me, even if I were blind, He Yuzhu, for helping your family before.
I will help others in the future, and I will keep my eyes open!
Well, go back, grandma is old, but she can’t stand your toss! ”
If Qin Huairu is so easy to get rid of, then it is not Qin Huairu:
“Zhuzi, you are the director of the rolling mill, and everything in the rolling mill is what you say.
You arrange a job for Bang Terrier, and you can do any job. This is just a matter of your words! ”
He Yuzhu cruelly said:
“No! There’s no way to discuss this matter, and no one knows what’s going on with Bang Terri.
how? Just to arrange work for your family’s stick, but also to put me in?
Let me tell you, Qin Huairu, this is impossible. Even if you cry to death here today, I can’t do anything about it. ”
After speaking, He Yuzhu said to the old lady:
〃Grandma, let’s go, let’s go to the aunt’s house for dinner, let her wait here by herself! ”
After he finished speaking, he went to put shoes on the old lady, and then left with the old lady.
Seeing He Yuzhu who was leaving, Qin Huairu was very angry, she said so, He Yuzhu still treats him like this, does he have to die to be happy?
Seeing He Yuzhu go out with the old lady, Qin Huairu was very resentful, resenting the old lady’s right and wrong, resenting He Yuzhu’s ruthlessness.
He resents the society, resents the unfairness of his own name and fate.
Just when Qin Huairu hated the sky and the earth, He Yuzhu’s voice came over:
“You’d better not touch the things in my grandma’s house. You are an adult. If you let me know, I will definitely not let you go.
When you go to prison, your children will really be left alone! ”
Qin Huairu, who originally wanted to get the old lady’s food, did not expect that He Yuzhu would understand her thoughts so quickly.
If she didn’t leave, she was really thinking of the old lady’s food. After all, there was no aid from Yi Zhonghai.
Now Qin Huairu’s family has no food. Although he has some money, at this time, even if he has money, he can’t buy food.
Now grain is still so precious, and in many places, refined grains are exchanged for coarse grains.
Rarely do coarse grains exchange for fine grains, even the so-called big families are like this.
But after hearing He Yuzhu’s words, Qin Huairu’s heart was ashes.
If he steals by himself, according to He Yuzhu’s current temperament, he will not be used to himself at all.
He can send sticks in, let alone himself.
And this sentence should be him reminding himself that the old lady has food at home, let him steal it, and then he can call the police, so that no one will bother him when he goes in. As for the life and death of his own child, he would not care.
Thinking of this, Qin Huairu stood up and ran out:
“He Yuzhu, I didn’t take anything, and I won’t come here, don’t even think about it!”
After saying that, I ran away.
Looking at Qin Huairu who ran away, He Yuzhu was slightly taken aback:
“What’s the situation?”
But He Yuzhu ignored it. Since he left, he locked the door himself.
Thinking of this, He Yuzhu let go of the old lady, went back and locked the door, and then took the old lady to the front yard.
The old lady looked at Qin Huairu. The smart old lady knew what Qin Huairu was thinking, and did not persuade He Yuzhu.
You must know that before this, the old lady was the one who most wanted to have no contact with Qin Huairu. Now He Yuzhu doesn’t want to have any contact with Qin Huairu.
I wouldn’t be that villain myself.
The old lady smiled and followed He Yuzhu to the aunt’s house. She had just entered the aunt’s house.
The aunt hurriedly said:
“Oh, why did you come here, I’ll do it for you!”
He Yuzhu lightly explained what happened just now, and then said:
“That’s why I brought grandma to you for dinner!”
After the eldest mother heard this, she then said:
“Hey, what’s the trouble? Her family.????.”
Halfway through speaking, the eldest mother seemed to have thought of something, and then sighed:
“Forget it, stop talking, old lady, let’s eat!”
Then the three of them started to eat. After eating, He Yuzhu told the old lady what he had said to the aunt before.
Originally, I didn’t plan to go, but when I thought of such a big mansion, He Yuzhu and the others were just raw melon eggs. If something really happened to Mu Qingxue. Not to mention He Yuzhu, he couldn’t get through it himself.
So the old lady nodded:
“Okay, then we’ll clean up and go!”
He Yuzhu was very heartfelt and said with a smile on his face:
“Go, go and clean up now!”
557 After finishing packing, He Yuzhu and his aunt and old lady were about to leave, at this moment.
He Yuzhu looked atQin Huairu was pulling at another man.
– Aunt said:
“Isn’t that Master Nan?”
He Yuzhu took a look, let me go, is this a grudge against the cook?
If you can’t suck yourself, you go to suck Nan Yi.
But He Yuzhu knows that Liang Ladi is not a fuel-efficient lamp.
This Qin Huairu has found the wrong person. Let alone what happened to Nan Yi and Qin Huairu, even if what happened to Qin Huairu, Liang Ladi would not care. You must know that the first Nan Yi liked Ding Qiunan, but Liang Ladi grabbed it abruptly.
Now Liang Ladi is married to Nan Yi, not to mention that Qin Huairu is currently in the ring and cannot have children.
Even if you can give Difficult to conceive one, Liang Ladi will not give up. After all, Liang Ladi has four children herself.
And Nan Yi is very kind to these four children.
He Yuzhu said:
“It’s okay, let’s go!”
Just when He Yuzhu was about to leave, Nan Yi broke free from Qin Huairu and ran over:
“Director He, Director He, wait a minute!”
He Yuzhu stood there, looked at Nan Yi, and asked:
“What’s the matter? Master Nan, is there something wrong?”
Chapter 605: Suggestions from Nan Yi [Subscribe]
Nan Yi ran over to He Yuzhu and said:
“Director He, hello, I’m Nan Yi from the machine repair shop. I heard that the rolling mill is still in operation!”
He Yuzhu nodded:
“That’s right, I’m still working, but I only care about food and I don’t have any money. What’s wrong?”
Nan Yi asked embarrassedly:
“Look, our machine repair shop is also closed now, and your rolling mill still lacks cooks, so I want to work at your place.
I don’t need wages, just give me something to eat. I am now married to a widow with four children, and one of them is broken.
This is really.????.”
After speaking, he bowed his head in embarrassment. Nan Yi knew that he was going too far, but for his children, wife, and those four children, Nan Yi really had no choice. So I came here to find He Yuzhu, He Yuzhu said:
“Yes, yes, after all, the rolling mill still manages the rice, but if you pretend to earn your family’s rations.
You still have a lot of labor. Are you sure you want to go? ”
Nan Yi nodded:
If you don’t go, you can’t do it. If you want to become a black soldier now, otherwise, there will be no other place to earn food.
Moreover, in the current situation, food is the hard currency, and money or something is worthless.
He Yuzhu said:
“Cheng, you go to the rolling mill to find me tomorrow, and I’ll make arrangements for you!”
Just as He Yuzhu finished speaking, Qin Huairu stopped He Yuzhu:
“He Yuzhu, why do you arrange a job for him, not for our stick!”
He Yuzhu said lightly:
“First, Nan Yi has never been in prison.
Second, Nan Yi is a cook.
Third, Nan Yi is still an adult!
What’s wrong? Which one is your stick terrier? Don’t make arrangements for your stick terrier, if your stick terrier doesn’t have any problems.
Director Xu of the Grain Station has already arranged for you, why can’t you arrange it, don’t you know it yourself?
Why, in order to arrange work for your stickman, you have to put yourself in.
As long as your gang terrier goes to work, just come out and report it. As long as the report is successful, the person who arranged the job for your gang terrier will definitely be pulled out to shoot. Do you know that Director Xu would rather go to jail than arrange for your family’s stick?
The situation of your family’s stick terrier is now arranged for work. If it is found, it will be the death penalty.
But if it’s anything else, there’s still a chance, it’s at least still alive in prison.”
Hearing He Yuzhu’s words, Nan Yi glanced at Qin Huairu unexpectedly, and then said:
“I also heard a little about you, like the situation of your stickman, or you should join the army.
Or go to the countryside. Now that the army is fighting, it is very simple to be a soldier.
As long as he has made meritorious service in the army, then the previous matter will be written off.
My family’s Da Mao was also put in a juvenile detention center for stealing pig tails, but now he is going to be a soldier.
As for the others, there is really no way, even if there is a little way, I will not let Da Mao join the army! ”
Hearing Nan Yi’s words, Qin Huairu quit:
“When you are a soldier, you put it nicely. In normal times, when you are a soldier, you go to be a soldier. Now, what’s the situation? It’s a war, and people are going to die.
Once my stick terrier is unlucky, what should I do then, are you responsible? ”
Looking at the aggressive Qin Huairu, Nan Yi said:
“What does this have to do with me, love or not!”
Then Nan Yi said to He Yuzhu:
“Director He, then thank you, I’ll find you tomorrow!”
He Yuzhu nodded:
“Come on, I see, go and do your own thing!”
Nan Yi glanced at Qin Huairu, then went back to tell his daughter-in-law the good news.

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